Four Gies students sit around a table, working in collaboration

Gies News and Events

The changing face of online education

Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is continually developing online programs that make advanced business education more efficient, flexible, and impactful than ever.

Investiture of Carlos J. Torelli

Investiture of Carlos J. Torelli as the Anthony J. Petullo Professor in Business Administration 

Friday, September 23 | 3-5 pm 

Deloitte Auditorium | Business Instructional Facility 
515 East Gregory Drive 
Champaign, Illinois

Reception to follow.

Register to attend

The ceremony will also be livestreamed for those who are unable to attend in person. 

We will follow the University of Illinois COVID guidelines at this event. Additional details will be communicated as the event approaches.