Nov 22, 2016
Deans’ Classroom Dedication
On October 29, 2016, a ceremony was held in the Business Instructional Facility Commons to dedicate a new classroom that honors the legacy of former deans of the College of Business.
During the dedication ceremony for the Deans' Classroom, participants described key accomplishments of previous deans of the College of Business.
Funds to endow this classroom were provided by the Dean’s Business Council (DBC). The DBC is made up of loyal alumni and friends who provide feedback and advice to the Dean and to the College. Sue Fish, Chair of the DBC and the master of ceremonies for the dedication ceremony said, “The members of the Council share a common enthusiasm for the College of Business. We look upon the College with enthusiasm and gratitude. Fondness for the friends we made and the knowledge we gained. Gratitude for the path to success that this College helped us each establish.”
In his welcoming remarks on behalf of the College, Dean Jeffrey R. Brown quoted Isaac Newton: “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Brown went on, “Our College thrives today because of the vision, hard work, and dedication of those giants who have preceded us. We are gathered here today to honor the continuing legacy of those giants of our College who have enabled us all to see further and to dream bigger and to accomplish more than we would have been able to were it not for these individuals.”
The nine deans recognized during the ceremony were Charles M. Thompson (1919–1942), Howard Bowen (1947–1950), Paul M. Green (1952–1967), Joseph McGuire (1968–1971), Vernon Zimmerman (1971–1985), John Hogan (1986–1991), Howard Thomas (1991–2000), Avijit Ghosh (2001–2007), and Larry DeBrock (2007–2015).
“This college has been fortunate to gain from a talented pool of exceptional individuals who have taken it upon themselves to lead this College—always with their look towards the future,” said Brown. “We are the beneficiaries of their vision. We are the heirs of their dedication. We are the future that they spent their careers preparing for.”
Fish and Brown were joined by Thomas, Ghosh, and DeBrock, three former deans who attended the ceremony, to cut the ribbon for the newly dedicated room, which is located in 2001 BIF. A reception followed the ceremony.