Melissa Graebner
Robert C. Evans Endowed Professor of Business Administration and Director of the Initiative for Qualitative Research in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (INQUIRE) and Area Chair of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and International Business
4064 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Management Science and Engineering, Concentration in Organization and Strategy, Stanford University, 2001
- M.B.A., Stanford University, 1998
- M.S., Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford University, 1996
- B.S., Industrial Engineering, Stanford University, 1993
Positions Held
- Area Chair of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and International Business (SEIB), Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
- Director of the Initiative for Qualitative Research in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (INQUIRE), Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019 to present
- Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019 to present
Recent Publications
- Zahra, S., Li, Y., Agarwal, R., Barney, J., Dushnitsky, G., Graebner, M., Klein, P., & Sarasvathy, S. Forthcoming. Developing Theoretical Insights in Entrepreneurship. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
- Schijven, M., Heimeriks, K., Graebner, M., Haspeslagh, P., & Mitchell, W. Forthcoming. Thirty-Three Years After 'Managing Acquisitions': Reflections, Insights, and Research Directions. Strategic Management Review.
- Graebner, M., Knott, A., Lieberman, M., & Mitchell, W. (2023). Empirical Inquiry Without Hypotheses: A Question-driven, Phenomenon-based Approach to Strategic Management Research. Strategic Management Journal, 44 (1), 3-10.
Other Publications
- Dushnitsky, G., Graebner, M., & Zott, C. (2020). Entrepreneurial Responses to Crisis. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 14 (4), 537-548. link >
- Henderson, A., & Graebner, M. (2020). Entering a Golden Age of Sustained Superiority: Entrepreneurial Creation or Discovery? Organization Science, 31 (6), 1313-1620. link >
- Graebner, M., Lumineau, F., & Kamal, D. (2020). Unrequited: Asymmetry in Interorganizational Trust. Strategic Organization, 18 (2), 362-374.
- Graebner, M., Heimeriks, K., Huy, Q., & Vaara, E. (2017). The Process of Postmerger Integration: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Academy of Management Annals, Briarcliff Manor, NY, 11 (1), 1--32.
- Eisenhardt, K., Graebner, M., & Sonenshein, S. (2016). Grand Challenges and Inductive Methods: Rigor without Rigor Mortis. Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY.
- Graebner, M., Martin, J., & Roundy, P. (2012). Qualitative Data: Cooking Without a Recipe. Strategic Organization, 10 276-284.
- Graebner, M., Eisenhardt, K., & Roundy, P. (2010). Success and Failure in Technology Acquisitions: Lessons for Buyers and Sellers. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24 73-92.
- Westphal, J., & Graebner, M. (2010). A Matter of Appearances: How Corporate Leaders Manage the Impressions of Financial Analysts About the Conduct of Their Boards. Academy of Management Journal, 53 15-43.
- Graebner, M. (2009). Caveat Venditor: Trust Asymmetries in Acquisitions on Entrepreneurial Firms. Academy of Management Journal, 52 435-472.
- McDonald, M., Westphal, J., & Graebner, M. (2008). What Do They Know? The Effects of Outside Director Acquisition Experience on Firm Acquisition Performance. Strategic Management Journal, 29 1155-1177.
- Eisenhardt, K., & Graebner, M. (2007). Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges. Academy of Management Journal, 50 25-32.
- Graebner, M. (2004). Momentum and Serendipity: How Acquired Leaders Create Value in the Integration of Technology Firms. Strategic Management Journal, 25 751-777.
- Graebner, M., & Eisenhardt, K. (2004). The Seller's Side of the Story: Acquisition as Courtship and Governance as Syndicate in Entrepreneurial Firms. Administrative Science Quarterly.
Book Chapters
- Han, S., Lee, S., & Graebner, M., Jeffrey Reuer, Sharon Matusik, Jessica Jones (Ed.) (2019). Family Founding Teams, Internal and External Collaboration, and New Venture Growth. Oxford Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Collaboration Oxford University Press.
- Ozcan, P., Han, S., & Graebner, M., R. Mir and S. Jain (Ed.) (2017). Single Cases: The What, Why, and How. Routledge Companion to Qualitative Research in Organization Studies Routledge.
- Kyprianou, C., Graebner, M., & Rindova, V., K. Elsbach and R. Kramer (Ed.) (2016). Strategic Conversations: Methods for Data Collection and Analysis. Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Research Methods: Pathways to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers Routledge.
- Greenbaum, B., & Graebner, M. (2015). Kathleen Eisenhardt. Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management Palgrave.
Conference Proceedings
- Henderson, A., Oladimeji, T., & Graebner, M. (2022). Rising Complexity and the Gentrification of Sustained Superior Performance. ( vol. 2022,). Academy of Management Annual Meeting: Academy of Management.
- Roundy, P., & Graebner, M. (2013). Can Stories Shape Strategy? Narrative-Structured Information and Strategic Decision Making. Academy of Management Proceedings ( 1 ed vol. 2013, pp. 10851).
- Graebner, M. (2023). Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Prominent Academic Journals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Graebner, M., & Capron, L. (2023). Corporate Strategy Master Class: Mergers and Acquisitions. Strategic Management Society Master Class Series, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2021). Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Prominent Academic Journals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Han, S., & Graebner, M. (2021). Trash and Treasure: Organizing in Angel Investor Groups. University of Michigan Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies, University of Michigan.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Caveat Venditor- Trust Asymmetries in Acquisitions of Entrepreneurial Firms - 2009 AMJ Best Paper. Forum on Case-Based and Qualitative Research in Business Administration in China, Renmin University.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Advancing Theory Building in Entrepreneurship. Research Symposium: Advancing Theory Building in Entrepreneurship, Troesh Center, University of Nevada at Las Vegas.
- Graebner, M. (2020). New Perspectives on Learning and Impression Management in Strategic Decision Making and Entrepreneurship. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Understanding the Publishing Process - SMS Annual Doctoral Workshop. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Unlocking the Black Box: Using Multiple Methods and Data Sources to Examine New Questions in Strategic Decision Making. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Entrepreneurial Pivoting: New Perspectives and Paths Forward. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2020). Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Prominent Academic Journals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Meet the Editors. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Resource Attraction in New Ventures. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Back to Basics: Designing and Conducting Impactful Qualitative Research. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Fireside Chat: Conversations Around Qualitative Theory Building. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Having Your Cake and Eat It Too: Doing Double Impact Research for Academia and Management Practice. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Paving the Road to M&A Success: Antecedents, Processes, and Outcomes of Post-Merger Integration. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2019). Publishing Inductive Qualitative Research in Prominent Academic Journals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2018). Meet the Editors. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2018). Publishing Inductive Research in Prominent Academic Journals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.
- Graebner, M. (2018). Meet the Editors. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Han, S., & Graebner, M. (2018). Coordination and Collaboration Processes in Fluid Organizations: A Study of Angel Investor Networks. Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Strategic Management Society.
- Graebner, M. (2018). Angelic Behavior: Dynamics of Angel Investor Groups. University of Washington Seminar Series.
Honors and Awards
- Robert C. Evans Endowed Professor in Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Fellow, Strategic Management Society, 2021 to present
- President's Distinguished Faculty Recruitment Program Awardee, University of Illinois System, 2019 to present
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023-2023
- Robert & Karen May Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019-2023
- Bill Glueck Best Paper Award, The Strategy Division of the Academy of Management, 2022
- Small Businesses and Access to Legal Resources During the COVID-19 Pandemic, National Science Foundation, 2020-2021
- Consulting Editor, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2024 to present
- Co-Editor, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2018-2023
Current Courses
Entrep: New Venture Creation (BADM 446) Focuses on the opportunities, risks, and management problems involved in establishing and operating new ventures. Covers the steps included in starting a new venture, such as evaluating the opportunity, determining financial and operational requirements and resources, and deciding on the structure of the organization. Includes management issues faced by individual entrepreneurs.
Publishing Workshop (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
Qualitative Res Methods (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
4064 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820