Matthew Kraatz
Merle H. and Virginia Downs Boren Professor in Business Administration and Associate Director of Illinois Strategic Organizational Initiative
193 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Organization Behavior, Northwestern University, 1994
- M.S., Organization Behavior, Northwestern University, 1991
- B.S., Psychology, Illinois College, 1989
Positions Held
- Associate Director, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020 to present
- Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford, 2015-2016
- Professor, University of Illinois, 2015 to present
- Associate Professor, University of Illinois, 2000-2015
- Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, 1994-2000
Recent Publications
- Sergeeva, A., & Kraatz, M. Forthcoming. MASTERING THE ART OF CRISIS THROUGH MYTHOPOEIC RELATION TO LEGACY. Academy of Management Perspectives.
- Ocasio, W., Kraatz, M., & Chandler, D. (2023). Making Sense of Corporate Purpose. Strategy Science, 8 (2), 123-138. link >
- Schneiberg, M., Goldstein, A., & Kraatz, M. (2023). Embracing Market Liberalism? Community Structure, Embeddedness, and Mutual Savings and Loan Conversions to Stock Corporations. American Sociological Review, Sage, 88 (1), 53-85. link >
Other Publications
- Kraatz, M. (2020). Boundaries, Bridges and Brands: A Comment on Alvesson, Hallett and Spicer's "Uninhibited Institutionalisms". Journal of Management Inquiry, Sage, 29 (3), 254-261.
- Kraatz, M., Flores, R., & Chandler, D. (2020). The value of values for institutional analysis. Academy of Management Annals, Academy of Management, 14 (2), 474-512. link >
- Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2017). Failed Stakeholder Exchanges and Corporate Reputation: The Case of Earnings Misses. Academy of Management Journal, 60 880-903.
- Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2015). Paying the price? The impact of controversial governance practices on managerial reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (6), 1740-1760.
- Huy, Q., Corley, K., & Kraatz, M. (2014). From support to mutiny: Shifting legitimacy judgments and emotional reactions impacting the implementation of radical change Academy of Management Journal, 57 1650-1680.
- Moore, J., & Kraatz, M. (2011). Governance Form and Organizational Adaptation: Lessons from the Savings and Loan Industry in the 1980s. Organization Science, 22 850-868.
- Kraatz, M., Ventresca, M., & Deng, L. (2010). Precarious Values and Mundane Innovations: Enrollment Management in American Liberal Arts Colleges. Academy of Management Journal, 53 (6), 1521-1545.
- Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2009). Character, Conformity, or the Bottom Line: How and Why Downsizing Affected Corporate Reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 52 (2), 314-335.
- Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2005). How do firms’ actions influence corporate reputation. The case of downsizing at large US firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, P1-P6. doi: http://dx. doi. org/10.5465/AMBPP.
- Kraatz, M., & Moore, J. (2002). Executive Migration and Institutional Change. Academy of Management Journal, 45 120-143.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (2001). How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence. Organization Science, 12 632-657.
- Zajac, E., Kraatz, M., & Bresser, R. (2000). Modeling the dynamics of strategic fit: A normaitive approach to strategic change. Strategic Management Journal, 21 429-455.
- Kraatz, M. (1998). Learning by Association? Interorganizational networks and adaptation to environmental change. Academy of Management Journal, 41 621-643.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (1996). Exploring the limits of the new institutionalism: The causes and consequences of illegitimate organizational change. American Sociological Review, 61 812-836.
- Robinson, S., Kraatz, M., & Rousseau, D. (1994). Changing obligations and the psychological contract: A longitudinal study. Academy of Management Journal, 37 137-152.
- Zajac, E., & Kraatz, M. (1993). A diametric forces model of strategic change: Assessing the antecedents and consequences of restructuring in the higher education industry. Strategic Management Journal, 14 83-102.
Book Chapters
- Kraatz, M., & Block, E., Royston Greenwood, Christine Oliver, Thomas B. Lawrence, Renate Meyer (Ed.) (2017). Institutional Pluralism Revisited. The Sage Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, (2nd Edition) ( pp. 532-557). London: Sage Publications.
- Phillips, N., Tracey, P., & Kraatz, M., Michael G. Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake E. Ashforth, Davide Ravasi (Ed.) (2016). Organizational Identity in Institutional Theory: Taking Stock and Moving Forward. Oxford Handbook of Organizational Identity ( pp. 353-373). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Kraatz, M., & Flores, R., Matthew S. Kraatz (Ed.) (2015). Reinfusing Values. Institutions and Ideals: Philip Selznick's Legacy for Organizational Studies. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 44 ( pp. 353-381). Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Kraatz, M., Tom Lawrence, Roy Suddaby, Bernard Leca (Ed.) (2009). Leadership as Institutional Work: A Bridge to the Other Side. Institutional Work: Actors and Agency in Institutional Studies of Organization ( pp. 59-91). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
- Pratt, M., & Kraatz, M., Jane Dutton, Laura Morgan Roberts (Ed.) (2009). E Pluribus Unum: Multiple Identities and the Organizational Self. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations ( pp. 385-410). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
- Kraatz, M., & Block, E., R. Greenwood, C. Oliver, R. Suddaby & K. Sahlin-Andersson (Ed.) (2008). Organizational Implications of Institutional Plurism. Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism ( pp. 243-275). London: Sage Publications.
- Kraatz, M., & Love, E., D. Ketchen & D. Bergh (Ed.) (2006). Studying the Dynamics of Reputation: A Framework for Research on the Reputational Consequences of Corporate Actions Research Methodology in Strategy and Management ( pp. 343-383). London: Elsevier.
- Robinson, S., & Kraatz, M. (1998). Constructing the reality of normative behavior: The use of neutralization strategies by deviant individuals and organizations. Dysfunctional Behavior in Organizations ( pp. 203-220). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
Books and Monographs
- Kraatz, M. (2015). Institutions and Ideals: Philip Selznick's Legacy for Organizational Studies. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 44 Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
Conference Proceedings
- Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The Reputational Impact of Corporate Governance: The Case of Poison Pills. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2005). How do firms' actions influence corporate reputation? The case of downsizing at large U.S. firms. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Kraatz, M., Broschak, J., & Shah, N. (2002). Institutional diffusion across contested terrain: The spread of women's intercollegiate sports, 1973-1999. Academy of Management Best Papers.
- Kraatz, M., & Moore, J. (1998). Executive migration and institutional change. Academy of Management Best Papers.
- Kraatz, M. (1995). The role of interorganizational networks in shaping strategic adaptation: Evidence from liberal arts colleges. ( pp. 246-250). Academy of Management Best Papers.
- Bruegger, T., & Kraatz, M. (2023). Corporate Purpose and the History of the Corporation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting PDW on Developing Theory from Historical Research.
- Ocasio, W., & Kraatz, M. (2022). Corporate Purpose. ISOI Conference on Corporate Purpose, ISOI, GIes College of Business.
- Kraatz, M. (2016). Pragmatism, Organizations and Management. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., Flores, R., & Chandler, D. (2016). The Value of Values for Organization Theory. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., Chandler, D., & Flores, R. (2016). Institutions, Values and Emotions: Exploring Connections and Differences. European Group for Organizational Studies.
- Kraatz, M. (2015). Back to School: Organization Theory and Higher Education. Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (2015). Shadow Governance: Informal and Hidden Mechanisms of Control and Authority. Academy of Management 2015 Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (2015). Reinfusing Values. Alberta Institutions Conference.
- Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2013). The reputational impact of corporate governance: The case of poison pills. BYU-Utah Strategy Conference.
- Kraatz, M., & Love, E. (2012). Stakeholder Expectation Violations and Corporate Reputation: Theory and Evidence. Oxford Univ. Reputation Centre Annual Conference.
- Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The Reputational Impact of Corporate Governance: The Case of Poison Pills. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The reputational impact of corporate governance: The case of poison pills. Midwest Strategy Meetings (Purdue University.
- Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2008). Do what you say you will do: The Relationship between Performance Changes, Earnings Expectations, and Corporate Reputation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Shah, N., & Kraatz, M. (2003). Change in institutionalized hiring practices: The breakdown of the no-lateral hiring norm among large corporate law firms, 1976-1990. European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium.
- Kraatz, M., & Ventresca, M. (2003). Toward the market-driven university? The spread of the enrollment mangement structure through American higher education, 1975-1998. Scancor Conference on Universities and the Production of Knowledge.
- Kraatz, M., Broschak, J., & Shah, N. (2002). Institutional Diffusion across Contested Terrain: The Slow and Uneven Spread of Women's Intercollegiate Sports, 1973-1998. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., Broschak, J., & Shah, N. (2002). Institutional diffusion across contested terrain: The spread of women's intercollegiate sports, 1973-1999. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., & Ventresca, M. (2002). Toward the market-driven university? The spread of the enrollment management structure through American higher education, 1975-1998. European Group for Organizational Studies.
- Moore, J., & Kraatz, M. (2001). Shared Law Firms and the Diffusion of Competitive Practices within the Illinois Savings and Loan Industry. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., Shah, N., & Broschak, J. (2000). Responses to Gender Equity Legislation in Division I Athletics: A 'New-New' Institutional Account. Institutions, Conflict and Change Research Workshop: Theory, Research Strategies, Research Designs.
- Shah, N., & Kraatz, M. (2000). Personnel migration and the diffusion of the 'mega-law' firm. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Ventresca, M., & Kraatz, M. (1999). Institutional Change: The sources of new models and forms in U.S. Colleges and Universities. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Shah, N., & Kraatz, M. (1999). Personnel migration and the diffusion of the 'mega-law' firm. CCOR Conference on Interorganizational Relationships.
- Kraatz, M. (1998). The Guts of Institutions. Miniconference on Institutions, Conflict and Change.
- Kraatz, M. (1998). Empirical and conceptual issues in the study of institutional change processes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., & Moore, J. (1998). Executive Migration and Institutional Changes. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (1998). The role of elites in institutional change processes. CCOR Conference on Strategic Adaptation.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (1997). How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence. Mini-conference honoring Ned Bowman.
- Zajac, E., Kraatz, M., & Bresser, R. (1997). Modeling the dynamics of strategic fit. 29th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society Conference.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (1997). How organizational resources affect strategic change and performance in turbulent environments: Theory and evidence. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (1996). Political interest, executive power and organizational adaptation: A dynamic analysis. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (1995). A Contingency Model of the Succession-Adaptation Relationship. 29th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society Conference.
- Kraatz, M. (1995). Organizational Justification for Illegitimate Change. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (1995). The Role of Interorganizational Networks in Shaping Strategic Adaptation: Evidence from Liberal Arts Colleges. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Zajac, E., Kraatz, M., & Bresser, R. (1994). Building Normative Models of Strategic Change: Evidence from the Savings and Loan Industry. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M. (1993). Integrating 'S. and W.' into 'O.T.' Approaches to Strategic Change: The Role of Firm Resources in Shaping Strategic Change under Conditions of Environmental Turbulence. 29th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society Conference.
- Kraatz, M., & Garet, M. (1992). Resolving the Ambiguity of Leadership in Higher Education: A Study of Presidential Succession and Organizational Outcomes. Association for the Study of Higher Education.
- Zajac, E., & Kraatz, M. (1992). Antecedents and Consequences of Restructuring in the Higher Education Industry. 29th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society Conference.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (1992). Invisible Hand or Iron Cage? Market and Institutional Influences on Organizational Change. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kraatz, M., & Zajac, E. (1992). The Open Cage of Isomorphism? Organizational Change in a Strong Institutional Environment. The Institute of Management Sciences/Operations Research Society of America.
- Rousseau, D., Robinson, S., & Kraatz, M. (1992). The Psychological Contracts of Organizational Newcomers: Their Development, Violation and Resolution. Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Honors and Awards
- Merle H. and Virginia Downs Boren Professorship in Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020 to present
- Gies BA Department Senior Faculty Grant, Gies BA Department, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2024
- Board Member, Strategic Management Journal, 2000 to present
- Board Member, Strategic Organization, 2003-2010
Teaching Interests
Organizational theory and design, organizational change, leadership and ethics, and human resource management.
Research Interests
Research examines organizational change, learning, governance, reputation, values, and other institutional processes.
Current Courses
Designing and Managing Orgs (BADM 312) Understanding of complex organizations; particular attention to ways of dividing work, achieving coordination, and issues connected with change and adaptation.
Strategic Human Res Management (BADM 313) Studies concepts and methods used by the staff personnel unit in building and maintaining an effective work force in an industrial organization; development of ability to design the personnel subsystem within the firm and to deal effectively with problems encountered in such areas as recruitment, selection, training, and wage and salary administration; and considerable emphasis on case analysis, role playing, and research.
Leadership and Teams (BADM 508) Develops and integrates fundamental behavioral concepts and theory having administrative applications; initially focuses on the individual decision maker and ultimately includes interpersonal, organizational, and social structures and influences; and develops strategies and methods of research on behavioral applications in business.
Macro Foundations (BADM 519) Seminar in topics of organizational behavior and organizational theory. Topics include: Seminar in Organizational Behavior (explores current and classic research in the field of organizational behavior); and Seminar in Organizational Theory (explores current and classic research in the field of Organizational Theory).
HR Management & Strategy (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
193 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820