428 A Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Social Psychology, The Ohio State University, 1985
- M.A., Social Psychology, The Ohio State University, 1983
- B.A., Psychology, The Ohio State University, 1981
Positions Held
- Gies Behavioral Research Lab Co-Coordinator, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, 2018-2022
- Walter H. Stellner Professor of Marketing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008-2022
- IBE Distinguished Professor of Marketing, University of Illinois, 2002-2008
- Professor, University of Illinois, 2001-2022
- Professor of Advertising and Psychology, University of Illinois, 2000-2001
- Research Professor, Survey Research Laboratory, University of Illinois, 1999-2019
- Associate Professor of Advertising and Psychology, University of Illinois, 1993-2000
- Assistant Professor of Advertising and Psychology, University of Illinois, 1987-1993
- NIMH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, Indiana University, 1985-1987
Recent Publications
- Wu, R., Steffel, M., & Shavitt, S. (2021). Buying Gifts for Multiple Recipients: How Culture Affects Whose Desires Are Prioritized. Journal of Business Research, 132 10-20. link >
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2020). Engaging in a culturally mismatched thinking style increases the preference for familiar consumer options for analytic but not holistic thinkers. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37 (4), 837-852. link >
Other Publications
- Shavitt, S., & Barnes, A. (2020). Culture and the Consumer Journey. Journal of Retailing, 96 (1), 40-54. link >
- Shavitt, S., & Barnes, A. (2019). Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology. Consumer Psychology Review, 2 (1), 70-84. link >
- Albarracin, D., & Shavitt, S. (2018). Attitudes and Attitude Change. Annual Review of Psychology, Annual Reviews, Inc 69, Annual Review of Psychology 299-327. link >
- Shavitt, S., Jiang, D., & Cho, H. (2016). Stratification and Segmentation: Social Class in Consumer Behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (4), 583-593.
- Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Johnson, T., Jiang, D., Holbrook, A., & Stavrakantonaki, M. (2016). Culture Moderates the Relation Between Perceived Stress, Social Support, and Mental and Physical Health. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (7), 956-980. link >
- Shavitt, S., & Cho, H. (2016). Culture and Consumer Behavior: The Role of Horizontal and Vertical Cultural Factors. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8 149–154.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., & Weiner, S. (2015). Justice or compassion? Cultural differences in power norms affect consumer satisfaction with power-holders. International Marketing Review, 32 (3/4), 279-306. link >
- Holbrook, A., Anand, S., Johnson, T., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2014). Response heaping in interviewer-administered surveys: A cognitive shortcut to satisfice? Public Opinion Quarterly, 78 (3), 591–633.
- Jung, K., Shavitt, S., Viswanathan, M., & Hilbe, J. (2014). Female Hurricanes Are Deadlier Than Male Hurricanes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (24), 8782-8787. link >
- Riemer, H., Shavitt, S., Koo, M., & Markus, H. (2014). Preferences Don't Have to Be Personal: Expanding Attitude Theorizing with a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Psychological Review, 121 (4), 619-648.
- Lalwani, A., & Shavitt, S. (2013). You Get What You Pay For? Self-Construal Influences Price-Quality Judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 40 (2), 255-267.
- Riemer, H., & Shavitt, S. (2011). Impression management in survey responding: Easier for collectivists or individualists? Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21 (2), 157-168.
- Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., & Zhang, J. (2011). Horizontal and vertical cultural differences in the content of advertising appeals. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23 (3-4), 297-310.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2011). The impact of power on information processing depends on cultural orientation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (5), 959-967.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2010). Culture and concepts of power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99 (4), 703-723.
- Lee, K., & Shavitt, S. (2009). Can McDonald's food ever be seen as healthy? Metacognitive experiences affect the perceived understanding of a brand. Journal of Marketing Research, 46 222-233.
- Lalwani, A., & Shavitt, S. (2009). The 'me' I claim to be: Cultural self-construal elicits self-presentational goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97 (1), 88-102.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (2009). The effect of perceived message choice on persuasion. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 290-301.
- Shavitt, S., Torelli, C., & Wong, J. (2009). Identity-Based Motivation: Constraints and Opportunities in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3), 261-266.
- White, T., Zahay, D., Thorbjornsen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2008). Getting too personal: Reactance to highly personalized e-mail solicitations. Marketing Letters, 19 39-50.
- Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Zhang, J., & Torelli, C. (2006). The horizontal/vertical distinction in cross-cultural consumer research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 325-356.
- Lee, K., & Shavitt, S. (2006). The use of cues depends on goals: Store reputation affects product judgments when social identity goals are salient. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (3), 260-271.
- Lalwani, A., Shavitt, S., & Johnson, T. (2006). What is the relation between cultural orientation and socially desirable responding? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90 (1), 165-178.
- Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., Torelli, C., & Lalwani, A. (2006). Reflections on the meaning and structure of the horizontal/vertical distinction. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 357-362.
- Johnson, T., Kulesa, P., Cho, Y., & Shavitt, S. (2005). The relation between culture and response styles: Evidence from 19 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 36 (2), 264-277.
- Shavitt, S., Vargas, P., & Lowrey, P. (2004). Exploring the role of memory for self-selected Ad experiences: Are some advertising media better liked than others? Psychology & Marketing, 21 (12), 1011-1032.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values in advertisements to the Chinese X-generation: Promoting modernity and individualism. Journal of Advertising, 32 (1), 23-33.
- Nelson, M., & Shavitt, S. (2002). Horizontal and vertical individualism and achievement values: A multi-method examination of Denmark and the U.S Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33 (5), 439-458.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (2002). Anticipating discussion about a product: Rehearsing what to say can affect your judgments. Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (1), 101-115.
- Lowrey, T., Englis, B., Shavitt, S., & Solomon, M. (2001). Response latency verification of consumption constellations: Implications for advertising strategy. Journal of Advertising, 30 (1), 29-39.
- Maheswaran, D., & Shavitt, S. (2000). Issues and new directions in global consumer psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9 (2), 59-66.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8 (4), 377-406.
- Schlosser, A., Shavitt, S., & Kanfer, A. (1999). Survey of internet users' attitudes toward internet advertising. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13 (3), 34-54.
- Shavitt, S., Sanbonmatsu, D., Smittipatana, S., & Posavac, S. (1999). Broadening the conditions for illusory correlation formation: Implications for judging minority groups. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 21 263-279.
- Shavitt, S., Lowrey, P., & Haefner, J. (1998). Public attitudes toward advertising: More favorable than you might think. Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (4), 7-22.
- Han, S., & Shavitt, S. (1994). Persuasion and culture: Advertising appeals in individualistic and collectivistic societies. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 30 326-350.
- Sanbonmatsu, D., Shavitt, S., & Gibson, B. (1994). Salience, set size, and illusory correlation: Making moderate assumptions about extreme targets. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66 1020-1033.
- Shavitt, S., Swan, S., Lowrey, T., & Wanke, M. (1994). The interaction of endorser attractiveness and involvement in persuasion depends on the goal that guides message processing. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3 137-162.
- Shavitt, S. (1992). Evidence for predicting the effectiveness of value-expressive versus utilitarian appeals: A reply to Johar and Sirgy. Journal of Advertising, 21 (2), 47-51.
- Shavitt, S., Lowrey, T., & Han, S. (1992). Attitude functions in advertising: The interactive role of products and self-monitoring. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1 (4), 337-364.
- Sanbonmatsu, D., Shavitt, S., & Sherman, S. (1991). The role of personal relevance in the formation of distinctiveness-based illusory correlations. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17 124-132.
- Shavitt, S., & Fazio, R. (1991). Effects of attribute salience on the consistency between attitudes and behavior predictions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17 507-516.
- Wyer, R., Budesheim, T., Shavitt, S., & Riggle, E. (1991). Image, issues and ideology: The processing of information about political candidates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 61 533-545.
- Shavitt, S. (1990). The role of attitude objects in attitude functions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26 124-148.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1990). Delayed recall of copytest responses: The temporal stability of listed thoughts. Journal of Advertising, 19 (4), 6-17.
- Sanbonmatsu, D., Shavitt, S., Sherman, S., & Roskos-Ewoldsen, D. (1987). Illusory correlation in the perception of performance by self or a salient other. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 23 518-543.
- Lynn, W., Shavitt, S., & Ostrom, T. (1985). Effects of pictures on the organization and recall of social information. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49 1160-1168.
Book Chapters
- Shavitt, S., & Koo, M., Sharon Ng, Angela Y. Lee (Ed.) (2015). Categories of cultural variation. Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior. In Frontiers of Culture and Psychology series ( pp. 99-117). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Shavitt, S., Sharon Ng, Angela Y. Lee (Ed.) (2015). Categories of cultural variation. Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior. In Frontiers of Culture and Psychology series ( pp. 99-117). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Lalwani, A., & Shavitt, S., Shintaro Okazaki (Ed.) (2012). The relation between gender and cultural orientation and its implications for advertising. Handbook of Research on International Advertising ( pp. 455-470). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
- Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., & Shavitt, S., D. Matsumoto and F. van de Vijver (Ed.) (2011). Culture and response styles in survey research. Cross-Cultural Research Methods in Psychology ( pp. 130-175). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Koo, M., & Shavitt, S., Richard P. Bagozzi and Ayalla Ruvio (Ed.) (2011). Cross-cultural psychology of consumer behavior. Consumer Behavior, a volume in the Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing ( pp. 125-133). England: John Wiley & Sons.
- Shavitt, S., Torelli, C., & Riemer, H., M. Gelfand, C-y Chiu, and Y-y Hong (Ed.) (2011). Horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism: Implications for understanding psychological processes. Advances in Culture and Psychology ( pp. 309-350). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Shavitt, S., Lee, A., & Torelli, C., Michaela Wanke (Ed.) (2009). Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Behavior ( pp. 227-250). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
- Shavitt, S., Lee, A., & Johnson, T., C. Haugtvedt, P. Herr, and F. Kardes, (Ed.) (2008). Cross-cultural consumer psychology. Handbook of Consumer Psychology ( pp. 1103-1131). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Shavitt, S., & Zhang, J., C. Spielberger (Ed.) (2004). Advertising and culture. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology ( pp. 47-51). San Diego: Academic Press.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M., J.P. Dillard and M. Pfau (Ed.) (2002). The role of attitude functions in persuasion and social judgment. The persuasion handbook: Theory and practice ( pp. 137-153). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M., J. Kuklinski (Ed.) (2001). On the dynamic and goal-oriented nature of (candidate) evaluations. Citizens and politics: Perspectives from political psychology ( pp. 227-240). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
- Shavitt, S., & Wanke, M., A, Tesser & N. Schwarz (Ed.) (2001). Consumer Behavior. Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology ( pp. 569-590). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M., G. Maio & J. Olson (Ed.) (1999). The social identity function in person perception: Communicated meanings of product preferences. Why we evaluate: Function of attitudes ( pp. 37-57). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Nelson, M., Shavitt, S., Schennum, A., & Barkmeier, J., W. Wells (Ed.) (1997). Prediction of long-term advertising effectiveness: New cognitive response approachs. Measuring advertising effectiveness ( pp. 133-155). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M., W. Wells (Ed.) (1997). Comments on Chapter 8 (by P. Lebenson and M. Blackston). Measuring advertising effectiveness ( pp. 128-132). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Brock, T., Shavitt, S., & Brannon, L., S. Shavitt and T.C. Brock (Ed.) (1994). Getting a handle on the ax of persuasion. Persuasion: Psychological insights and perspectives ( pp. 1-14). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
- Shavitt, S., A.R. Pratkanis, S.J. Breckler and A.G. Greenwald (Ed.) (1989). Operationalizing functional theories of attitude. Attitude structure and function ( pp. 311-337). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T., K. Sentis and J. Olson (Ed.) (1986). Self-relevant responses in commercial persuasion: Field and experimental tests. Advertising and consumer psychology ( pp. 149-171). New York: Praeger Publishers.
- Brock, T., & Shavitt, S., L. Percy and A.G. Woodside (Ed.) (1983). Cognitive responses in advertising. Advertising and consumer psychology ( pp. 91-116). Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company.
Book Reviews
- Shavitt, S. (1997). "The White House speaks: Presidential leadership as persuasion" by C.A. Smith and K.B. Smith. Political Psychology, 18. ( pp. 531-533).
- Shavitt, S. (1997). A strong approach to attitude strength. Review of "Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences" by R.E. Petty and J.A. Krosnick (Eds.). Contemporary Psychology, 42 (8). ( pp. 691-692).
- Shavitt, S. (1996). "Consumer involvement: Concepts and research" by P. Laaksonen. Journal of Marketing Research, 32. ( pp. 115-116).
- Brock, T., & Shavitt, S. (1985). Personal values affect consumers' behavior, don't they? Review of "Personal values and consumer psychology" by R.E. Pitts, Jr. & A.G. Woodside. Contemporary Psychology, 30. ( pp. 968-969).
Books and Monographs
- McGill, A., & Shavitt, S. (2009). Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 36. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1994). Persuasion: Psychological insights and perspectives. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Conference Proceedings
- Kulkarni, A., & Shavitt, S. Forthcoming. The Consequences of the Horizontal-Vertical Cultural Distinction for Consumer Responses to Advertising Messages. ( vol. 1, pp. 241). Advances in Consumer Psychology.
- Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., & Johnson, T. Forthcoming. Horizontal and vertical orientations in cross-cultural consumer persuasion. ( vol. 29,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. Forthcoming. Culture and mental representations of power goals: Consequences for information processing ( vol. 35, pp. 194-197). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. Forthcoming. Be rude to me and I will buy a Rolex: Effects of cultural orientation on responses to power threat in a service setting ( vol. 2, pp. 95). Advances in Consumer Psychology.
- Ng, A., Shavitt, S., Koo, M., & Markus, H. (2017). A functional perspective to attitudinal ambivalence in collectivistic cultures. 2017 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference.
- Koo, M., Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2014). Climbing the Ladder: Effects of Embodied Power Goals Can Be Culturally Specific. Advances in Consumer Psychology, Washington, DC: society for consumer psychology.
- Koo, M., Kwon, M., & Shavitt, S. (2012). A weight on your shoulders makes you pull your weight. ( vol. 40, pp. 1051). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Dai, Y., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2012). Lost in translation: The consequences of culturally mismatched thinking styles on familiarity seeking. ( vol. 39, pp. 662-663). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S. (2012). What's New? Novelty in consumer research. ( vol. 39, pp. 1-6). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2011). On Consuming Less and Being More Satisfied: Lifestyles and Cultural Orientations. ( vol. 3, pp. 250). Advances in Consumer Psychology, Washington, DC: society for consumer psychology.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Dai, Y., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2011). When one culture meets another: The impact of culturally (mis)matched thinking styles on self-regulation. ( vol. 38,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Koo, M., Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2011). Embodied Cognition, Power, and Culture. ( vol. 3, pp. 381-382). Advances in Consumer Psychology, Washington, DC: society for consumer psychology.
- Shavitt, S., & Valenzuela, A. (2006). S. Shavitt, & A. Valenzuela (2006). Beyond Individualism/Collectivism: New Theoretical Perspectives in Culture-Based Research. (Roundtable Session Summary). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Han, S., & Shavitt, S. (2005). Westernization of cultural values in Korean advertising: A longitudinal content analysis of magazine ads from 1968-1998. ( vol. 32, pp. 249-250). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Lee, K., & Shavitt, S. (2005). New approaches and theoretical synergies in cross-cultural consumer psychology (Roundtable Session Summary). ( vol. 32, pp. 444). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2005). When gender differences make a difference: The role of the masculinity-femininity cultural dimension. ( pp. 80). Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Lee, K., & Shavitt, S. (2004). The role of cultural cognition in the use of contextual cues in product quality judgments (Abstract). Also Session Summary: The Influence of Cultural Thinking Styles on Evaluative Processes. ( vol. 31, pp. 451-453). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Zahay, D., White, T., Thorbjornsen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2004). Beyond Permission Marketing: Improving E-Mail Response Rate with Appropriate Personalization. Direct Marketing Education Foundation Conference.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and product characteristics. ( vol. 30, pp. 162). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Sivadas, E., Bruvold, N., Nelson, M., & Shavitt, S. (2000). A cross-national examination of horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism: Measurement and impact on consumer decision making. ( vol. 28, pp. 136). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1998). Applying traditional attitude models to understand the effectiveness of internet advertising. ( pp. 171). Society for Consumer Psychology, Clemson, S.C: CtC Press.
- Shavitt, S., Nelson, M., & Yuan, R. (1997). Exploring cross-cultural differences in cognitive responding to ads. ( vol. 24, pp. 245-250). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1996). Anticipating focus group discussion: Effects on product thoughts. ( pp. 140-145). American Academy of Advertising: Omnipress.
- Kim, K., & Shavitt, S. (1993). Toward a model of attitude reuse versus recomputation. ( pp. 105-110). Society for Consumer Psychology, Clemson, S.C: CtC Press.
- Shavitt, S., & Lowrey, T. (1992). Attitude functions in advertising effectiveness: The interactive role of product type and personality type. ( vol. 19, pp. 323-328). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S., & Fazio, R. (1990). Effects of attribute salience on the consistency of product evaluations and purchase predictions. ( vol. 17, pp. 91-97). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S. (1989). Individual differences in consumer attitudes and behavior. ( vol. 16, pp. 51-55). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S. (1989). Products, personalities, and situations in attitude functions: Implications for consumer behavior. ( vol. 16, pp. 300-305). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1985). Improving cognitive response prediction of persuasion: Towards a semantic hierarchy. ( pp. 13-14). Division of Consumer Psychology: American Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1984). Consumer research validity: The effect of social settings on cognitive responding to television commercials. ( vol. 11, pp. 18-23). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Euh, H., Rodas, M., Shavitt, S., & Torelli, C. (2023). Starbuck’s America vs. McDonald’s America: Political Ideology and Brand Iconicity. Society for Consumer Psychology, Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Euh, H., Rodas, M., Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2022). We Live in Different Americas: Political Ideology Shapes Perceptions of American Culture and Iconic Brands. Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2020). Are all consensus cues equal? Why others’ actions don’t speak to interdependent consumers. Association for Consumer Research.
- Barnes, A., Shen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2020). Would a mature person share their attitudes? Cultural differences in attitude expression. Association for Consumer Research.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2020). All Consensus Cues Are Not Equal: Why Others' Actions Don't Speak to 'Us'. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Barnes, A., Shen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2020). Do Mature People Share Their Attitudes? Cultural Differences in Attitude Expression When Others Disagree. Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Shavitt, S., & Barnes, A. (2020). What Can Cultural Differences Contribute to Attitude Theorizing? Society for Personality and Social Psychology (Attitudes Preconference), SPSP.
- Shen, J., Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2019). How Cultural Orientation Affects Consumers’ Reaction to Service Failure: Using Big Data to Investigate Cultural Differences in Service Reviews. Big Data Forum in Personality and Social Psychology.
- Shavitt, S., & Barnes, A. (2019). Deny the Voice Inside: Accessible Attitudes Can Impair Choice and Reduce Word-of-Mouth in Social Contexts. AMA Consumer Behavior SIG Conference, American Marketing Association.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2019). Deny the Voice Inside: Accessible Attitudes Can Impair Choice and Reduce Word of Mouth in Social Contexts. INFORMS Society for Marketing Science.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2018). Deny the Voice Inside: Are Accessible Attitudes Always Beneficial? Association for Consumer Research.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2018). Why Others' Actions Don't Speak to 'Us'. PhD Project - Baruch College Research Symposium.
- Barnes, A., & Shavitt, S. (2018). Deny the Voice Inside: Are Accessible Attitudes Always Beneficial for Coping? Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Ng, A., Shavitt, S., Koo, M., & Markus, H. (2017). A functional perspective to attitudinal ambivalence in collectivistic cultures. AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference.
- Koo, M., Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2014). Climbing the ladder: Effects of embodied power goals can be culturally specific. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Chavez, N., Cho, Y., & Holbrook, A. (2013). Fairness or Compassion? Cultural Differences in Power Norms Affect Judgments of Power-Holders. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Holbrook, A., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2013). Examining the role of culture in answering context-specific and context-general survey questions. American Association of Public Opinion Research.
- Shavitt, S. (2013). You get what you pay for? How cultural factors influence price-quality judgments. University of Minnesota Marketing Camp.
- Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2013). Investigating cultural variability in nonverbal behaviors associated with responding to survey questions. International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design Implementation.
- Shavitt, S. (2013). East meets west: Cultural differences and similarities in power goals. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (2013). You get what you pay for? How cultural factors influence price-quality judgments. University of Illinois.
- Jiang, D., & Shavitt, S. (2013). Power, Uncertainty, and Variety Seeking: Will Power Lead to Variety Seeking in Consumer Choices for Others? Haring Doctoral Consortium.
- Koo, M., Kwon, M., & Shavitt, S. (2012). Carrying a weight and felt responsibility. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (2012). J. Jeffrey Inman: An introduction. Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Cho, Y., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2012). Modeling error in self-reports of chronic health conditions: Cultural similarities and differences. American College of Epidemiology.
- Holbrook, A., Johnson, T., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2012). How Do Respondent Behaviors Reflect and Influence Perceptions of Surveys? American Association of Public Opinion Research.
- Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2012). The effects of question design features on the cognitive processing of survey questions across cultural groups. American Association of Public Opinion Research.
- Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2012). The effects of race/ethnicity, cultural values, and language of interview on socially desirable responding. American Association for Public Opinion Research.
- Shavitt, S. (2012). Research Reporting Standards. University of Illinois.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., Weiner, S., & Beebe, T. (2011). Culture, Concepts of Power and Attitudes toward Powerholders: Consequences for Consumer Satisfaction in Ongoing Service Interactions. Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Dai, Y., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2011). Lost in Translation: The Consequences of Culturally Mismatched Thinking Styles on Familiarity Seeking. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2011). On Consuming Less and Being More Satisfied: Lifestyles and Cultural Orientations. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Koo, M., Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2011). Embodied cognition, Power and Culture. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Dai, Y., & Shavitt, S. (2011). Cultural Differences in Positive Affect Regulation. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Dai, Y., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2010). Lost in translation is self-regulation: Culturally mismatched thinking styles can be depleting. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2010). Personalized and socialized power goals: Implications for information processing. 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference.
- Holbrook, A., Johnson, T., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., & Weiner, S. (2010). Survey satisficing in different populations: To what extent do response effects reflects satisficing across racial and ethnic groups? American Association of Public Opinion Research.
- Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., Weiner, S., & Mazarno, K. (2010). Cultural values and survey response style. World Association of Public Opinion Research.
- Koo, M., Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Dai, Y., & Chinchanachokchai, B. (2010). The effect of culturally mismatched experiences on self-regulation. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Business Administration.
- Shavitt, S. (2010). Cultural differences in power goals. Attitudes preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Shavitt, S. (2009). Cultural differences in power goals. Marketing in Israel Conference, December, 2009.
- Shavitt, S. (2009). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
- Shavitt, S. (2009). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. University of Western Ontario, School of Business.
- Shavitt, S. (2009). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. Indiana University, Department of Psychology.
- Shavitt, S. (2009). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. University of Iowa, Iowa Marketing Camp, Department of Marketing.
- Shavitt, S. (2008). Cross-cultural issues in consumer behavior research and Teaching ethics in marketing communications. AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium.
- Shavitt, S. (2008). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. HEC Paris. Department of Marketing.
- Shavitt, S. (2008). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. University of California, Riverside. Department of Marketing.
- Shavitt, S. (2008). Cultural self-construal and self-presentational goals. University of Hawaii-Manoa Shidler Seminar Series.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2007). Culture and mental representations of power goals: Consequences for information processing. In D. Rucker (Chair), The Role of Power In Consumer Behavior: New Perspectives and Insights. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- White, T., Zahay, D., Thorbjornsen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2007). We know where you live: Personalization reactance in e-mail solicitations. World Marketing Congress.
- Shavitt, S. (2007). Cultural self-construal and self-presentation. Advertising and Consumer Psychology.
- Shavitt, S. (2007). Cultural self-construal and self-presentation. University of Washington.
- Shavitt, S. (2006). A Tribute to Tim Brock. Ohio State University.
- Shavitt, S. (2006). Cross-cultural consumer behavior: Emergent themes. Haring Symposium, Indiana University, Department of Marketing.
- Shavitt, S. (2005). Cultural orientation, self-construal and self-presentation. Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology Pre-Conference. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2005). When gender differences make a difference: The role of the masculinity-femininity cultural dimension. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Shavitt, S. (2005). Culture and self-presentation. Northwestern University, Department of Marketing.
- Shavitt, S. (2005). The selling of consumer identity: Who’s buying. Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College.
- Han, S., & Shavitt, S. (2004). Westernization of cultural values in Korean advertising: A longitudinal content analysis of magazine ads from 1968-1998. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Zahay, D., White, T., Thorbjornsen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2004). Beyond permission marketing: Improving e-mail response rate with appropriate personalization. Direct Marketing Education Foundation Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (2004). Culture, self-construal, and image tending. American Marketing Association.
- Shavitt, S. (2004). Culture, self-construal, and image tending. How to develop a PhD topic. Attitude objects and attitude functions. The relation between cultural orientation and socially desirable responding. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and product characteristics. In Talia Jomini (Chair), Reaching Across Cultural Boundaries: Glo. National Communication Association.
- Lalwani, A., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., & Zhang, J. (2003). What is the relation between culture and desirable responding? Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Lee, K., & Shavitt, S. (2003). The role of cultural cognition in the use of contextual cues in product quality judgments. In K. Lee & S. Shavitt (Chairs), The Influence of Cultural Thinking Styles on Evaluative Processes. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (2003). Why study culture? American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium.
- Zahay, D., White, T., Thorbjornsen, H., & Shavitt, S. (2003). Zahay, D., White, T., Thorbjørnsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2003). The role of personalization in increasing the response rate of email solicitation. World Marketing Congress.
- Shavitt, S. (2003). "Beyond individualism and collectivism: Emerging topics in cross-cultural consumer behavior" & "The effect of ad message choice on resistance to counterpersuasion". New York University.
- Shavitt, S. (2003). Beyond individualism and collectivism: Emerging topics in cross-cultural consumer behavior. Stanford University.
- Shavitt, S. (2003). Publish and perish? Advice on avoiding perils of the publication process. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.
- Shavitt, S. (2002). Vertical and horizontal cultural orientations: Implications for persuasive messages. University of Colorado.
- Shavitt, S. (2002). Vertical and horizontal cultural orientations: Implications for persuasive messages. Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.
- Shavitt, S. (2002). Vertical and horizontal cultural orientations: Implications for persuasive messages. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S., & Nowlis, S. (2002). Consumer research in computer-mediated environments. Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Symposium.
- Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2002). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and product characteristics. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., & Johnson, T. (2001). Horizontal and vertical orientations in cross-cultural consumer persuasion. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (2001). "Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses" and "The Effect of interactive advertising on attitude resistance". Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration.
- Shavitt, S. (2001). The effect of interactive advertising on attitude resistance. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). The effect of frequency scales on self-reports of severe pain symptoms. Fetzer Institute, Grant Recipient Seminar.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). Effects of an apporaching group discussion on cognitive responses. University of Haifa.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). How to pursue a career in consumer psychology. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). Psychological approaches to understanding consumer behavior. American Association of Advertising Agencies Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). Quantitative methods: Experimental research. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (2000). Quantitative methods: Survey research. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). The effect of interactive advertising on attitude resistance. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). The effect of medium on attitudes toward advertising: Surveys and implications. Media Pool, Seminar on Medial Planning.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1999). The effect of interactive advertising on attitude resistance. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. Purdue University.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Culture and advertising: Implications for advertising content and persuasiveness. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Culture and advertising. National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. University of Chicago.
- Shavitt, S. (1998). Researching cultural differences in advertising: Conceptual advances and methodological challenges. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M. (1998). Observations on cultural differences in consumer behavior. Winter Conference of the Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Lowrey, P., Shavitt, S., & Haefner, J. (1997). Public attitudes toward advertising: More positive than you think. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Nelson, M., & Shavitt, S. (1997). Examining horizontal and vertical dimensions of individualism: The importance of cultural values. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1997). Effects of anticipating a focus group discussion on responses to a focal product. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Shavitt, S. (1997). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. Ohio State University.
- Shavitt, S. (1997). The social identity function in person perception: Communicated meanings of product preferences. Ohio State University.
- Shavitt, S. (1997). Effects of an approaching group discussion on product responses. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1996). The social identity function in person perception: Communicated meanings of product preferences. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M. (1996). Communicative social identity: Effects of product usage on person judgments. American Psychological Association.
- Schlosser, A., & Shavitt, S. (1996). Anticipating group discussion: Effects on the attitude functions of product thoughts. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1996). The social identity function in person perception: Communicated meaning of product preferences. Tel Aviv University.
- Shavitt, S., & Nelson, M. (1995). The communicative value of products: Effects of product usage on person judgments. Society for Experimental Social Psychology.
- Smittipatana, S., Posavac, S., Sanbonmatsu, D., & Shavitt, S. (1995). The role of set size and distinctiveness in illusory correlation. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1994). Psychology and advertising. Champaign-Urbana Ad Club.
- Shavitt, S. (1993). Political evaluations from the perspective of a consumer psychologist. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1992). Attitude functions in advertising: The interactive role of products and self-monitoring. Purdue University.
- Swan, S., Shavitt, S., & Lowrey, T. (1992). The effects of attribute salience, involvement, and source attractiveness on persuasion: Turning a peripheral cue into substantive information. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Lowrey, T., & Shavitt, S. (1991). Attitude functions in advertising: Product category and self-monitoring interactively affect choice of appeals. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Fuhrman, R., & Shavitt, S. (1990). Effects of goal priming on the speed and favorableness of attitude judgments. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1989). Contextual influences on the attitude-behavior relation. Ohio State University.
- Han, S., Shavitt, S., & O'Guinn, T. (1989). The influence of classroom role playing on students' political preferences. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., Sherman, S., & Sanbonmatsu, D. (1989). The role of personal relevance in teh formation of distinctiveness-based illusory correlations. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1988). Attitude Functions and their Implications for Attitude Measurement. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S., & Fazio, R. (1988). Attitude functions an dself-monitoring in the attitude-behavior relation. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., Han, S., Kim, Y., & Tillman, C. (1988). Attitude objects and self-monitoring interactively affect attitude functions. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1988). Attitude functions: Implications for persuasion. Multi-ad Services.
- Shavitt, S. (1987). Operationalizing functional theories of attitude. American Psychological Association.
- Sanbonmatsu, D., Shavitt, S., Sherman, S., & Roskos-Ewoldsen, D. (1987). Illusory correlation in the perception of performance by self or a salient other. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., & Fazio, R. (1987). Attitude functions in the attitude-behavior relationship. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1987). Illusory Correlation in the Perception of Performance by Self versus others. Indiana University.
- Shavitt, S. (1987). The Role of Attitude Objects in Attitude Functions. University of California.
- Shavitt, S. (1986). The Role of Attitude Objects in Attitude Functions. University of Illinois.
- Shavitt, S. (1986). The Role of Attitude Objects in Attitude Functions. Michigan State University.
- Shavitt, S. (1986). The Role of Attitude Objects in Attitude Functions. Indiana University.
- Shavitt, S. (1986). Attitude functions affect informational bases of attitudes. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1986). Attitude functions affect persuasiveness of appeals. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1986). Self-Relevent Cognitive Responses in Persuasion. University of Southern California.
- Carnot, C., Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1985). Manipulating beliefs about beliefs: Perceived self-relevance of thoughts leads to persistence of persuasion. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1985). Delayed reproduction of cognitive responses: Evidence for temporal stability. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1985). Self-Relevant Cognitive Responses in Persuasion. University of Massachusetts.
- Shavitt, S. (1984). Self-Relevant Cognitive Responses in Persuasion. University of Michigan.
- Shavitt, S. (1984). Self-Relevant Cognitive Responses in Persuasion. New York University.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1984). The self in cognitive responding. Nags Head Conference on Attitudes and Influence.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1984). The self-relevant dimension of cognitive responses in persuasion. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S., & Brock, T. (1983). Schematic biases in evaluation: Applications from cognitive social psychology. Evaluation Research Society/Evaluation Network.
- Shavitt, S., Lynn, W., & Ostrom, T. (1983). Effects of pictures on the organization and recall of social information. Midwestern Psychological Association.
- Shavitt, S. (1982). Recent research in corrective advertising: An evaluation of the evaluations. Evaluation Research Society/Evaluation Network.
Working Papers
- Jiang, D., & Shavitt, S. The Power-Variety Effect: How Powerlessness Leads to Variety Seeking in Choices Made for Others.
Honors and Awards
- Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2019 to present
- Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute, 2014 to present
- Fellow, Society for Consumer Psychology, 2014 to present
- List of Excellent Teachers, Spring 2018, Fall and Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, University of Illinois, 2018-2021
- Multicultural Insights Lab, Gies College of Business, 2021-2022
- University of Illinois Scholars' Travel Fund, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987-1989,1991,1993,1997,2001,2003,2005,2007
- Academic Trustee, Marketing Science Institute, 2014 to present
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Consumer Research, 2018 to present, 2011-2014
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2005 to present
- Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 2014-2017
- Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2002-2005, 2015-2017
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses on marketing communications and on survey methodology.
Research Interests
Research focuses on the cross-cultural factors affecting consumer persuasion, self-presentation, and survey responding. Also conducts research on the impact of motivational and contextual factors on evaluative processes.
Current Courses
Marketing Communications (BADM 323) Introduces the student to the topic of marketing communications and promotion management. Topics covered include: advertising, sales promotion, point-of-purchase communications, interactive marketing, and event sponsorships.
428 A Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820