Positions Held
- Lecturer, Department of Finance, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2008 to present
Recent Publications
- Stodolska, M., Marcinkowski, M., & Yi, J. (2007). The role of ethnic enclosure in leisure in the economic achievement of Korean immigrants. Journal of Leisure Research, 39 1-27.
Other Publications
- Stodolska, M., Marcinkowski, M., & Yi, J. (2005). The role of ethnic enclosure in leisure in the economic achievement of Korean immigrants National Recreation & Parks Association Symposium.
- Stodolska, M., & Marcinkowski, M. (2001). Intertemporal effects of leisure constraints: Changes in constraints and leisure in transitional periods. National Recreation & Parks Association Symposium.
Current Courses
Financial Markets (FIN 300) Theory and applications associated with the functioning of financial markets to include the conceptual foundations of portfolio theory, risk management, and asset valuation. The stock, money, bond, mortgage, and futures and options markets are examined.
Introduction to Finance (FIN 500) Introduction to financial management and decision making. A customized course, designed to provide a survey of finance for graduate students who do not necessarily have previous training in the disciplines. Different sections of the course will cover different sets of topics.