Ramanath Subramanyam

Ramanath Subramanyam

Associate Professor of Business Administration and William N. Scheffel Faculty Scholar and Co-Academic Director of Information Systems Major

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96 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820



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Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Michigan, 2004
  • B.E., Electronics and Communication Engineering, Regional Engineering College, 1996

Positions Held

  • Academic Director of Business & DS Major and Business Analytics Minor, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
  • Professor of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
  • Co-Academic Director of Information Systems Major, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023-2024
  • Director of Strategic Initiatives, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019-2023
  • Associate Professor of Business Administration, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012-2024
  • Director of Undergraduate Studies, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012-2015
  • Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004-2011
  • Lecturer of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2003-2004

Recent Publications

  • Yu-Hsiang, H., Larson, E., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. Forthcoming. Constructing information technology (IT) portfolios to firms achieve enterprise strategic goals in multi-business unit firms. Information and Management.
  • Yang, Y., & Subramanyam, R. Forthcoming. Extracting Actionable Insights from Text Data: A Stable Topic Model Approach. MIS Quarterly.
  • Chun, S., Cho, W., & Subramanyam, R. Forthcoming. Transaction Security Investments in Online Marketplaces: An Analytical Examination of Financial Liabilities. Decision Support Systems, 92 91-102.

Other Publications


  • Tu, Y., Huang, Y., Strader, T., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2020). Candidate diversity and granularity in IT portfolio construction. Information Technology and Management, 21 (3), 157-168.  link >
  • Huang, Y., Tu, Y., Strader, T., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2019). Selecting the most desirable IT portfolio under various risk tolerance levels. Information Resources Management Journal, 32 (4), 1-19.  link >
  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2015). Patterns in Information Systems Portfolio Prioritization: Evidence from Decision Tree Induction. MIS Quarterly, 39 (2), 413-433.
  • Cho, W., Subramanyam, R., & Xia, M. (2013). Vendors' Incentives to Invest in Software Quality in Enterprise Systems. Decision Support Systems, 56 27-36.
  • Kroes, J., Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2012). Operational Compliance Levers, Environmental Performance, and Firm Performance under Cap and Trade Regulation. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 14 (2), 186-201.
  • Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2012). Key Factors in the Market for Remanufactured Products. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 14 (2), 315-326.
  • Subramanyam, R., Ramasubbu, N., & Krishnan, M. (2012). In Search of Efficient Flexibility: Effects of Software Component Granularity on Development Effort, Defects, and Customization Effort. Information Systems Research, 23 (3), 787-803.
  • Subramanyam, R., Weisstein, F., & Krishnan, M. (2010). User Participation in Software Development Projects: How Much Is Good Enough? Communications of the ACM, 53 (3), 137-141.
  • Susarla, A., Subramanyam, R., & Karhade, P. (2010). Contractual Provisions To Mitigate Holdup: Evidence From Information Technology Outsourcing. Information Systems Research, 21 (1), 37-55.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Xia, M. (2008). Free/Libre Open Source Software Development in Developing and Developed Countries: A Conceptual Framework with an Exploratory Study. Decision Support Systems, 46 (1), 173-186.
  • Krishnan, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2004). Quality Dimensions in E-commerce Software Tools: An Empirical Analysis of North American and Japanese Markets. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 14 (4), 223-241.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Krishnan, M. (2003). Empirical Analysis of CK Metrics for Object-Oriented Design Complexity: Implication for Software Defects. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29 (4), 297-310.

Book Chapters

  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R., M. Nelson, M. Shaw, and T. Strader (Ed.) (2009). Evolution of Decision Rules Used for IT Portfolio Management: An Inductive Approach. Value Creation in e-Business Management, Vol 36., Lecture Notes on Business Information Processing ( pp. 307-320). Berlin-Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
  • Krishnan, M., Ramasubbu, N., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). Evolution of the Indian Software Industry: The Emerging Model of Mobilizing Global Talent. Indian Economic Superpower: Fiction or Future World Scientific Publishing Co.

Conference Proceedings

  • Pamuksuz, U., Kim, S., & Subramanyam, R. Forthcoming. The Role of Electronic Word-of-Mouth on Stakeholders' Perceptions: Can Online Opinion Impact Managers' Futures? Americas Conference on Information Systems.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. (2022). Disaster Management Through Digital Platforms: Online Crowdfunding Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. HICSS.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2021). Could government measures crowd out grassroots philanthropy? Empirical evidence from an education crowdfunding platform. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.  link >
  • Basu, S., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. (2019). Is a megapixel worth a few thousand words? An Empirical Assessment of Image Sentiments on Philanthropic Crowdfunding Success. Conference on the Digital Economy (CODE) 2019.
  • Pamuksuz, U., Kim, S., & Subramanyam, R. (2016). Who is my audience? Investigating stakeholder collapse in online social platforms. ( vol. 258, pp. 78-82). 15th Workshop on e-Business, WeB 2016.
  • Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2015). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Huang, Y., Shaw, M., Larson, E., & Subramanyam, R. (2015). How Do We Construct Information Technology (IT) Portfolios? – Attributes, Measurements, and Different Types of IT Portfolios. JAIS Theory Development Workshop held in conjunction with the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS.
  • Huang, Y., Shaw, M., Subramanyam, R., & Tu, Y. (2015). How Can a Firm Select the Most Qualified IT Portfolio Choice under Various Risk Tolerance Levels? Americas Conference on Information Systems.
  • Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Pamuksuz, U., Kim, S., & Subramanyam, R. (2014). Leveraging Social Networking Sites for Executive Success. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
  • Huang, Y., Larson, E., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2013). How do you invest in IT to create Business Value? Conference on Information Systems and Technology.
  • Tu, Y., Shaw, M., Subramanyam, R., & Larson, E. (2013). An Examination of IT Initiative Portfolio Characteristics and Investment Allocation: A Computational Modeling and Simulation Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems.
  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). Evolution of Decision Rules Used for IT Portfolio Management: An Inductive Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). Patterns in Strategic IS Planning Decisions: An Inductive Approach. Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Susarla, A. (2007). Contracting, Incentives and Inter-organizational Routines in Information Technology Outsourcing. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Weisstein, F., Subramanyam, R., Krishnan, M., & Cho, W. (2007). Reexamining Software Project Success: The Perspectives of Developers and Users. International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Ramasubbu, N., Subramanyam, R., Mithas, S., & Krishnan, M. (2006). On The Value of Code Inspections for Software Project Management: An Empirical Analysis. ( pp. 3813-3822). Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Krishnan, M. (2001). Business Value of IT-Enabled Call Centers: An Empirical Analysis. International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Krishnan, M. (2001). Determinants of Inspection Effectiveness in Software Development: An Empirical Analysis. ( pp. 437-442). International Conference on Information Systems.


  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2022). Effects of ESSA on Online Crowdfunding. INFORMS Annual Conference 2022, INFORMS.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. (2022). Disaster Management Through Digital Platforms : Online Crowdfunding Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS.
  • Garimella, A., Wu, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2021). Unintended Consequences : The Effect of Education Policy Announcements on Online Philanthropy. CMU-Pitt Seminar on Information Technology & Economics.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2021). Disaster Management Through Digital Platforms : Online Crowdfunding Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2021). Unintended Consequences: An Empirical Examination of Educational Policy Announcements Affecting Private Donations. HICSS 2021.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2020). Unintended Consequences: An Empirical Examination of Educational Policy Announcements Affecting Private Donations. CIST 2020.
  • Fernandez Corrales, C., Somaya, D., & Subramanyam, R. (2016). A Tree Induction Analysis of Exclusivity in Technology Licensing. University of Illinois Strategy Research Seminar.
  • Fernandez Corrales, C., Somaya, D., & Subramanyam, R. (2015). A Tree Induction Analysis of Exclusivity in Technology Licensing. Computational Sociology Summit, Northwestern University.
  • Ghoshal, A., Larson, E., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption. International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Ghoshal, A., Subramanyam, R., & Shaw, M. (2014). The Impact of Business Analytics Strategy on Social, Mobile, and Cloud Computing Adoption International Conference on Information Systems.
  • Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2012). Customer Satisfaction with New and Remanufactured Products, Invited Session. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • Kroes, J., Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2012). Compliance Levers, Environmental Performance, and Firm Performance under Cap and Trade Regulation, Invited Session. Production and Operations Management Meeting.
  • Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2011). Key Factors in the Market for Remanufactured Products: Empirical Evidence from eBay. Production and Operations Management Meeting.
  • Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2011). Market Factors for Remanufacturing: An Empirical Analysis of Transactions on eBay. MSOM Conference.
  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2010). Evolution of Routines: Evidence from Information Technology Portfolio Management. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Karhade, P., Shaw, M., & Subramanyam, R. (2010). Patterns in Information Technology Portfolio Decision Making: An Inductive Approach. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Kroes, J., Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2009). On the Link between Environmental and Market Performance under Market-Based Environmental Regulation. Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Susarla, A. (2009). Contracting for Knowledge Exchange: An Empirical Investigation. Purdue University.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Susarla, A. (2009). Contracting for Knowledge Exchange: An Empirical Investigation of IT Sourcing Arrangements. IT Management Research Symposium.
  • Subramanyam, R., Cho, W., & Krishnan, M. (2009). Quality Dimensions in IT Outsourcing Provision: An Empirical Analysis of Service Components. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • Subramanyam, R., Ramasubbu, N., & Krishnan, M. (2008). Exploring the Trade-offs in achieving Flexibility from Model-driven Component-Based Development: A Field Study. Information Systems Research Workshop.
  • Subramanian, R., & Subramanyam, R. (2007). An Empirical Analysis of the Market for Remanufactured Products: Evidence from eBay. INFORMS Annual Meeting.
  • Susarla, A., & Subramanyam, R. (2007). Renegotiation Design, Efficient Adaptation and Ex Post Performance in Information Technology Outsourcing: A Test of Incomplete Contract Theory. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.
  • Susarla, A., Subramanyam, R., & Karhade, P. (2007). Contractual Provisions To Mitigate Holdup: Evidence From Information Technology Outsourcing. INFORMS Conference.
  • Ramasubbu, N., Mithas, S., Subramanyam, R., & Krishnan, M. (2006). On The Value of Code Inspections for Software Project Management: An Empirical Analysis. Americas Conference on Information Systems, AIS, New York.
  • Karhade, P., Subramanyam, R., & Susarla, A. (2005). “Contract Term and Extensibility: An Empirical Analysis of IT Outsourcing Contracts,” Workshop on Information Systems and Economics, Irvine, CA, with Prasanna Karhade, and Anjana Susarla. Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Xia, M. (2005). "Open Source Software Development in Developing and Developed Countries: A Comparative Study", Fourth Workshop on e-Business (WeB 2005), Las Vegas, NV Workshop on e-Business.
  • Subramanyam, R., Krishnan, M., & Harter, D. (2002). “The Effect of Customer Involvement on Software Project Performance: An Empirical Analysis". Workshop on Information Systems and Economics.

Working Papers

  • Ahsen, M., , M., Raghunathan, S., & Subramanyam, R. Contests for Predictive Algorithms: Ensembling,Interdependency, and Optimal Rewards Design.
  • Basu, S., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. Is a megapixel worth a few thousand words? An Empirical Assessment of Image Sentiments on Philanthropic Crowdfunding Success.
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., & Subramanyam, R. When Top-Down Meets Bottom-Up: How Governmental Devolution Affects Online Giving Behavior.  link >
  • Wu, A., Garimella, A., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. Keeping Kids Learning: Online Crowdfunding Communities Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  link >
  • Wu, A., Subramanyam, R., & Ahsen, M. Evidence of Green Washing through Social Media.
  • Fernandez Corrales, C., Somaya, D., & Subramanyam, R. A Tree Induction Analysis of Exclusivity in Technology Licensing.
  • Subramanyam, R., Tafti, A., & Xia, M. Experience and Diversity in Open Source Project Outcomes.
  • Subramanyam, R., & Susarla, A. Contracting for Knowledge Exchange: An Empirical Investigation of IT Sourcing Arrangements.
  • Subramanyam, R., Cho, W., & Krishnan, M. External Sourcing of IT Services: Strategic Drivers of Service Quality.
  • Subramanyam, R., Krishnan, M., & Harter, D. Customer as a Co-producer: Evidence from Systems Development Projects.
  • Tu, Y., & Subramanyam, R. An Examination of IT Initiative Portfolio Characteristics and Investment Allocation: A Computational Modeling and Simulation Approach.
  • Subramanyam, R. Process Capabilities, Information and Communication Technology Use, and Firm Environmental and Economic Performance.
  • Gebauer, J., & Subramanyam, R. An Empirical Study of Mobile E-Mail.

Honors and Awards

  • William N. Scheffel Faculty Fellow, Gies College of Business, 2018 to present
  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois, 2004-2005, 2007-2008, 2011-2022
  • Disruption Fellow, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2019-2020


  • Business Analytics Collaboratory, Gies College of Business, 2021-2023
  • Process Capabilities, Information and Communication Technology Use, and Firm Environmental and Economic Performance, Business Excellence Grant Competition, 2014-2015


  • Associate Editor, Information & Management, 2017-2022

Teaching Interests

Teaching Interests include Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, Information Systems Development and Management, Business Value of IT, IT Strategy and Innovations, Enterprise Software Management, and IT for Networked Organizations

Research Interests

Research Interests include Machine Learning, Management of IS Design Processes and IS Project Management, IT Sourcing Governance, Digital Business Strategies, Economics of Information Systems, Software Complexity and Project Management, New Product Development, and Business Value of Information Technology

Current Courses

  • IT for Networked Organizations (BADM 350) Examines the information technology and its impact on modern organizations. Topics include: (1) IT, Internet Technologies, E-Commerce and business models, (2) organizing and modeling enterprise data, (3) Network protocol and architecture, (4) development of IT systems, and (5) IT management and organization design.

  • Business Intelligence (BADM 557) This graduate level course provides a conceptual and practical overview of analytical tools, techniques, and practices used to support data-driven decision making in organizations. Topics include data visualization, machine learning techniques, and business intelligence programming languages or services.


96 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820



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