Yafei Guo

Yafei Guo

PhD Student in Business Administration

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Educational Background

  • Master of Education, Personality and Social Psychology, Beijing Normal University, 2017
  • Bachelor of Laws, International Relations and Diplomacy, Beijing Foreign Studies University, 2013

Recent Publications

  • Torelli, C., Cho, H., & Guo, Y. (2022). Women’s Attitudes Toward Sexual Objectification in Brands: A Political Ideology Perspective. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7 (3).  link >
  • Cho, H., Guo, Y., & Torelli, C. (2021). Collectivism Fosters Preventive Behaviors to Contain the Spread of COVID-19: Implications for Social Marketing in Public Health. Psychology & Marketing.  link >

Teaching Interests

International Marketing, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior

Research Interests

Yafei’s research mainly focuses on how to leverage consumer identity (e.g., religion and political ideology) to address societally relevant issues, including sustainability, social activism, healthcare, and information privacy.

How do religious beliefs (e.g., punitive and benevolent God) influence preventive healthcare behaviors and sustainable behaviors? How do religious identity and other consumer identities jointly impact charitable behaviors? How does companies’ stance on controversial religious and political issues affect consumer responses?

Current Courses

  • International Marketing (BADM 382) Analyzes marketing strategy across national boundaries, the problems of marketing within foreign countries, and the coordination of global marketing programs. Includes problems faced by the exporter, licensor, joint venture, and multinational firm. The full range of market activities are discussed from a global perspective.


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