274 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Accountancy, Dissertation: Consequentiality, Justification and Auditors' Decision Processes: A Theoretical Framework and Two Experiments, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994
- M.A.S., Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1989
- B.S., Highest Honors, Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988
Positions Held
- Executive Associate Dean of Faculty and Research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- Associate Dean of Faculty, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2015-2022
- Academic Director, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014-2022
- Deloitte Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009 to present
- Director, Ph.D. Program, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2013
- Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006 to present
- Consultant, National Law Firm, 1998,2013
- Associate Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1998-2006
- Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of Washington, 1994-1998
- Acting Assistant Professor of Accounting, University of Washington, 1994
Recent Publications
- Maksymov, E., Peecher, M., Pickerd, J., & Zhou, D. Forthcoming. How Trial Preparation Factors Influence Audit Litigation Outcomes: Insights from Audit Litigators. The Accounting Review. link >
- Peecher, M., Ricci, M., & Zhou, D. (2024). Promoting Proactive Auditing Behaviors. Contemporary Accounting Research, 41 (1), 620-644. link >
- Maksymov, E., Peecher, M., Sutherland, A., & Weber, J. (2024). Audit Partners' Role in Material Misstatement Resolution: Survey and Interview Evidence. Journal of Accounting Research, Wiley, 62 (1), 275-333. link >
- Altiero, E., Kang, Y., & Peecher, M. (2022). Motivated perspective taking: Why prompting auditors to take an investor's perspective makes them treat identified audit differences as less material. Contemporary Accounting Research, Wiley, 39 (1), 339-370. link >
Other Publications
- Peecher, M. (2021). Beyond Risk Shifting: The Knowledge-Transferring Role of Audit Liability. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38 (3), 2224-2263.
- Johanns, A., & Peecher, M. (2021). Do Stronger Wise-Thinking Dispositions Facilitate Auditors' Objective Evaluation of Evidence When Assessing and Addressing Fraud Risk?*. Contemporary Accounting Research, 38 (3), 1679-1711.
- Peecher, M. (2021). Editorial: Accounting research and practice in the time of pandemic (v5). Accounting, Organizations and Society, Elsevier, 90.
- Bauer, T., Hillison, S., Peecher, M., & Pomeroy, B. (2020). Revising Audit Plans to Address Fraud Risk: A Case of "Do as I Advise, Not as I Do?". Contemporary Accounting Research, 37 (4), 2558-2589.
- Peecher, M. (2020). Evidence on how different interventions affect juror assessment of auditor legal culpability and responsibility for damages after auditor failure to detect fraud. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 87.
- Peecher, M. (2020). The Settlement Norm in Audit Legal Disputes: Insights from Prominent Attorneys. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37 (3), 1400-1443.
- Elliott, W., Fanning, K., & Peecher, M. (2020). Do Investors Value Higher Financial-Reporting Quality, and Can Expanded Audit Reports Unlock This Value? The Accounting Review, 95 (2), 141-165.
- Bol, J., Estep, C., Moers, F., & Peecher, M. (2018). The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Auditor Expertise and Human Capital Development. Journal of Accounting Research, 56 (4), 1205-1252. link >
- Hillison, S., & Peecher, M. (2017). Discussion of "The Consequences of Audit-Related Earnings Revisions". Contemporary Accounting Research, 34 (4), 1915-1921. link >
- Hobson, J., Mayew, W., Peecher, M., & Venkatachalam, M. (2017). Improving Experienced Auditors' Detection of Deception in CEO Narratives. Journal of Accounting Research, 1-30. link >
- Hetrick, K., & Peecher, M. (2015). Key takeaways and overarching themes: A foreward 2014 AOS Conference on Accounting Estimates special issue. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 46 1-4.
- Elliott, W., Jackson, K., Peecher, M., & White, B. (2014). The Unintended Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value. The Accounting Review, 89 (1), 275-302.
- Kadous, K., Leiby, J., & Peecher, M. (2013). How Do Auditors Weight Informal Contrary Advice? The Joint Influence of Advisor Social Bond and Advice Justifiability. The Accounting Review, 88 (6), 2061-2087.
- Peecher, M., Solomon, I., & Trotman, K. (2013). An Accountability Framework for Financial Statement Auditors and Related Research Questions. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 89 596-620.
- Budescu, D., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I. (2012). The Joint Influence of the Extent and Nature of Audit Evidence, Materiality Thresholds, and Misstatement Type on Achieved Audit Risk. Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 31 (1), 19-41. link >
- Peecher, M. (2011). Worlds of Assurance. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 36 (4-5). link >
- Peecher, M., Piercey, M., Rich, J., & Tubbs, R. (2010). The Effects of a Supervisor's Active Intervention in Subordinates' Judgments, Directional Goals, and Perceived Technical Knowledge Advantage on Audit Team Judgments. The Accounting Review, 85 1763-1786.
- Elliott, W., Krische, S., & Peecher, M. (2010). Expected Mispricing: The Joint Influence of Accounting Transparency and Investor Base. Journal of Accounting Research, 48 (2), 343-381.
- Piercey, M., & Peecher, M. (2008). Judging Audit Quality in Light of Adverse Outcomes: Evidence of Outcome Bias and Reverse Outcome Bias. Contemporary Accounting Research, 25 243-274.
- Ganguly, A., Herbold, J., & Peecher, M. (2007). Assurer Reputation for Competence in a Multi-Service Context. Contemporary Accounting Research, 24 133-170.
- Peecher, M., Schwartz, R., & Solomon, I. (2007). It's All About Audit Quality: Perspectives on Strategic Systems Auditing. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 32 463-485.
- Kadous, K., Kennedy, S., & Peecher, M. (2003). The Effect of Quality Assessment and Directional Goal Commitment on Auditors' Acceptance of Client-Preferred Accounting Methods. The Accounting Review, 78 759-778.
- Peecher, M. (2003). Discussion of 'Pricing and Supplier Concentration in the Private Client Segment of the Audit Market: Market Power or Competition'. The International Journal of Accounting, 38 457-460.
- Peecher, M. (2002). A Discussion of 'Audit Review: Managers' Interpersonal Expectations and Conduct of the Review. Contemporary Accounting Research, 19 445-448.
- Peecher, M. (2002). Discussion of Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality: The Effects of Financial Expertise vs. Financial Literacy. The Accounting Review, 77 169-173.
- Peecher, M., & Solomon, I. (2001). Theory and Experimentation in Studies of Audit Judgment & Decisions: Avoiding Common Research Traps. International Journal of Auditing, 5 193-203.
- Matsumoto, D., Peecher, M., & Rich, J. (2000). Evaluations of Outcome Sequences. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 83 331-352.
- Peecher, M. (2000). Incorporating Changes in the Audit Process in the Classroom. Auditor's Report, 23 21-22.
- Brown, C., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I. (1999). Auditors' Hypothesis Testing in Diagnostic Inference Tasks. Journal of Accounting Research, 37 (1), 1-26.
- Burgstahler, D., Dukes, R., & Peecher, M. (1998). Instructional Case: Balmer Consulting Group. Issues in Accounting Education, 13 905-930.
- Kennedy, J., & Peecher, M. (1997). Judging Auditors' Technical Knowledge. Journal of Accounting Research, 35 279-93.
- Kennedy, J., Kleinmuntz, D., & Peecher, M. (1997). Determinants of the Justifiability of Performance in Ill-Structured Audit Tasks. Journal of Accounting Research, 35 105-123.
- Kleinmuntz, D., Fennema, M., & Peecher, M. (1996). Conditioned Assessment of Subjective Probabilities: Identifying the Benefits of Decomposition. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 66 (1), 1-15.
- Peecher, M. (1996). The Influence of Auditors' Justification Processes on their Decisions: A Cognitive Model and Experimental Evidence. Journal of Accounting Research, 34 125-140.
Book Chapters
- Peecher, M., Dolores Albarracin, Blair T. Johnson (Ed.) (2019). The Role of Attitudes in Financial Audits and Directions for Future Research. The Handbook of Attitudes Volume 2: Applications ( pp. 232-267). New York: Routledge. link >
- Bell, T., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I., T. B. Bell and Ira Solomon (Ed.) (2002). A Guide to Selecting SSA cases. Cases in Strategic-Systems Auditing ( pp. 35-58). Montvale, New Jersey: KPMG.
- Bell, T., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I., T.B. Bell and Ira Solomon (Ed.) (2002). The Strategic Systems Approach to Auditing. Cases in Strategic Systems Auditing: KPMG and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Business Measurement Case Development and Research Program ( pp. 1-34). Montvale, New Jersey: KPMG.
- Peecher, M., & Smith, D. (1998). 'UDUB Limited' A case on analytical procedures. Auditing: Text and Cases by W. Robert Knechel ( pp. C114-117). Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
Books and Monographs
- Armfield, C., Chain, M., Hueber, P., & Peecher, M. (2009). Auditor Independence Education Materials. Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society.
- Bell, T., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I. (2005). The 21st Century Public Company Audit. Montvale, New Jersey: KPMG.
- Bell, T., Peecher, M., & Solomon, I. (2005). The 21st Century Public-Company Audit: Conceptual Elements of KPMG's Global Audit Methodology. Montvale, New Jersey: KPMG.
- Peecher, M. (2002). 15th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (2001). Assurance Services: An Introduction. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (2001). Assurance Services: An Introduction. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (2001). Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications, Second Edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (2001). Instructor's Version, Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications, Second Edition. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Peecher, M. (2000). 14th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. (1999). Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Peecher, M. (1999). Instructor's Version, Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (1999). 13th Symposium on Auditing Research. ( pp. 1-45). Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Solomon, I., & Peecher, M. (1998). Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
Conference Proceedings
- Peecher, M. Forthcoming. 19th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. Forthcoming. 20th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. (2014). 21st Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. (2008). 18th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. (2006). 17th Symposium on Auditing Research. Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Peecher, M. (2003). Discussion of "Pricing and Supplier Concentration in the Private Client Segment of the Audit Market: Market Power or Competition". ( vol. 38, pp. 457-460). The International Journal of Accounting.
- Peecher, M. (2002). Discussion of "Audit Review: Managers' Interpersonal Expectations and Conduct of the Review". ( pp. 445-448). Contemporary Accounting Research.
- Peecher, M. (2002). Discussion of "Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality: The Effects of Financial Expertise vs. Financial Literacy". ( vol. 77, pp. 169-173). The Accounting Review.
- Peecher, M. (1994). The Contingent Nature of Justification Demand's Influence on Auditors' Decision Processes. 11th Symposium on Auditing Research.
- Peecher, M., & Kleinmuntz, D. (1991). Discussion of "Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Accountability on Auditor Judgments". ( vol. 10, pp. 108-113). Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory.
Other Publications
- Peecher, M. (2004). Solomon, I. and M. E. Peecher, "Does Your Auditor Understand Your Business?".
- Peecher, M. (2004). Solomon, I. and M. E. Peecher. 2004. "SOX 404-A Billion Here, A Billion There. . .".
- Peecher, M. (2003). Discussion of "Pricing and Supplier Concentration in the Private Client Segment of the Audit Market: Market Power or Competition".
- Peecher, M. (2002). Discussion of "Audit Review: Managers' Interpersonal Expectations and Conduct of the Review".
- Peecher, M. (2002). Discussion of "Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality: The Effects of Financial Expertise vs. Financial Literacy".
- Peecher, M. (2001). Solomon, I. and M. E. Peecher. Instructor's Version, Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications, 2E. South-Western College Publishing. 2001. ISBN 0-324-05792-X.
- Peecher, M. (2001). Solomon, I., and M. E. Peecher. Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications, 2E. South-Western College Publishing. 2001. ISBN 0-324-05791-1.
- Peecher, M. (1999). Solomon, I. and M. E. Peecher. Instructor's Version, Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications. South-Western College Publishing. 1999. ISBN 0-324-00225-4.
- Peecher, M. (1999). Solomon, I., and M. E. Peecher, Assurance Services: An Introduction and Applications. South-Western College Publishing. 1999. ISBN 0-538-88595-5.
- Peecher, M. (2014). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. University of Florida.
- Peecher, M. (2013). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
- Peecher, M. (2013). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. University of Pittsburgh.
- Peecher, M. (2013). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. Cornell University.
- Peecher, M. (2013). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. International Symposium on Audit Research.
- Peecher, M. (2013). The Investor Perspective and its Influence on Auditor Materiality Judgments. University of Georgia.
- Peecher, M. (2012). Auditor Tacit Knowledge and Audit Firm Human Capital Development. University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
- Peecher, M. (2012). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Distort Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value? University of Southern California.
- Peecher, M. (2011). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Distort Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value? University of British Columbia, Oregon and Washington (UBCOW) Conference.
- Peecher, M. (2011). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Distort Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value? University of Kentucky.
- Peecher, M. (2011). Does Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Distort Investors' Estimates of Fundamental Value? University of Notre Dame.
- Peecher, M. (2010). The Joint Influence of Advisor Affiliation and Advice Quality on Auditors' Judgments Following Informal Consultation. University of South Carolina.
- Peecher, M. (2009). Contemporary Audit Research on Critical Professional Judgment Issues. Center for Audit Quality Symposium.
- Peecher, M. (2009). Professional Audit Judgment: Views from the Undergraduate and Doctoral Classroom. Deloitte/Federated Schools of Accountancy Consortium.
- Peecher, M. (2009). Analysts Expectations of Mispricing: The Joint Effects of Accounting Disclosure and Investor Base. Journal of Accounting Research Conference.
- Peecher, M. (2009). Independence & Objectivity. American Accounting Association Auditing Section's Enhancing Audit Education Workshop.
- Peecher, M. (2008). Audit Scholarship & Academic Papers. Accounting Doctoral Scholar Ph.D. Conference.
- Peecher, M. (2008). Author's Perspective. American Accounting Association New Faculty Consortium.
- Peecher, M. (2007). Behavioral Research and Behavioral Research in Auditing. ABO Doctoral Consortium.
- Peecher, M. (2007). Judging Auditor Negligence: Debiasing Interventions, Outcome Bias, and Reverse Outcome Bias. University of Texas.
- Peecher, M. (2006). Judging Auditor Negligence: Debiasing Interventions, Outcome Bias, and Reverse Outcome Bias. University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Peecher, M. (2005). Behavioral Research in Assurance. 6th Annual Auditing Section Ph.D. Consortium.
- Peecher, M. (2004). Moving Beyond "A Discrete Bias Vantage Point" in Measuring and Assessing the Implications of Hindsight Bias in the Context of Judging Auditor Culpability. University of Connecticut.
- Peecher, M. (2004). Moving Beyond "A Discrete Bias Vantage Point" in Measuring and Assessing the Implications of Hindsight Bias in the Context of Judging Auditor Culpability. Emory University.
- Peecher, M. (2004). Moving Beyond "A Discrete Bias Vantage Point" in Measuring and Assessing the Implications of Hindsight Bias in the Context of Judging Auditor Culpability. University of Alberta.
- Peecher, M. (2004). Moving Beyond "A Discrete Bias Vantage Point' in Measuring and Assessing the Implications of Hindsight Bias in the Context of Judging Auditor Culpability. 9th Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference-Duke University.
- Peecher, M. (2003). Determinants of Judged Bias, Noise and Justifiability in Auditing Teams Judgments. Georgia State University.
- Peecher, M. (2003). Behavioral Research in Assurance. 4th Annual Audit Ph.D. Consortium, AAA Auditing Section.
- Peecher, M., Rich, J., & Tubbs, R. (2002). Determinants of Judged Bias, Noise, and Justifiability in Auditing Teams Judgments. International Symposium on Auditing Research.
- Peecher, M. (2002). Behavioral Research in Accounting. Big Ten Doctoral Consortium, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
- Peecher, M., Rich, J., & Tubbs, R. (2002). Determinants of Judged Bias, Noise and Justifiability in Auditing Teams Judgments. Ohio State University.
- Peecher, M., Rich, J., & Tubbs, R. (2002). Determinants of Judged Bias, Noise and Justifiability in Auditing Teams Judgments. Florida State University.
- Ganguly, A., Herbold, J., & Peecher, M. (2002). An Experimental Examination of Assurer Reputation within a Multi-Assurance Service Context. University of Wisconsin.
- Peecher, M. (2002). Determinants of Judged Bias, Noise and Justifiability in Auditing Teams Judgments. Brigham Young University.
- Peecher, M. (2001). An Experimental Examination of Assurer Reputation within a Multi-Assurance Service Context (now titled, "Assurer Reputation for Competence in a Multi-Service Context"). Washington University.
- Peecher, M. (2001). Behavioral Research in Assurance. The Canadian Academic Accounting Association Doctoral Consortium.
- Peecher, M., Kadous, K., & Kennedy, J. (2001). Are Auditors Objective when Assessing the Relative Quality of Client Accounting Methods? CAAA's Doctoral/Jr. Faculty Consortium.
- Peecher, M. (2001). Behavioral Research Opportunities in Auditing. KMPG's 'The Ph.D. Project' Accounting Doctoral Students Association Annual Conference.
- Peecher, M. (2001). Are Auditors Objective when Assessing the Relative Quality of Client Accounting Methods? American Accounting Association Midwest Region Meeting.
- Peecher, M., Kadous, K., & Kennedy, J. (2001). Are Auditors Objective when Assessing the Relative Quality of Client Accounting Methods? Cornell University.
- Peecher, M. (2000). Behavioral Research Opportunities in Auditing. First Annual Ph.D. Consortium, AAA Auditing Section.
- Peecher, M., Kadous, K., & Kennedy, J. (1999). Are Auditors Objective when Assessing the Relative Quality of Client Accounting Methods? University of Missouri.
- Peecher, M., Matsumoto, D., & Rich, J. (1999). Evaluations of Outcome Sequences. University of Utah Accounting Workshop.
- Peecher, M., Jiambalvo, J., & Myers, J. (1998). Analysts' Forecast Errors and Future Returns Related to Forecasted Changes in Earnings. Indiana University Accounting Workshop.
- Peecher, M., Jiambalvo, J., & Myers, J. (1998). Analysts' Forecast Errors and Future Returns Related to Forecasted Changes in Earnings. New England Behavioral Accounting Research Series (NEBARS), Boston College.
- Peecher, M., Jiambalvo, J., & Myers, J. (1998). Analysts' Forecast Errors and Future Returns Related to Forecasted Changes in Earnings. Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference.
- Peecher, M., Jiambalvo, J., & Myers, J. (1998). Analysts' Forecast Errors and Future Returns Related to Forecasted Changes in Earnings. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Accountancy Forum.
- Peecher, M. (1998). Invited talk. Enhancing the Learning Process Seminar, Deloitte & Touche.
- Peecher, M. (1997). Confirmation Proneness in Auditors' Hypothesis Formation and Testing Processes. University of Arizona Accounting Workshop.
- Peecher, M., Kennedy, J., & Kleinmuntz, D. (1997). Determinants of the Justifiability of Performance in Ill-Structured Audit Tasks. Universities of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington Conference.
- Peecher, M., Kennedy, J., & Kleinmuntz, D. (1996). Determinants of the Justifiability of Performance in Ill-Structured Audit Tasks. INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Fall 1996 Meeting.
- Peecher, M. (1996). Confirmation Proneness in Auditors' Hypothesis Formation and Testing Processes. Universities of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington Conference.
- Peecher, M. (1995). Judging Auditors' Technical Knowledge. 2005 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting.
- Peecher, M. (1995). Judging Auditors' Technical Knowledge. Price Waterhouse Accounting Workshop, University of Iowa.
- Peecher, M. (1995). Judging Auditors' Technical Knowledge. Universities of British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington Conference.
- Peecher, M. (1994). The Contingent Nature of Justification Demands' Influence on Auditors' Decision Processes. 4th Symposium on Auditing Research, Office of Accounting Research, Department of Accountancy, Univer.
- Peecher, M. (1994). Experimental Evidence on the Contingent Nature of Justification Demands. Behavioral Decision Research in Management Conference.
- Peecher, M. (1993). Experimental Evidence on the Contingent Nature of Justification Demands. University of Washington Accounting Workshop.
- Peecher, M. (1993). Experimental Evidence on the Contingent Nature of Justification Demands. University of Minnesota.
- Peecher, M. (1990). Auditors' Judgments of the Acceptability of Client-Preferred Accounting Methods. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Behavioral Accounting Brownbag Workshop.
Working Papers
- Brown, T., Majors, T., & Peecher, M. What Can Cause Audit Evaluators to Reach Unfavorable, Inconsistent Evaluations of Identical Audit Plans? Prior Experience, Approach, and Wise Thinking.
Current Courses
Auditing B (ACCY 504) Introduction to conceptual and applied material in the field of auditing. Emphasizes the audit process, reporting, and professional responsibilities.
Auditing A (ACCY 504) Introduction to conceptual and applied material in the field of auditing. Emphasizes the audit process, reporting, and professional responsibilities.
274 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820