Nerissa Brown
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Professor of Accountancy and Chief Learning Innovation Officer and Josef and Margot Lakonishok Faculty Fellow and PwC Faculty Fellow
3019 I Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Accounting, University of Maryland, 2005
- M.S., Accounting, University of the West Indies, 1998
- B.S., Accounting, University of the West Indies, 1996
Positions Held
- Chief Learning Innovation Officer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
- Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- Academic Director for the BSA/MAS Program in Accountancy, Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019-2022
- Associate Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2022
- Academic Fellow, Office of the Chief Accountant, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, 2017-2018
- Associate Professor, University of Delaware, 2014-2018
- Assistant Professor, Georgia State University, 2010-2014
- Assistant Professor, University of Southern California, 2005-2010
Recent Publications
- Brown, N., Huffman, A., & Cohen, S. (2023). Accounting Reporting Complexity and Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure. The Accounting Review, 98 (6), 37-71. link >
- Brown, N., Gale, B., & Grant, S. (2022). How do disclosure repetition and interactivity influence investors’ judgments? Journal of Accounting Research, 60 (5), 1775-1811. link >
- Brown, N., Smith, J., White, R., & Zutter, C. (2021). Political corruption and firm value in the U.S.: Do rents and monitoring matter? Journal of Business Ethics, 168 (2), 335-351. link >
- Brown, N. (2020). Going public: The benefits and pitfalls of non-GAAP metrics. Revista de Educação e Pesquisa em Contabilidade (REPeC), 14 (2), 145-157.
Other Publications
- Brown, N., Elliott, W., & Crowley, R. (2020). What are you saying? Using topic to detect financial misreporting. Journal of Accounting Research, 58 (1), 237-291. link >
- Brown, N., Stice, H., & White, R. (2015). Mobile communication and local information flow: Evidence from distracted driving laws. Journal of Accounting Research, 53 (2), 275-329.
- Brown, N., & Christensen, T. (2014). The quality of street cash flow from operations. Review of Accounting Studies, 19 (2), 913-954.
- Brown, N., Pott, C., & Wompener, A. (2014). The effect of internal control and risk management regulation on earnings quality: Evidence from Germany. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 33 (1), 1-31.
- Brown, N., Wei, K., & Wermers, R. (2014). Analyst recommendations, mutual fund herding, and overreaction in stock prices. Management Science, 60 (1), 1-20.
- Brown, N., Christensen, T., & Elliott, W. (2012). The timing of quarterly 'pro forma' earnings announcements. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 39 (3/4), 315-359.
- Brown, N., Christensen, T., Elliott, W., & Mergenthaler, R. (2012). Investor sentiment and pro forma earnings disclosures. Journal of Accounting Research, 50 (1), 1-40.
- Brown, N., & Kimbrough, M. (2011). Intangible investment and the importance of firm-specific factors in the determination of earnings. Review of Accounting Studies, 16 (3), 539-573.
- Brown, N. (2004). Review of Management Accounting in the Digital Economy. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 23 305-313.
Book Chapters
- Brown, N., & Kiatapiwat, W., S. Loeb, E. Braase (Ed.) (2002). Expansion and growth: 1957-1971. Our Past, Our Future-100 Years of CPAs in Maryland: Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., 1901-2001.
Honors and Awards
- Josef and Margot Lakonishok Faculty Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Faculty Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 to present
- Honored Guest Award, The PhD Project's Accounting Doctoral Students Association, 2023
- Lester H. McKeever Jr. Outstanding Leader in Advancing Diversity Award, Illinois CPA Society, 2022
- Dean's Impact Award, Gies College of Business, 2020-2021
- R.C. Evans Disruption Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Gies College of Business, 2019-2021
- Gies Research Funding Award, Gies College of Business, 2021 to present
- Editor, The Accounting Review, 2023 to present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Financial Reporting, 2021 to present
- Editorial Board Member, Accounting Horizons, 2021 to present
- Guest Editor, Journal of Financial Reporting, 2021 to present
- Editor, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 2020 to present
- Member, American Accounting Association Nominations Committee, 2022-2023
- Editorial Board Member, The Accounting Review, 2020-2023
- Member, American Accounting Association Financial Reporting Policy Committee, 2019-2022
- Awards Committee Chair, AAA Diversity Section, American Accounting Association, 2020-2021
Teaching Interests
Financial Accounting
Research Interests
My research interests include: (1) the determinants and capital market consequences of corporate financial reporting; (2) managers' strategic disclosure of and investors' response to non-GAAP financial metrics; and (3) the role of behavioral biases in the dissemination and use of financial information in capital markets.
Current Courses
Financial Statement Analysis (ACCY 517) Examines the tools and techniques of financial statement analysis and company valuation from the perspective of investors and creditors; emphasizes theoretical and empirical properties of financial ratios as well as valuation methods used in practice.
Adv Prof Internship in ACCY (ACCY 590) A formalized learning experience in combination with practice of accounting while engaged in an internship with a public accounting firm, business, or other off-campus organization; prior approval of learning plan and a summary report of learning experience required.
Special Research Problems (ACCY 593) Individual investigations or research projects selected by the students, subject to approval by the graduate adviser and the executive officer of the Department.
3019 I Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820