Ravi Mehta
Professor of Business Administration and Associate Head of Business Administration and Josef and Margot Lakonishok Faculty Fellow
4058 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Marketing, University of British Columbia, 2011
- MBA, Marketing, York University, 2006
- MBA, Agra University, 1995
- B.Engg., University of Delhi, 1993
Positions Held
- Professor Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Associate Head, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 2021 to present
- Associate Professor Carle Illinois College of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2023
- Academic Director, MS in Technology Management Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2019
- Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017-2023
- Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2011-2017
Recent Publications
- Liu, Y., Mehta, R., Rindfleisch, A., Torelli, C., & White, T. (2024). Marketing at Illinois. Customer Needs and Solutions, 11 (1), 1-9.
- Rodas, M., & Mehta, R. (2024). Celebrating Excellence: Insights from the 2024 Paul D. Converse Symposium Marketing Letters.
- Xu, L., Mehta, R., & Hoegg, J. (2022). Sweet ideas: How the Sensory Experience of Sweetness Impacts Creativity. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 172 104-69.
- Xu, L., & Mehta, R. (2022). Technology Devalues Luxury? Exploring Consumer Responses to AI-designed Luxury Products. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (50), 1135-50.
Other Publications
- Xu, L., Mehta, R., & Dahl, D. (2021). Leveraging Creativity in Charity Marketing: The Impact of Engaging in Creative Activities on Subsequent Donation Behavior. Journal of Marketing, 86 (5), 79-94.
- Rindfleisch, A., Mehta, R., Sachdev, V., & Danienta, N. (2020). Innovation Research Themes for our Changing Environment: Insights from the 2019 PDMA Doctoral Consortium. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 37 (2), 126-137. link >
- Herd, K., & Mehta, R. (2019). Head vs. Heart: The Effect of Objective versus Feelings-Based Mental Imagery on New Product Creativity. Journal of Consumer Research, 46 (June), 36-52.
- Mehta, R., & Dahl, D. (2019). Creativity: Past, Present, and Future. Consumer Psychology Review, 2 30-49.
- Wang, C., Mehta, R., Zhu , R., & Argo, J. (2019). “Dim or Bright? The Impact of Ambient Illuminance on Consumer Response to Innovative Solutions. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (July), 293-303.
- Xu, L., Mehta, R., & Herd, K. (2019). Look at Me! Or Don't...: How Mere Social Presence Impacts Innovation Adoption. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 4 (July), 269-79.
- Mehta, R., Dahl, D., & Zhu , R. (2017). Money or Social Recognition: Exploring the Effects of External Rewards on Creativity. Journal of Consumer Research, 44 (October), 536–553.
- Zhu , R., & Mehta, R. (2017). Sensory Experiences and Consumer Creativity. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2 472-84.
- Mehta, R., Demmers, J., Van Dolen, W., & Weinberg, C. (2017). When Red Means Go: Non-Normative Effects of Red Under Sensation-Seeking. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27 91-97.
- Mehta, R., & Zhu, M. (2016). Creating When You Have Less: The Impact of Resource Scarcity on Product Use Creativity. Journal of Consumer Research, 42 767-782.
- Mehta, R., Meyers-Levy , J., & Zhu , R. (2014). When Does a Higher Construal Level Increase or Decrease Indulgence? Resolving the Myopia Versus Hyperopia Puzzle. Journal of Consumer Research, 41 475-488.
- Mehta, R., Zhu , R., & Cheema, A. (2012). Is Noise Always Bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition. Journal of Consumer Research, 39 784-99.
- Mehta, R., Hoegg, J., & Chakravarti , A. (2011). Knowing Too Much: False Recall Effects in Product Comparison. Journal of Consumer Research, 38 535-54.
- Mehta, R., & Zhu , R. (2009). Blue or Red? Exploring the Effect of Color on Cognitive Task Performances. Science, 323 1226-29.
Book Chapters
- Mehta, R., Xu, L., & Dahl, D. (2019). The Role of Identity Salience in Creative Thinking. Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
- Wang, C., Mehta, R., Zhu , R., & Argo, J. (2018). Dimming the Light Offers a Creative Lens: the Impact of Ambient Illuminance on Creativity Assessment. NA - Advances in Consumer Research.
Honors and Awards
- Josef and Margot Lakonishok Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- Shebik Centennial Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2019-2022
Teaching Interests
Creativity and Innovation, New Product Development and Marketing
Research Interests
Consumer Creativity, Consumer Welfare and Empowerment
Current Courses
New Product Marketing (BADM 365) Exposes engineering students to the discipline of marketing and to business decision-making in the unique context of new product marketing decisions.
Emp. Res. Methods in Bus. Adm. (BADM 507) Research methodology for the study of administrative, industrial, and consumer behavior and organizations; Foundations of measurement - Construct definition, Domain delineation, Reliability, Dimensionality, and Validity, Reliability analysis, Exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis; Alternative methods of data collection - laboratory experimentation, survey research design, and qualitative research. A completed individual research project involving the development of an entire method is formally presented in class and submitted as a paper.
Carle Medical Capstone (MBA 590) This course covers various topics from each iMBA Specialization. Group projects and individual assignments will be required. Students are required to take 2 Specialization Capstones for their iMBA degree.
4058 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820