2037 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley, 1975
- B. Sc., Santa Clara University, 1971
Positions Held
- Lecturer of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010-2011
- Visiting Zimmerman Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009-2010
- Visiting Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005-2009
- Professor of Accounting, University of Waterloo, 2004-2006
- Walter B. Cole Professor of Accounting, Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, 2000-2004
- Visiting Professor, Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University, 1994-1995
- Visiting Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, 1989-1991
- Price Waterhouse Visiting Professor, School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1988-1989
- Visiting Scholar, School of Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1987
- Associate Professor of Accounting, Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, 1985-2000
- Audit Research Fellow, Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., 1983-1984
- Associate Professor of Accounting, University of Minnesota, 1981-1985
- Post-doctoral work in psychology, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, 1980-1981
- Assistant Professor of Accounting, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, 1974-1980
Recent Publications
- Chen, C., Hudgins, R., & Wright, W. (2022). The Effect of Advice Valence on the Perceived Credibility of Data Analytics. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 34 (2), 97-116. link >
- Wright, M., & Wright, W., Negrao, C.S.; Brito, J.F. (Ed.) (2021). Characteristics of Successful Securities Crowdfunding Campaigns in the United States. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Crowdfunding Platforms Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. link >
Other Publications
- Wright, W. (2016). Client Business Models, Process Business Risks and the Risk of Material Misstatement of Revenue. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 48 43-55.
- Wright, W., & Trotman, K. (2012). Triangulation of Audit Evidence in Fraud Risk Assessments. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37 41-53.
- McKnight, C., & Wright, W. (2011). Characteristics of Relatively High-Performance Auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 30 (1), 191-206.
- Wright, W., & Berger, L. (2011). Fraudulent Management Explanations and the Impact of Alternative Presentations of Client Business Evidence. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 30 (2), 153-171.
- Wright, W. (2007). Academic Instruction as a Deteriminant of Judgment Performance. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 19 247-259.
- Wright, W., Jindanuwat, N., & Todd, J. (2004). Computational Models as a Knowledge Management Tool: A Process Model of the Critical Judgments Made during Audit Planning. Journal of Information Systems, 18-1 67-94.
- Wright, W., & Smith, R. (2004). Determinants of Customer Loyalty and Financial Performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 16 (1), 183-205.
- Wright, W. (2001). Task Experience as a Predictor of Superior Loan Loss Judgments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 147-155.
- Wright, W., & Ho, J. (1999). Use of Analytical Procedures and Information Search Given Consistent and Inconsistent Evidence Contexts. International Journal of Management Theory and Practice, 1 (1).
- Wright, W., Smith, R., Jesser, R., & Stupeck, M. (1999). Information Technology, Process Reengineering and Performance Measurement: A Balance Scorecard Analysis of Compaq Corporation. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 1 (8).
- Wright, W., & Willingham, J. (1997). A Computational Model of Loan Loss Judgments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 99-113.
- Wright, W. (1995). Superior Audit Judgments Given Graphical Displays. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 144-154.
- Wright, W., & Bower, G. (1992). Mood Effects on Subjective Probability Assessment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
- Wright, W., & Anderson, U. (1989). Effects of Situation Familiarity and Financial Incentives on Use of the Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic for Probability Assessment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
- Wright, W. (1989). The Usefulness of Graphics Displays for Decision Making. Advances in Social Science and Computers, 129-143.
- Wright, W., & Anderson, U. (1988). Expertise and the Explanation Effect. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 42 250-269.
- Wright, W. (1988). Empirical Comparison of Subjective Probability Elicitation Methods. Contemporary Accounting Research, 5(1) 47-57.
- Wright, W., & Wong, K. (1988). Effects of Extrinsic Incentives on the Quality of Frequency Assessments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 41 143-152.
- Wright, W., & Willingham, J. (1985). Financial Statement Errors and Internal Control Judgments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 57-69.
- Wright, W. (1982). Comparison of the Lens and Subjective Probability Paradigms for Financial Research Purposes. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 7 (1), 65-75.
- Wright, W., & Hamilton, R. (1982). Internal Control Judgments: Effects of Experience. Journal of Accounting Research, 756-765.
- Wright, W. (1980). Cognitive Information Processing Biases: Implication for Producers and Users of Financial Information. Decision Sciences, 284-298.
- Wright, W. (1980). The Lens Model Applied to the Study of Financial Information Processing. New Directions for Methodology of Social and Behavioral Science.
- Wright, W., Beaver, W., & Clarke, R. (1979). The Association between Unsystematic Security Returns and The Magnitude of Earnings Forecast Errors. Journal of Accounting Research, 316-340.
- Wright, W. (1979). Accuracy of Subjective Probabilities for a Financial Variable. Behavioral Experiments in Accounting II.
- Wright, W. (1979). Properites of Judgment Models in a Financial Setting. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 73-85.
- Wright, W. (1977). An Empirical Investigation of the Professional Socialization of Accounting Students. International Journal of Accounting Education and Research, 13 (1).
- Wright, W. (1977). Financial Information Processing Models: An Empirical Study. The Accounting Review, 676-689.
- Wright, W. (1977). Self-Insight Into the Cognitive Processing of Financial Information. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 2 (4).
- Wright, W., & Eskew, R. (1976). An Empirical Analysis of Differential Capital Market Reactions to Extraordinary Accounting Items. Journal of Finance, 651-674.
Book Chapters
- Wright, W., Kenneth R. Ferris (Ed.) (1988). Audit Judgment Consensus and Experience. Behavioral Accounting Research: A Critical Analysis ( pp. 305-328). Publishing Horizons, Inc.
- Wright, W., Ashton, R., Barrett, M., Elliott, R., Libby, R., & Vasarhelyi, M. (1977). Report of the 1976-1977 American Accounting Association Committee on Human Information Processing. Amercian Accounting Association.
Books and Monographs
- Trotman, K., Gramling, A., Johnstone, K., Kaplan, S., Mayhew, B., & Wright, W. (2000). Tweny Five Years of Audit Research.
Conference Proceedings
- Wight, M., & Wright, W. (2020). Characteristics of Successful Security-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Crowd Funding Platforms ( pp. 163-197). American Accounting Association, Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global. link >
- Wright, W. (1983). An Empirical Test of a Bayesian Decision Support Procedure in a Financial Context". Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Information Systems.
- Wright, W., & Anderson, U. (1982). Anchoring and Context Familiarity Effects on Subjective Probability Assessments". Collected Abstracts of the American Accounting Association's Annual Meeting.
- Wright, W. (1979). Citizen Participation in Public Decisions: A Comprehensive Policy-Capturing Approach". IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Society.
Instructional Material
- Gramling, A., Johnstone, K., Kaplan, S., Mayhew, B., Schwartz, R., Trotman, K., & Wright, W. (2000). Twenty Five Years of Audit Research. American Accounting Association, Auditing Section.
Other Publications
- Wright, W. (1993). Discussion of "A Cognitive Characterization of Audit Analysitcal Review," Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Supplement, pp. 79-81.
- Wright, W. (1984). "Expert System Research in Auditing" (discussant comments) in Decision Making and Accounting: Current Research, edited by S. Moriarity and E. Joyce, University of Oklahoma, pp. 207-213.
- Wright, W. (1983). "Discussion of Auditor Error Detection Performance" (discussant comments) in Symposium on Auditing Research V, J. J. Schultz , Jr. & C. E. Brown (Eds.) Center for International Education and Research.
- Wright, W. (1982). "Anchoring and Context Familiarity Effects on Subjective Probability Assessments," co-authored with Urton Anderson, Collected Abstracts of the American Accounting Association's 1982 Annual Meeting, Am.
- Wright, W. (1976). "Discussion of Expert Judgment in Audit Program Planning" (discussant comments) in Studies on Human Information Processing in Accounting, Supplement to Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. 14, pp. 61-.
- Wright, M., & Wright, W. (2019). Characteristics of Successful Securities Crowdfunding Campaigns in the United States. American Accounting Association Annual Conference, San Francisco.
Working Papers
- Wright, W. Client Business Models, Business Risk and the Risk of Material Misstatement.
- Wright, W. Multi-Year Fraud Risk Assessment: Strategic Management Behaviors and Auditors' Use of Business Model Evidence.
- Wright, W., & Trotman, K. Triangulation of Audit Evidence in Fraud Risk Assessment.
- McHugh, M., & Wright, W. The Estimation and Value Relevance of Supplier Research and Development Spillover Effects".
Honors and Awards
- Zimmerman Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, 2011 to present
- Journal of Management Accounting Research Best Paper Award, American Accounting Association - Management Accounting Section, 2006, 2023
- KPMG LLP and University of Illinois Business Measurement Research Program, "Optimal Use of EBS Evidence for Fraud Assessment.", KPMG LLP, 2006
- Graduate School of Management Committee on Research 1998 Award, UCI, "Use of Information Technology to Improve Team Communication, Collaboration and Decision Making.", Graduate School of Management, University of California, Irvine, 1998-1999
- NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research program, CRITO, GSM-UCI, "Use of Information Technology to Acquire and Manage the Intellectual Capital of a Business Organization.", National Science Foundation, 1998-1999
- NSF Industry-University Cooperative Research program, CRITO, GSM-UCI, "The Benefits and Costs of Implementing Enterprise Software.", National Science Foundation, 1998
Teaching Interests
Auditing, including operational auditing. Management Accounting, particularly MBA courses. Financial Accounting, particularly MBA courses. Doctoral seminars on judgment and decision-making in accounting/auditing contexts
Research Interests
Audit judgments and decisions, with concentration on testing of theories of risk assessment, fraud detection and professional judgment. Judgment and decision making issues in managerial accounting contexts, especially performance evaluation and business process improvement. Empirical testing of systems of financial and non-financial performance measurements and the impact of intangilbe assests.
2037 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820