Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Capital Markets Conference
19 - 21 May, 2021
Online, by kind courtesy of the Gies School of Business, University of Illinois
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All times below in British Summer Time (BST)
12:00 - 12:15 BST
Opening remarks
12:15 - 13:20 BST
Session 1
Session Chair: Steven Young (Lancaster University)
Are retail investors really passive? Shareholder activism in the digital age
Bilal Hafeez* (Massey University); M. Humayun Kabir (Massey University); and Udomsak Wongchoti, (Massey University)
Discussant: Wei Zhu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
13:25 - 14:30 BST
Session 2
Session Chair: Cathy Shakespeare (University of Michigan)Through the eyes of the founder: CEO characteristics and firms' regulatory filings
Brad Hendricks* (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Mark Lang (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); and Ken Merkley (Indiana University at Bloomington)
Discussant: Madeline Thompson (University of Michigan)
14:30 - 15:30 BST
Social Hour
Zoom Breakout Rooms will be launched
Thursday, 20 May
12:00 - 13:05 BST
Session 3
Session Chair: Brian Rountree (Rice University)
What’s my style? Supply-side determinants of debt covenant inclusion
Zhiming Ma (Peking University); Derrald Stice* (University of Hong Kong); and Chris Williams (University of Michigan)
Discussant: Anywhere “Siko” Sikochi (Harvard Business School)
13:10 - 14:15 BST
Session 4
Session Chair: Annita Florou (Bocconi University)
Antecedents of and outcomes after finance committee use
Sudipta Basu (Temple University) and Eunju Lee* (Temple University)
Discussant: Deonette Lambert (University of Oklahoma)
14:15 - 14:30 BST
14:30 - 15:35 BST
Session 5
Session Chair: Anne Wyatt (Deakin University)
Valuation and growth
James A Ohlson* (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Discussant: Zhan Ghao (Lancaster University)
15:40 - 16:40 BST
Social Hour
Zoom Breakout Rooms will be launched
Friday, 21 May
13:10 - 14:15 BST
Session 6
Session Chair: Ane Tamayo (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Accruals earnings management proxies: Prudent business decisions or earnings manipulation?
Ted Christensen (University of Georgia); Adrienna Huffman (Brattle Group, Inc.); Melissa Lewis-Western* (Brigham Young University); and Rachel Scott (University of Georgia)
Discussant: Rachel Flam (Texas A&M University)
14:20 - 15:25 BST
Session 7
Session Chair: Nerissa Brown (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Disagreement about the past: An empirical assessment of bank analysts’ non-GAAP earnings measures
Mark Clatworthy* (University of Bristol); Tuan Ho (University of Bristol); and Jude Zhu (University of Bristol)
Discussant: Patrick Ryu (Alliance Manchester Business School)
15:25 - 15:35 BST
Closing Remarks
15:40 - 16:40 BST
Social Hour
Zoom Breakout Rooms will be launched
*Presenting Author
Each session will allow the presenter 40 minutes, the discussant 10 minutes, and 10 minutes for Q&A