Nolan Miller

Nolan Miller

Daniel and Cynthia Mah Helle Professor of Finance

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4044 Business Instructional Facility

515 Gregory Dr

Champaign, IL 61820



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Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences, Northwestern University, 1999
  • B.A., Summa Cum Laude, Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, 1994
  • B.S., Summa Cum Laude, Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1994

Positions Held

  • Chair, Senate Committee on Education Policy, Office of the Provost, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
  • Daniel and Cynthia Mah Helle Professor in Finance, Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019 to present
  • Director, Center for Business and Public Policy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016 to present
  • Professor of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 to present
  • Research Associate, Program on Environmental and Energy Economics (Faculty Research Fellow, 2010 - 2012), National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009 to present
  • Research Associate, Program on Health Care (Faculty Research Fellow, 2009 - 2012), National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009 to present
  • Associate Professor of Public Policy, John F. Kennedy of Government, Harvard University, 2004-2009
  • Assistant Professor of Public Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 1999-2004

Recent Publications

  • Heutel, G., Miller, N., & Molitor, D. (2021). Adaptation and the Mortality Effects of Temperature across US Climate Regions. Review of Economics and Statistics, 103 (4), 740–753.  link >
  • Deryugina, T., Miller, N., Molitor, D., & Reif, J. (2021). Geographic and Socioeconomic Heterogeneity in the Benefits of Reducing Air Pollution in the United States. Environmental and Energy Policy and the Economy, 2.  link >
  • Deryugina, T., Heutel, G., Miller, N., Molitor, D., & Reif, J. (2019). The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction. American Economic Review, 109 (12), 4178-4219.
  • Miller, N., & Jensen, R. (2018). Market Integration, Demand, and the Growth of Firms: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in India. American Economic Review, 108 (12), 3583-3625.

Other Publications


  • Jena, A., Olenski, A., Molitor, D., & Miller, N. (2017). Feeling it in your bones: A retrospective claims analysis of the association between rainfall and diagnosis of joint or back pain British Medical Journal, 359 j5326.
  • Al-Ississ, M., & Miller, N. (2013). What does health reform mean for the health care industry? Evidence from the massachusetts special senate election. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5 (3), 1-29.
  • Miller, N., Zeckhauser, R., & Wagner, A. (2013). Solomonic Separation: Risk Decisions as Productivity Indicators. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 46 (3), 265-297.
  • Fang, H., Miller, N., Rizzo, J., & Zeckhauser, R. (2011). Demanding Consumers: Consumerist Patients and Quality of Care. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 11 (1).  link >
  • Jensen, R., & Miller, N. (2011). Do Consumer Price Subsidies Really Improve Nutrition?". Review of Economics and Statistics, 93 (4).
  • Jensen, R., & Miller, N. (2008). Gffen Behavior and Subsistence Consumption. American Economic Review, 98 (4), 1553-1577.
  • Jensen, R., & Miller, N. (2008). The Impact of Food Price Increases on Caloric Intake in China. Agricultural Economics, 39 465-476.
  • Miller, N., & Pazgal, A. (2007). Advertising Budgets in Competitive Environments. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 5 (2), 131-161.
  • Miller, N., Zeckhauser, R., Johnson, S., & Pratt, J. (2007). Mechanism Design with Multidimensinal, Continuous Types and Interdependent Valuations. Journal of Economic Theory, 136 (1), 476-496.
  • Miller, N., Piankov, N., & Zeckhauser, R. (2006). Possibly-Final Offers. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 15 (3), 789-819.
  • Miller, N., & Pazgal, A. (2006). Budget or Target: The Choice Between Input and Output Strategies. RAND Journal of Economics, 37 (2), 391-415.
  • Miller, N. (2006). Insurer-Provider Integration, Credible Commitment, and Managed Care Backlash. Journal of Health Economics, 25 (5), 861-876.
  • Miller, N., Eggleston, K., & Zeckhauser, R. (2006). Provider Choice of Quality and Surplus. International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 6 103-117.
  • Miller, N., Wagner, A., & Zeckhauser, R. (2006). Screening Budgets. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 61 (3), 351-374.
  • Miller, N., Resnick, P., & Zeckhauser, R. (2005). Eliciting Informative Feedback: The Peer Prediction Method. Management Science, 51 (9), 1359-1373.
  • Miller, N. (2005). Pricing Health Benefits: A Cost Minimization Approach. Journal of Health Economics, 24 (5), 931-948.
  • Miller, N., & Pazgal, A. (2005). Strategic Trade and Delegated Competition. Journal of International Economics, 66 (1), 215-231.
  • Miller, N., Snyder, L., & Stavins, R. (2003). The Effects of Environmental Regulation on Technology Diffusion: The Case of Chlorine Manufacturing. American Economic Review, 93 (2), 431-435.
  • Miller, N., & Pazgal, A. (2002). Relative Performance as a Strategic Commitment Mechanism. Managerial and Decision Economics, 23 (2), 51-68.
  • Miller, N., & Pazgal, A. (2001). The Equivalence of Price and Quality Competition with Delegation. RAND Journal of Economics, 32 (2), 284-301.
  • Miller, N. (1997). Efficiency in Partnerships with Joint Monitoring. Journal of Economic Theory, 77 (2), 285-299.

Working Papers

  • Miller, N. Blowing Smoke: Health Effects of Wildfire Plume Dynamics.
  • Miller, N., & Jensen, R. Keepin' 'Em Down on the Farm: Migration and Strategic Investment in Children's Schooling.
  • Miller, N., & Jensen, R. A Revealed Preference Approach to Measuring Hunger and Undernutrition.
  • Miller, N. Outcome Commitments in Third-Party Committment: Theory and Application to U.S. Policy in Iraq.
  • Miller, N. Giffen Behavior in China: Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey.
  • Miller, N. Report Cards, Incentives, and Quality Competition in Health Care.
  • Miller, N. Health Benefits and Wages: Minimizing Total Compensation Cost.
  • Miller, N. Moral Hazard with Persistent Actions and Learning.

Honors and Awards

  • NIH grant, UIUC, 2020
  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, University of Illinois, 2011-2020


  • The Role of Information in Environmental Health Policy, Harvard University Kennedy School Dean's Research Fund, 2007
  • Consumption, Nutrition, and Health among the Ultra-Poor, Harvard University Kennedy School Dean's Research Fund, 2005-2006
  • Ownership and Contracting for Quality Health, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2003-2004
  • Regulating Pollution Through Information Disclosure: Facility Response to the Toxics Release Inventory, Environmental Protection Agency, 2002-2005

Current Courses

  • Econ of Market Fundamentals (FIN 501) A firm's long-run value ultimately depends on its business fundamentals. This course covers micro- and macro-economic drivers of such fundamentals, such as consumer demand, market competitiveness, government regulation, interest rates, business cycles, and monetary policy. Also includes topics in risk and intertemporal decision-making.

  • Financial Economics (FIN 501) A firm's long-run value ultimately depends on its business fundamentals. This course covers micro- and macro-economic drivers of such fundamentals, such as consumer demand, market competitiveness, government regulation, interest rates, business cycles, and monetary policy. Also includes topics in risk and intertemporal decision-making.

  • Microeconomics for Business (FIN 574) Microeconomics for professional business students. Shows relevance of value and distribution theories for business managers. Includes demand and supply theory, consumer choice, production and cost theory, industrial structure, and wage and capital theory. Intended for students in the Master of Business Administration program.

  • General Microeconomic Theory (FIN 580) Lectures and discussions relating to new areas of interest. See class schedule for topics and prerequisites.


4044 Business Instructional Facility

515 Gregory Dr

Champaign, IL 61820



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