Xin Wang

Xin Wang

PhD Student in Business Administration

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210 CC Irwin Hall

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Educational Background

  • M.S., Business Management, Nanjing University, 2019
  • B.S., Business Administration, Nanjing University, 2016

Recent Publications

Other Publications

Conference Proceedings

  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. Forthcoming. Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A strategic Alignment. Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Academy of Management.


  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. Forthcoming. Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A Strategic Alignment. 84th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. (2024). Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A Strategic Alignment. 2024 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.

Current Courses

  • Business Policy and Strategy (BADM 449) Analysis of policy formulation and implementation from a company-wide standpoint; emphasis on integration of knowledge and approaches across functional areas; both endogeneous and exogeneous factors which affect company policies; and the role of the firm in society.


210 CC Irwin Hall

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