Hayden Noel
Clinical Associate Professor of Business Administration and Gies Case Development Coordinator and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Facilitator
Hayden Noel is a clinical associate professor of business administration. He began his career at the University of Illinois in 2007 as a visiting assistant professor before serving from 2009-2015 as an assistant professor and from 2015-2019 as a clinical assistant professor. He was named clinical associate professor in 2019. His research interests include consumer information processing and memory. Noel has been on the List of Professors Ranked as Excellent for 10 years, was named Executive MBA Program Professor of the Year in 2016, received the Professional MBA Teaching Excellence Award in 2017, and was named iMBA Professor of the Year in 2019. He earned his PhD in marketing from the University of Florida in 2002. He currently serves as the Director of Residential MBA Programs and Academic Director of iDegrees.
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Marketing, University of Florida, 2002
Positions Held
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Facilitator, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Gies Case Development Coordinator, Online Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Academic Director of iDegrees, Online Programs, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2020-2023
- Director of Residential MBA Programs, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019-2021
- Clinical Associate Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019 to present
- Academic Director of Residential MBA Programs, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015-2019
- Clinical Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015-2019
- Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009-2015
- Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007-2009
- Assistant Professor, Baruch College, City University of New York, 2003-2007
- Lecturer, University of Florida, 2000-2002
- Advertising Account Executive, Bozell Worldwide, Inc, 1993-1997
Recent Publications
- LaTour, K., & Noel, H. (2021). Self-directed Learning Online: An Opportunity to Binge. Journal of Marketing Education, Sage Journals, 43 (2), 174-188. link >
- Noel, H., & Riemer, H. (2021). The effect of emotionally-arousing ad appeals on memory: Time and fit matter. International Journal of Advertising, Taylor & Francis Online, 39 (7), 42 pages. link >
Other Publications
- Noel, H., & LaTour, K. (2017). The Impact of Repetition and Spacing on Memory for Advertising. Business and Management Review, 9 (2).
- Noel, H., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2015). The Devil is in the Details: When Holistic Thinkers React Negatively to Incongruent Information. Contemporary Management Research, 11 (1), 23-32. link >
- Noel, H., & Arias, R. (2015). Do Spacing and Valence Influence Brand Evaluations? Business and Management Review, 6 (4).
- Noel, H., & Vallen, B. (2009). The Spacing Effect in Marketing: A review of extant findings and directions for future research. Psychology & Marketing, 26 (11), 951-969.
- Noel, H., Sawyer, A., & Janiszewski, C. (2009). The Spacing Effects of Multiple Exposures on Memory: Implications for Advertising Scheduling. Journal of Advertising Research, 49 (2), 193-198.
- Noel, H. (2006). Spacing of Marketing Stimuli. Human Resource Management, 10 (2), 128-144.
- Noel, H. (2006). The Spacing Effect: Enhancing Memory for Marketing Stimuli. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (3), 306-320.
- Noel, H., Sawyer, A., & Janiszewski, C. (2003). A Meta-Analysis of the Spacing Effect in Verbal Learning: Implications for Research on Advertising Repetition and Consumer Memory. Journal of Consumer Research, 30 (1), 138-149.
Books and Monographs
- Noel, H. (2009). Marketing Basics-Consumer Behavior. ( pp. 179). West Sussex, UK: AVA Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
- Noel, H. Forthcoming. The Impact of Spacing and Valence on Brand Evaluations. Society for Marketing Advances.
- Noel, H., & Guillory, D. (2023). Effective Online Teaching. 28th Annual Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference.
- Noel, H., & Guillory, D. (2023). Effective Online Teaching. Marketing Management Association Fall Conference.
- Noel, H. (2021). Effective Case Teaching. Teaching Effectiveness, Mona School of Business Management, University of the West Indies, Mona.
- Noel, H. (2020). The 3C's of Engagement in Online Teaching. 21st Century Teaching and Learning in Trinidad & Tobago, The Ministry of Education of Trinidad & Tobago.
- Noel, H. (2020). Engaging Students in the Age of COVID. Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century, The Education Collaborative.
- Noel, H. (2019). Effective Teaching in an Online Environment. Affordable Degrees at Scale Symposium, Georgia Tech University.
- Noel, H., & LaTour, K. (2018). The Role of Reconstruction Theory in Memory for Advertising. Society for Marketing Advances Fall Conference.
- Noel, H., & Riemer, H. (2018). The Impact of Ad Arousal on Memory: Does Relevance matter? Academy of Business and Retail Management International Academic Conference.
- Noel, H. (2018). Case Method Instruction: Design and Assessment. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference.
- Noel, H. (2017). The Impact of Spacing and Valence on Brand Evaluations. Society for Marketing Advances.
- Noel, H. (2017). The Impact of Spacing on Memory and Evaluation of Marketing Stimuli (Best Presenter-Consumer Behavior Track). Academy of Business and Retail Management International Academic Conference.
- Noel, H. (2017). Planning and Conducting Effective Experimental Research. Midwest Academy of Management.
- Noel, H. (2017). Advances in Online Marketing Education: The Case Method in an Online Environment. Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference.
- Noel, H., & Arias, R. (2015). How ya like me now? How Spacing and Valence influence Brand Evaluations. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Noel, H. (2015). Spacing and Affective Response. Academy of Business and Retail Management International Academic Conference.
- Noel, H., & Arias, R. (2015). Do Spacing and Valence influence Brand Evaluations? Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Noel, H., & Riemer, H. (2014). The Effect of Ad Arousal on Memory. Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Noel, H., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2014). Holistic Thinkers and New Product Information. International Conference on Marketing Studies.
- Noel, H., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2011). Does it Sound Familiar? The Effects of Thinking Style on Judgment of New Products. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Noel, H., & LaTour, K. (2010). Reconstruction Theory in Advertising. European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Noel, H., & Riemer, H. (2010). The Effect of Ad-Elicited Arousal on Consumer's Memory. International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA.
- Noel, H. (2009). The Spacing Effect in Marketing. Invited Seminar.
- Noel, H., & LaTour, K. (2009). Reconstruction Theory: Towards an Understanding of how Media Scheduling Influences Memory for Advertising. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Noel, H., Sawyer, A., & Janiszewski, C. (2008). The Spacing Effects of Multiple Exposures on Memory and its impact on Advertising Practice. Wharton Conference on Empirical Generalizations in Advertising.
- Noel, H., & Vallen, B. (2004). The Effectiveness of Anti-Drug Advertising: A Review and Meta-Analysis. Yale Conference for Practitioner-Academic Collaboration.
Working Papers
- Noel, H., & LaTour, K. Reconstruction Theory: Towards an Understanding of how Media Scheduling impacts Memory.
- Noel, H., & Riemer, H. The Effect of Ad-arousal on Memory: Time and Relevance matter.
- Noel, H., & Vallen, B. The Spacing Effect in Free Recall: The Impact of Retention Interval.
Honors and Awards
- List of Professors Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois, 2007-2024
- Outstanding Article of the Year for 2021 - "Self-Directed Learning Online: An Opportunity to Binge", Journal of Marketing Education, 2021
- Department of Business Administration Junior Faculty Research Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013-2014,2014-2015
- The Effect of Ad Elicited Arousal on Consumer's Memory, Israel Science Foundation (ISF), 2010-2011
Teaching Interests
Marketing Management; Consumer Behavior
Research Interests
Consumer Information Processing; Memory
Current Courses
Consumer Behavior (BADM 325) Studies the factors affecting customer behavior in household and organizational markets and their relevance for marketing management planning and analysis; provides an overview of explanations of consumption differences anchored in socioeconomic, demographic, cultural, and psychological processes; and surveys buyer decision-making processes and their implications for marketing strategy.
Brand Management (BADM 330) Brand Management is an advanced Marketing elective that addresses the key issues of brand asset management faced by firms in the 21st century. Class discussions will focus on providing theoretical tools for uncovering and understanding the associations that consumers establish with their brands, for predicting the effects of these associations on brand-related judgments and behaviors, and for devising strategies for building strong brands
Marketing Management (BADM 520) Introduces concepts useful in understanding marketing systems and buyer behavior in addition to developing skills in making marketing decisions; the orientation is primarily managerial and uses examples from both business and non-business contexts.