Sridhar Seshadri
Alan J. and Joyce D. Baltz Endowed Professor and Professor of Business Administration
Sridhar Seshadri is Alan J. and Joyce D. Baltz Endowed Professor and teaches business administration. He joined Illinois in 2018, and spends his research energies on stochastic modeling and applications in manufacturing, supply chain management, and revenue management. He was named a James F. Towey Faculty Fellow in 2018. Seshadri earned his Bachelor of Technology in mechanical engineering, with distinction, at the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras in 1978. From the Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad, he received a postgraduate diploma in management in 1980. He earned his PhD in management science in 1993 from the University of California at Berkeley.
319 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Management Science, University of California at Berkeley, 1993
- Postgrad Diploma, Management, Indian Institute of Management at Ahmedabad, 1980
- Bachelor of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (w/distinction), Indian Institute of Technology at Madras, 1978
Positions Held
- Health Innovation Professor, Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021 to present
- Area Chair of Information, Operations, Supply Chain, and Analytics (IOSA), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2022
- Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 to present
Recent Publications
- Devalkar, S., Janakiraman, ., & Seshadri, S. Forthcoming. A Bound on the Cost of a Simple Policy in a Dual Sourcing Inventory System. Operations Research Letters.
- Seshadri, S., Park, S., Park, S., & Lim, M. Forthcoming. Does High Operational Performance of a Foreign Affiliate Improve the Parent's Financial Performance? Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.
- Kapadia, K., Ruwali, S., Malav, T., Seshadri, S., Seidman, A., Press, D., & Kolachalama, V. Forthcoming. Enhancing Efficiency with an AI-Augmented Clinician in Neurology. Aging and Disease, 16 (5). link >
- Moshref Javadi, M., Seshadri, S., Mukherjee, U., & Sumkin, D. Forthcoming. Lessons from the Pandemic for Healthcare Operations. USA: NOW Publishers.
- Ahsen, M., Khandelwal, A., Subramanyam, R., Ivanov, A., Mukherjee, U., Sumkin, D., & Seshadri, S. Forthcoming. Leveraging Social Media for COVID-19 Response: Insights from a Data Competition.
- Bhandari, A., Sapra, A., Sastry, T., & Seshadri, S. Forthcoming. Optimal Processing and Trading for a Commodity in the Presence of Inventory Conversion Flexibility and Random Supply. Production and Operations Management.
- Osadchiy, N., Gaur, V., Seshadri, S., Subrahmaniam, M., & , . Forthcoming. Optimal Timing of Inventory Decisions with Price Uncertainty. Production and Operations Management.
- Giloni, A., Kotun, V., Hurvich, C., & Seshadri, S. Forthcoming. Pivot Clustering to Minimize Error in Forecasting Aggregated ARMA Demand. Stats.
Other Publications
- Osadchiy, N., Qiu, S., & Seshadri, S. (2024). Outsourcing as a Risk Management Mechanism for Domestic Manufacturing Capacity Investment. Foundations and Trends® in Technology, Information and Operations Management, NOW Publishers, 18 (1). link >
- Devalkar, S., & Seshadri, S. (2024). Managing Flexibility in Supply Chains: Mathematical Analysis of Dual Sourcing Systems. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 35 (4), 557-571. link >
- Seshadri, S., Sebastian, S., & Sriram, S. (2023). Scheduling Spots on Television. Operations Research.
- Lee, S., Park, S., & Seshadri, S. (2022). Variations of the Bullwhip Effect Across Foreign Subsidiaries. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 25 (1).
- Secomandi, N., & Seshadri, S. (2021). Introduction to the Focused Issue on the POM-Finance Interface in Commodity and Energy Markets. Production and Operations Management, 30 (12), 4566-4567.
- Ross, S., & Seshadri, S. (2021). An optimal stocking problem to minimize the expected time to sellout. Operations Research Letters, 49 (1), 69-75. link >
- Sohoni, M., & Seshadri, S. (2021). Introduction to the Special Issue on OR Models for Developmental Studies. Naval Research Logistics, 68 (8), 991-994.
- Pochiraju, B., Seshadri, S., Thomakos, D., & Nikolopoulos, K. (2020). Nonnegativity of a Quadratic Form with Applications to Panel Data Estimation, Forecasting and Optimization. Stats, 3 185-202.
- Chen, Y., Seshadri, S., & Sohoni, M. (2020). A demand partitioning framework to reserve production for small enterprises. Naval Research Logistics. link >
- Wu, Q., Muthuraman, K., & Seshadri, S. (2019). Effect of Financing Costs and Constraints on Real Investments: The Case of Inventories. Production and Operations Management, 28 (10), 2573-2593. link >
- Qi, W., Haksoz, C., Sak, H., & Seshadri, S. (2018). Optimization Under Supplier Portfolio Risk Considering Breach of Contract and Market Risks. Risk and Decision Analysis, Risk and Decision Analysis, 7 77-89. link >
- Devalkar, S., C. Ghosh and A. Mathias, ., & Seshadri, S. (2018). Data Science Applications in Indian Agriculture. Production and Operations Management, 27 (9), 1701-1708.
- Lee, S., Pak, S., & Seshadri, S. (2017). Plant location and inventory level decisions in global supply chains: Evidence from Korean firms. European Journal of Operational Research, 262 (1), 163-179.
- Janakiraman, G., & Seshadri, S. (2017). Value of costless returns in dual sourcing inventory systems. Production and Operations Management, 26 (2), 203-210.
- Park, S., Lai, G., & Seshadri, S. (2016). Inventory Sharing in the Presence of Commodity Markets. Production and Operations Management, 25 (7), 1245-1260.
- Chhatre, A., Devalkar, S., & Seshadri, S. (2016). Crop diversification and risk management in Indian agriculture. Decision, 43 (2), 167-179.
- Osadchiy, N., Gaur, V., & Seshadri, S. (2016). Systematic Risk in Supply Chain Networks. Management Science, 62 (6), 1755-1777.
- Park, S., Cachon, G., Lai, G., & Seshadri, S. (2015). Supply Chain Design and Carbon Penalty: Monopoly vs. Monopolistic Competition. Production and Operations Management, 24 (9), 1494-1508.
- Janakiraman, G., Seshadri, S., & Sheopori, A. (2015). Analysis of Tailored Base-Surge Policies in Dual Sourcing Inventory. Management Science, 61 (7), 1547-1561.
- Chen, W., Lai, Q., & Seshadri, S. (2015). Inventory-Based Dynamic Pricing with Costly Price Adjustment. Production and Operations Management, 24 (5), 732-749.
- Muthuraman, K., Seshadri, S., & Qi, W. (2015). Inventory Management with Stochastic Lead times. Mathematics of Operations Research, 40 (2), 302-327.
- Giloni, A., Hurvich, C., & Seshadri, S. (2014). Forecasting and information sharing in supply chains under ARMA demand. IIE Transactions, 46 (1), 35-54.
- Seshadri, S., & Qi, W. (2014). Production and Inventory Planning under Decreasing Absolute Risk Aversion: A Unified Approach for Sensitivity Analysis. Risk and Decision Analysis, 5 (1), 63-73.
- Gaur, V., Osadchiy, N., & Seshadri, S. (2013). Sales Forecasting with Financial Indicators and Experts' Input. Production and Operations Management, 22 (5), 1056-1076.
- Honhon, D., & Seshadri, S. (2013). Fixed vs. Random Proportions Demand Models for the Assortment Planning Problem Under Stockout-Based Substitution. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 15 (3), 378-386.
- Popescu, D., & Seshadri, S. (2013). Demand Uncertainty and Excess Supply in Commodity Contracting. Management Science, 59 (9), 2135-2152.
- Janakiraman, G., Park, S., Seshadri, S., & Qi, W. (2013). New results for the newsvendor and multi-period stochastic inventory problems. Operations Research Letters, 41 373-376.
- Saranga, H., Iyer, A., & Seshadri, S. (2013). Effect of Quality Management Systems and Total Quality Management on Productivity Before and After: Empirical Evidence from the Indian Auto Component Industry. Production and Operations Management, 22 (2), 283-301.
- Chen, W., Feng, Q., & Seshadri, S. (2012). Sourcing from Suppliers with Random Yield for Price-Dependent Demand. Annals of Operations Research, 208 (1), 557-579.
- Honhon, D., Gaur, V., & Seshadri, S. (2012). A Multi-Supplier Sourcing Problem with a Preference Ordering of Suppliers. Production and Operations Management, 21 (6), 1028-1041.
- Gaur, V., Subrahmaniam, M., & Seshadri, S. (2011). Securitization and Real Investment in Incomplete Markets. Management Science, 57 (12), 2180-2196.
- Jain, A., Sohoni, M., & Seshadri, S. (2011). Differential Pricing for Information Sharing under Competition. Production and Operations Management, 20 (2), 235-252.
- Janakiraman, G., & Seshadri, S. (2011). Parametric Concavity in Stochastic Dynamic Programs. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 61 (1), 98-102.
- Chaudhuri, A., Koudal, P., & Seshadri, S. (2010). Productivity and capital investments: An empirical study of three manufacturing industries in India. IIMB Management Review, 2 (3), 65-79.
- Honhon, D., Gaur, V., & Seshadri, S. (2010). Assortment Planning and Inventory Decisions Under Stockout-Based Substitution. Operations Research, 58 (5), 1364-1379.
- Sheopuri, A., Janakiraman, G., & Seshadri, S. (2010). New Policies for the Stochastic Inventory Control Problem with Two Supply Sources. Operations Research, 58 (3), 2010.
- Armony, M., Plambeck, E., & Seshadri, S. (2009). Sensitivity of Optimal Capacity to Customer Impatience in an Unobservable M/M/S Queue (Why You Shouldn't Shout at the DMV). Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11 (1), 19-32.
- Giloni, A., Seshadri, S., & Tucci, C. (2008). Neo-Rawlsian Fringes: A new approach to market segmentation and new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 25 (5), 491-507.
- Balakrishnan, K., Mohan, U., & Seshadri, S. (2008). Outsourcing of front-end business processes: Quality, information, and customer contact. Journal of Operations Management, 26 (2), 288-302.
- Chao, X., Seshadri, S., & Pinedo, M. (2008). Optimal capacity in a coordinated supply chain. Naval Research Logistics, 55 (2), 130-141.
- Chen, Y., Seshadri, S., & Zemel, E. (2008). Sourcing Through Auctions and Audits. Production and Operations Management, 17 (2), 1-18.
- Pekoz, E., Ross, S., & Seshadri, S. (2008). How nearly do arriving customers see time-average behavior? Journal of Applied Probability, 45 (4), 963-971.
- Balakrishnan, K., Iyer, A., Seshadri, S., & Sheopuri, A. (2007). Indian Auto Supply Chain at the cross-roads. Interfaces, 55 (5), 866-875.
- Chen, Y., & Seshadri, S. (2007). Product Development and Pricing Strategy for Information Goods Under Heterogeneous Outside Opportunities. Information Systems Research, 18 (2), 150-172.
- Haksoz, C., & Seshadri, S. (2007). Supply Chain Operations in the Presence of Spot Market: A Review with Discussion. Journal of Operational Research Society, 58 (11), 1412-1429.
- Honhon, D., & Seshadri, S. (2007). Admission control with incomplete information to a finite buffer. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 21 (1), 19-46.
- Janakiram, G., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (2007). A Comparison of the Optimal Costs of Two Canonical Inventory Systems. Operations Research, 55 (5), 866-875.
- Lippman, S., Ross, S., & Seshadri, S. (2007). A Weakest Link Marked Stopping Problem. Journal of Applied Probability, 44 (4), 843-851.
- Chen, Y., & Seshadri, S. (2006). Supply Chain Structure and Demand Risk. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 42 (8), 1291-1299.
- Giloni, A., Seshadri, S., & Simonoff, J. (2006). Robust Analysis of Variance: Process Design and Quality Improvement. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 1 (3).
- Gaur, V., & Seshadri, S. (2005). Hedging Inventory Risk Through Market Instruments. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 7 (2), 103-120.
- Gaur, V., Giloni, A., & Seshadri, S. (2005). Information Sharing in a Supply Chain Under ARMA Demand. Management Science, 51 (6), 961-969.
- Seshadri, S., & Subrahmanyam, M. (2005). Introduction to the Special Issue of Risk Management in Operations. Production and Operations Management, 14 1-4.
- Agrawal, V., Chao, X., & Seshadri, S. (2004). Dynamic Balancing of Inventories in Supply Chains. European Journal of Operational Research, 159 296-317.
- Hakzos, C., & Seshadri, S. (2004). Monotone forecasts. Operations Research, 52 478-486.
- Giloni, A., Kamesam, P., & Seshadri, S. (2003). Service System Design for the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry. Production and Operations Management, 12 (1), 62-78.
- Seshadri, S., & Shapira, Z. (2003). The Flow of Ideas and Timing of Evaluation as Determinants of Knowledge Creation. Industrial and Corporate Change, 12 (5), 1099-1124.
- Swaminathan, J., & Seshadri, S. (2003). A Component wise Index of Service Measurement in Multi-Component Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 50 (2), 184-194.
- Gautam, N., & Seshadri, S. (2002). Performance Analysis for E-Business: Impact of Long Range Dependence. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2 (3), 233-253.
- Ross, S., & Seshadri, S. (2002). Hitting time in an Erlang loss system. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 16 (2), 167-184.
- Seshadri, S., Lopomo, G., & Agrawal, V. (2002). Web Based Capacity Allocation Strategies for Customers with Heterogeneous Preferences. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2 (4), 359-384.
- Gelenbe, E., Srinivasan, V., Seshadri, S., & Gautam, N. (2001). Optimal Policies for ATM Cell Scheduling and Rejection. Telecommunication Systems, 18 (4).
- Giloni, A., & Seshadri, S. (2001). Optimal Configurations of General Jobshops. Queueing Systems, 39 (2-3), 137-155.
- Seshadri, S., & Shapira, Z. (2001). Managerial allocation of time and effort: The Effects of Interruptions. Management Science, 47 (5), 647-662.
- Agrawal, V., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Distribution Free Bounds for Service Constrained (Q, r) Inventory Systems. Naval Research Logistics, 47 (8), 635-656.
- Agrawal, V., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Impact of Uncertainty and Risk Aversion on Price and Order Quantity in the Newsvendor Problem. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2 (4), 410-423.
- Agrawal, V., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Risk intermediation in supply chains. IIE Transactions, 32 (9), 819-831.
- Moses, M., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Policy Mechanisms for Supply Chain Coordination. IIE Transactions, 32 (3), 245-262.
- Moses, M., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Using Modeling Software for Operations Improvement. International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, 6 (3), 203-227.
- Chatterjee, A., Gudmundsson, D., Nurani, R., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1999). Fabless-Foundry Partnerships: Models and Analysis of Coordination Issues. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 12 (1), 44-52.
- Pinedo, M., & Seshadri, S. (1999). Optimal Allocation of Resources in a Job Shop Environment. IIE Transactions on Operations Engineering, 31 (3), 195-206.
- Ross, S., & Seshadri, S. (1999). A Hitting Time Problem in an M/G/1 Queue. Journal of Applied Probability, 36 (3), 934-940.
- Glassey, C., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1998). Using Information about Machine Failures to Control Flow lines. ZOR, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 45 (3), 455-481.
- Seshadri, S., & Pinedo, M. (1998). Bounds on the Mean Delay in Multiclass Queueing Networks under Shortfall Based Priority Rules. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, 45 (3), 329-350.
- Seshadri, S., Khanna, A., Harche, F., & Wyle, R. (1998). A Method for Strategic Asset-Liability Management with an Application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York. Operations Research, 47 (3), 345-360.
- Nurani, R., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1997). Optimal Control of a Single Stage Production System Subject to Random Process Shifts. Operations Research, 45 (5), 713-724.
- Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1997). Allocation of Chips to Wafers in a Production Problem of Semiconductor Kits. Operations Research, 45 (2), 315-321.
- Glassey, C., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1996). Linear Control Rules for Production Control of Semiconductor Fabs. IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, 9 (4), 536-549.
- Rotem, D., & Seshadri, S. (1996). The two-headed disk: Stochastic dominance of the greedy policy. Information Processing Letters, 57 (5), 273-277.
- Seshadri, S. (1996). A Sample Path Analysis of the Delay in the M/G/C System. Journal of Applied Probability, 33 (1), 256-266.
- Seshadri, S., & Srinivasan, V. (1996). Design of effective buffer control policies for ATM networks. Performance Evaluation, 26 (2), 95-114.
- Harche, F., & Seshadri, S. (1995). An LPT-Bound for a Parallel Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem. Journal of Mathematical Analysis & Applications, 196 (1), 181-195.
- Segev, A., Seshadri, S., & Rotem, D. (1994). Optimal Arrangements of Cartridges in Carousel Type Mass Storage Systems. The Computer Journal, 37 (10), 873-887.
- Glassey, C., & Seshadri, S. (1993). Transient Flows in Queueing Systems via Closure Approximations. Queueing Systems, 14 (1-2), 177-201.
- Hochbaum, D., & Seshadri, S. (1993). The Empirical Performance of a Polynomial Algorithm for Constrained Nonlinear Optimization. Annals of Operations Research, 43 (4), 229-248.
- Seshadri, S. (1988). Determination of Aggregate Preventive Maintenance Programs Using Production Schedules. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 14 (2), 193-200.
- Seshadri, S. (1985). New Approach for Computing Order Quantities within Reorder Levels. TCE.
Book Chapters
- Moshref Javadi, M., & Seshadri, S. (2024). Adjustments to Supply Chains in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey. Switzerland: Springer.
- Seshadri, S., & Shapira, Z. (2012). Aspects of Grabage Can Processes: Temporal Order and the Role of Expediting. Princeton Conference on Information Systems and Sciences.
- Haksoz, C., & Seshadri, S. (2010). Integrated production and risk hedging with financial instruments. Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains.
- Chen, Y., & Seshadri, S. (2009). Risk Intermediation in Supply Chains. Managing Supply Chain Risk and Vulnerability: Tools and Methods for Supply Chain Decision Makers.
- Iyer, A., Koudal, P., Saranga, H., & Seshadri, S. (2009). in Indian economic superpower: fiction or future? Indian Manufacturing – Strategic and Operational Decisions and Business Performance.
- Seshadri, S., & Popescu, D. (2009). Inventory and e-commerce. Handbook of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research.
- Iyer, A., & Seshadri, S. (2007). Transforming an Indian manufacturing company: The Rane Brake Linings Case. Building Supply Chain Excellence in Emerging Economies.
- Seshadri, S., Shapira, Z., & Tucci, C. (2003). Venture Capital Investing and the Calcutta Auction. New Venture Investment: Choices and Consequences.
- Pinedo, M., & Seshadri, S. (2002). Scheduling. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science of Technology.
- Seshadri, S., & Shapira, Z. (2002). The role of adaptation and targets in organizational learning. Economics of Change, Choice, and Structure: Essays in the Memory of Richard M. Cyert Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
- Pinedo, M., & Seshadri, S. (2000). Scheduling and Dispatching. Handbook in Industrial Engineering New York: John Wiley & Sons.
- Melnick, E., Pinedo, M., Nayyar, P., & Seshadri, S. (1999). Creating Value in Financial Services. Creating Value in Financial Services, Strategies, Operations and Technologies Kluwer Academic Press.
- Pinedo, M., Seshadri, S., & Shanthikumar, J. (1999). Call Centers in Financial Services: Strategies, Technologies, and Operations. Creating Value in Financial Services, Strategies, Operations and Technologies Kluwer Academic Press.
- Pinedo, M., & Seshadri, S. (1998). Capacity. The Handbook of Technology Management CRC Press.
- Rotem, D., Seshadri, S., & Bernardo, L. (1998). Proc. of the 12th International Parallel Processing Symposium. Replication and clustering in heterogeneous disk systems.
- Seshadri, S., & Srinivasan, V. (1998). Procedures for Estimating and Guaranteeing Delays in High Speed Communication Networks. State of the Art in Performance Modeling and Simulation ( pp. 151-176).
- Gelenbe, E., Seshadri, S., & Srinivasan, V. (1995). Single Node and End-to-End Buffer Control in Real Time. Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks London: D. Kouvatsos, Chapman and Hall Publishers.
Books and Monographs
- Moshref Javadi, M., & Seshadri, S., Mohammad Moshref-Javadi and Sridhar Seshadri (Ed.) (2024). Impacts of COVID-19 on Supply Chains - Disruptions, Technologies, and Solutions. Switzerland: Springer.
- Seshadri, S., Haksoz, C., & Iyer, A. (2011). Managing Supply Chains on the Silk Road. CRC Press.
- Iyer, A., Seshadri, S., & VAsher, R. (2009). Toyota's Supply Chain Management: A Strategic Approach to Toyota's Renowned System. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Seshadri, S., Nayyar, P., Melnick, E., & Pinedo, M. (2000). Creating Value in Financial Services: Strategies, Operations and Technologies. Springer: Dordrecht and New York.
- Moses, M., Seshadri, S., & Yakirevich, M. (1999). Gaining Competitive Advantage through Business Process Improvement using the HOM Software System. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Case Studies
- Khandelwal, A., & Seshadri, S. Forthcoming. Adopting Remote Patient Monitoring at Robustus Health. ( pp. 24). Harvard Business School Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
- Bose, S., Souyris, S., Mukherjee, U., Ivanov, A., Seshadri, S., England, A., & , Y. (2021). Control of Epidemic Spreads via Testing and Lock-Down. ( pp. 4272-4279). 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
- Lin, Y., Ahsen, M., Shaw, M., & Seshadri, S. (2019). The Impacts of Patients' Sentiment Trajectory Features on Their Willingness to Share in Online Support Groups ICIS ICIS.
- Srinivasan, V., Gelenbe, E., & Seshadri, S. (1994). Performance of Optimal Loss Control Policies for ATM Networks. ( pp. 12-17). Princeton Conference on Information Systems and Sciences.
- Mukherjee, U., & Seshadri, S. (2022). Epidemic Modeling, Prediction, and Control. INFORMS Annual Conference, INFORMS Society.
- Seshadri, S. (2022). Adjustments to Supply Chains in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Survey. The Digital Supply Chain and Supplier Diversity Conference, Rutgers, Rutgers.
- Seshadri, S. (2022). Modeling the COVID 19 Pandemic: Lessons Learnt. POMS International Conference, POMS.
- Seshadri, S. (2022). COVID 19 Models for Helping Make Policy Decisions. POMS Annual Conference, POMS.
- Pochiraju, B., Bhimasankaram Pochiraju and Sridhar Seshadri (Ed.) (2019). Essentials of Business Analytics: An Introduction to the Methodology and its Applications. New York: Springer. link >
Working Papers
- Ivanov, A., Tacheva, Z., Souyris, S., Alzaidan, A., Seshadri, S., & England, A. Informational value of visual nudges during crises: Improving public health outcomes through social media engagement amid covid-19.
- Souyris, S., Seshadri, S., & Subramanian, S. Scheduling Advertisements on Cable Television.
Honors and Awards
- Alan J. And Joyce D. Baltz Endowed Professorship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 to present
- Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society, POMS, 2018 to present
- 2022 INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing Section Practice Award, RM&P Section Practice Award, 2022
- Implementation of Health Access Points Within OSF's Rural Health Ecosystem, JUMP Arches, 2024-2026
- Business Analytics Collaboratory, Gies College of Business, 2021-2023
- Dynamic Resource Management in Response to Pandemics, c3.ai Digital Transformation Institute, 2020-2021
- Associate Editor, Management Science: Marketing Analytics & Revenue Management, 2018 to present
- Department Editor, Production & Operations Management: Operations and Finance Interface, 2018 to present
- Senior Editor in Supply Chain and Stochastics areas, Production and Operations Management, 2004 to present
- Associate Editor, Naval Research Logistics, 1996 to present
Research Interests
Stochastic modeling and applications in queueing systems, supply chain management and revenue management
Current Courses
Management Decision Models (BADM 374) Introduction to methods of operations research from an executive or managerial viewpoint, emphasizing formulation of business problems in quantitative terms; industrial applications of linear programming, dynamic programming, game theory, probability theory, queuing theory, and inventory theory.
Revenue Management (BADM 561) Focuses on how a firm should set and update pricing and product availability decisions across various selling channels in order to maximize its profitability. The adoption of revenue management systems has transformed the transportation and hospitality industries, and is increasingly important in retail, telecommunications, entertainment, financial services, health care and manufacturing. Through a combination of case studies, hands-on exercises and lectures, the course will review the main methodologies that are used in these industries and survey current and emerging practices.
Supply Chain Management (BADM 566) Focuses on how to manage flows of products and services from raw material sources to final customers and associate flows of information. Helps students to develop a system view of measuring channel performance, integrating cross-functional activities, and coordinating processes across organizations.
Topics in Operations & Finance (BADM 569) Current and classical literature in the area of Operations Management. The topics covered may vary from year to year and may include performance measures, inventory management, planning, scheduling, location, layout, product design, process design, and forecasting.
OM/IS Proseminar Prep (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
Revenue Management (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
Healthcare Process Mgmt (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
OM/IS Proseminar Prep Course (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
319 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820