Sandra Corredor
Teaching Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Associate Head of Business Administration
313 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017
- M.S., Economics, Universidad de los Andes, 2008
- B.A., Cum Laude, Business Administration, Universidad de los Andes, 2006
Positions Held
- Associate Head of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
- Teaching Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020 to present
- Assistant Professor, Management Department, University of Connecticut, 2017-2020
Recent Publications
- Corredor, S., & Mahoney, J. (2021). Multi-business Firms’ Corporate Renewal Decisions: Divestiture Governance Mode Choice of Corporate Spin-Offs and Equity Carve-Outs. Strategic Management Review, 2 (2), 235-280.
- Corredor Waldron, S., Forero, C., & Somaya, D. (2015). How External and Internal Sources of Knowledge Impact Novel and Imitative Innovation in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Colombia. Advances in International Management ( pp. 161-199).
Honors and Awards
- Dean's Impact Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Departmental Award for Excellence in Teaching. 2022, Business Administration Department - Gies College of Business, 2022 to present
Teaching Interests
My primary teaching interests are Business Policy & Strategy, Corporate Strategy, and Technology Management. Courses - Univ. of Illinois: BADM 449 Business Policy and Strategy, BADM 380 International Business and Economics Workshop for MSc. in Technology Management.
Research Interests
My research interest concerns the connections between technology, corporate and international strategies.
Current Courses
Mgmt of Innov and Technology (BADM 367) Course focuses on the strategic management of technology and innovation in organizations. It builds primarily on broad models of technological evolution and organizational change.
Technology Strategy (BADM 543) Technological change is a fundamental challenge and opportunity for business leaders in the modern economy. This course deals with concepts and analytical frameworks for strategizing and managing in an environment of technological upheaval and constant innovation. Broadly, students are exposed to ideas about how firms create value through new technologies, and how they in turn capture some of that value to make profits. Specific topics include sources and patterns of innovation, business models, first mover advantages, barriers to imitation, technology commercialization modes, network effects and standards competition, creative destruction and technological disruption, alliances and collaboration, and strategic renewal. The course aims to impart the strategic toolkits and skills required to manage dynamic technology-intensive businesses.
Strategic Management (BADM 544) An integrative examination of executive-level decisions and policies that drive company survival and performance. Combines theoretical and practical learning through strategic management tools, frameworks, examples and case studies. Provides a top management view of companies and organizations that is essential learning for any leader.
Global Business Perspectives (BUS 401) Prepares Gies seniors to become globally literate, ready to lead life on purpose. Through consistent reading and critical analysis of credible, reliable sources, this course will help students gain a deeper understanding of countries (geography, history, culture), of international business, and of the complex global forces -- economic, geopolitical, legal, socio-cultural -- that interconnect and influence individuals, organizations, and societies. Students will further be challenged not only to reflect on their own values and worldview in their final year at Gies but also to explore how an appreciation of the diverse, human experience of other communities around the world can lead to a more informed, empathic global business perspective.
EntreprAndStrategicInnovCap (MBA 590) This course covers various topics from each iMBA Specialization. Group projects and individual assignments will be required. Students are required to take 2 Specialization Capstones for their iMBA degree.
Strat Ldrshp & Mgmt Capstone (MBA 590) This course covers various topics from each iMBA Specialization. Group projects and individual assignments will be required. Students are required to take 2 Specialization Capstones for their iMBA degree.
313 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820