Mar 25
PODCAST: The Surprising Link Between Creativity and Self-Indulgence
In the first episode the Research Reverb podcast, Gies Professor Jack Goncalo suggests that engaging in creative tasks can trigger a "treat-yourself" mentality, leading to indulgent behaviors such as overeating, drinking more alcohol, or skipping workouts.

Mar 10
Study: Division memberships guide where employees make extra effort
A recent Gies Business study underscores the importance of understanding where employees derive their strongest sense of identity. Do they see themselves more as a member of their specific division or more as a member of the bigger organization?

Mar 03
Solving the hidden cost of constant connectivity at work
Modern workplaces thrive on collaboration, but that collaboration comes at a hidden cost: relational overload. As teams become increasingly interconnected, employees aren’t just juggling tasks – they’re juggling people.