Increasingly, IT and business executives talk about information as one of their most important assets. But few behave as if it is. Executives report to the board on the health of their workforce, their financials, their customers, and their partnerships, but rarely the health of their information assets.
Join us for this virtual session, led by Mr. Douglas Laney, as he shares insights from his best-selling book, Infonomics, about how organizations can actually treat information as an actual enterprise asset. He will discuss why information both is and isn’t an asset and property, and what this means to organizations themselves and the investment community. And he will cover the issues of information ownership, rights, and privileges, along with alternative data challenges and opportunities, and his set of generally accepted information principles culled from other asset management disciplines.
Douglas Laney is an adjunct clinical assistant professor of accountancy at the University of Illinois Gies College of Business. He teaches an MBA course on Infonomics. This course along with others including an Introduction to Business Analytics, and a capstone course are all also available on Coursera. He also is on the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University where he teaches executive courses in data monetization and data & analytics maturity, and he is co-chair of the annual MIT Chief Data Officer Symposium. He also is the Data & Analytics Strategy Innovation Fellow at the digital services consultancy West Monroe where he consults to business, data, and analytics leaders on realizing new value streams from their data assets. He originated the field of infonomics and authored the best-selling book, “Infonomics: How to Monetize, Manage, and Measure Information as an Asset for Competitive Advantage.” And his new book “Data Juice: 101 Real-World Stories of Organizations Squeezing Value from Data” has just been published
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