Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Michigan, 1977
- B.S., Industrial Engineering, University of Wisconsin at Madison, 1974
Positions Held
- Research Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Director of Special Projects, Discovery Partners Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2023
- Research Professor, School of Business, George Washington University, 2016-2018
- Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013-2023
- Professor and Michael J. Crouch Chair in Innovation, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales, Australia, 2013-2016
- Visiting Professor, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, 2012
- Visiting Scholar, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, 2011
- Director, The CIC Center for Advanced Study in International Competitiveness, 2010-2013
- Visiting Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong, 2008-2009
- Director, Illinois Global Business Initiative, 2007-2013
- Visiting Scholar, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, 2003
- Visiting Scholar, School of Economics and Political Science, University of Sydney, 2003
- Director, Center for International Business Education and Research, University of Illinois, 1999-2006
- Professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, 1996-2013
- Associate Professor, Ohio State University, 1992-1996
- Assistant to Associate Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1980-1992
- Lecturer in Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1977-1980
Recent Publications
- Cheng, J., & Love, E. (2022). Designing Chief Innovation Officer Postions: A Strategic Contingency Framework. Journal of Organization Design, Springer International Publishing, 11 115-128.
- Cheng, J., Love, E., & Chhillar, D. (2020). National Innovation Ecosystems in the G-20 Countries: Institutions, Knowledge Infrastructure, and Firm Capabilities. Knowledge Infrastructure, and Firm Capabilities (August 26, 2020).
- Eesley, C., Eberhart, R., Skousen, B., & Cheng, J. (2018). Institutions and Entrepreneurial Activity: The Interactive Influence of Misaligned Formal and Informal Institutions Strategy Science, 3 393-407.
- Cheng, J., & Yiu, D. (2016). China Business at a Crossroads: Institutions, Innovation, and International Competitiveness. Long Range Planning, 49 (5), 584-588.
Other Publications
- Cheng, J., & Yiu, D. (2016). China Business and International Competitiveness: Economics, Politics, and Technology. Special Issue. Long Range Planning.
- Cheng, J. (2014). Country Context and Management Research: Learning from John Child. Management And Organizational Review, 10 (3), 337-346.
- Cheng, J., Birkinshaw, J., Lessard, D., & Thomas, D. (2014). Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in International Business: Integrative Knowledge and Transformative Theories. Special Issue. Journal of International Business Studies.
- Cheng, J., Birkinshaw, J., Lessard, D., & Thomas, D. (2014). Advancing Interdisciplinary Research: Insights from the JIBS Special Issue. Journal of International Business Studies, 45 (6), 643-648.
- Cheng, J. (2014). Innovation Agenda is Selling Australia Short. BusinessThink.
- Cheng, J. (2014). John Child and Chinese Management Research. Special Issue. Management And Organizational Review.
- Cheng, J. (2013). Managing National Health Care: Economics, Culture, and Strategic Choice. Special Issue. European Journal of International Management, 7 (2).
- Cheng, J., Guo, W., & Skousen, B. (2011). Advancing New Theory Development in the Field of International Management: Contributing Factors, Investigative Approach, and Proposed Topics. Management International Review, 51 (6), 787-802.
- Moon, H., Cheng, J., Kim, M., & Kim, J. (2011). FDI, Economic Decline and Recovery: Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis. Multinational Business Review, 19 (2), 120-132.
- Cheng, J., Henisz, W., Roth, K., & Swaminathan, A. (2009). Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in the Field of International Business: Prospects, Issues, and Challenges. Journal of International Business Studies, 40 1070-1074.
- Cheng, J. (2007). Critical Issues in International Management Research: An Agenda for Future Advancement. European Journal of International Management, 1 23-28.
- Rhee, J., & Cheng, J. (2002). Foreign Market Uncertainty and Incremental International Expansion: The Moderating Effect of Firm, Industry, and Host Country Factors. Management International Review, 42 419-439.
- Cheng, J., & Kesner, I. (1997). Organizational Slack and Response to Environmental Shifts: The Impact of Resource Allocation Patterns. Journal of Management, 23 1-18.
- Cheng, J. (1994). On the Concept of Universal Knowledge in Organizational Science: Implications for Cross-National Research. Management Science, 40 162-168.
- Cheng, J., & Bolon, D. (1993). The Management of Multinational R&D: A Neglected Topic in International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, 1-19.
- Cheng, J., & Bozeman, B. (1993). Resource Dependence and Interorganizational Linkage among R&D Labs: The Impact of Research Orientations. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 4 225-270.
- Cheng, J. (1991). Toward a Systems Paradigm for MNC Research: An Organizational Approach. Advances in International Comparative Management, 6 161-179.
- Cheng, J. (1989). Toward a Contextual Approach to Cross-National Organization Research: A Macro Perspective. Advances in International Comparative Management, 4 3-18.
- McKinley, W., Cheng, J., & Schick, A. (1986). Perceptions of Resource Criticality in Times of Resource Scarcity: The Case of University Departments. Academy of Management Journal, 29 623-632.
- Cheng, J., & Miller, E. (1985). Coordination and Output Attainment in Work Units Performing Nonroutine Tasks: A Cross-National Study. Organization Studies, 6 23-39.
- Cheng, J. (1984). Organizational Coordination, Uncertainty, and Output Performance: An Integrative Study. Human Relations, 37 829-851.
- Cheng, J. (1984). Organizational Staffing and Productivity in Basic and Applied Research: A Comparative Study. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 31 3-6.
- Cheng, J. (1984). Paradigm Development and Communication in Scientific Settings: A Contingency Analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 27 870-877.
- Cheng, J. (1983). Interdependence and Coordination in Orgainzations: A Role-System Analysis. Academy of Management Journal, 26 156-162.
- Cheng, J. (1983). Organizational Context and Upward Influence: An Experimental Study of the Use of Power Tactics. Group and Organization Studies, 8 337-355.
- Cheng, J., & McKinley, W. (1983). Toward an Integration of Organization Research and Practice: A Contingency Study of Bureaucratic Control and Performance in Scientific Seetings. Administrative Science Quarterly, 85-100.
- Cheng, J. (1979). A Study of Coordination in Three Research Settings. R & D Management, 9 213-219.
- Miller, E., & Cheng, J. (1978). The Overseas Assignment: A Closer Look at the Circumstances that Influenced the Decision to Accept an Overseas Position. Management International Review, 18 25-34.
Book Chapters
- Cheng, J., & Cooper, D., A Rugman (Ed.) (2003). A Strategic Context Approach to International Human Resource Management Research. Leadership in International Business Education and Research ( pp. 235-250). Stamford, CT: Elsevier Science Ltd.
- Cheng, J., & Rhee, J. (2002). International Research and Development. International Encyclopaedia of Business and Management ( pp. 3379-3390). UK: International Thompson Business Press.
- Cheng, J., & Schaffer, A., F. Luthans (Ed.) (2002). Organization Theory and Design. Virtual OB New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Cheng, J., J. L. C Cheng & R. Peterson (Ed.) (2000). Interview with John Child. Advances in International Comparative Managment ( pp. 4-26).
- Cheng, J., M. Warner (Ed.) (1998). Rosalie L. Tung. The IEBM Handbook of Managment Thinking ( pp. 686-689). UK: International Thompson Business Press.
- Cheng, J., B.J. Punnett and O. Shenker (Ed.) (1995). Cross-National Project Teams: Toward a Task Contingency Model. Handbook of International Management Research ( pp. 507-520). London: Blackwell Publishing House.
- Cheng, J., F. Luthans (Ed.) (1995). Organization Theory and Design. Virtual OB ( pp. 422-451). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Cheng, J., J. L. C. Cheng (Ed.) (1987). Research Trends: A Five-Year Analysis of Projects Reported in the Directory. International and Comparative Management Research Direcotry: Highlights of Current Projects and Recent Publications ( pp. 39-42). International Management Division, Academy of Management.
- Cheng, J., B. Bozeman, M. Crow, & A. Link (Ed.) (1984). Managing Coordination to Enhance Research Performance: an Organizational Approach. Strategic Management of Industrial R&D ( pp. 161-170). Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Books and Monographs
- Cheng, J., Maitland, E., & Nicholas, S. (2009). Managing Subsidiary Dynamics: Headquarters Role, Capability Development, and China Strategy. Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Sharpiro, D., Von Glinow, M., & Cheng, J. (2005). Managing Multinational Teams: Global Perspectives. London: Elsevier.
- Hitt, M., & Cheng, J. (2004). Theories of the Multinational Enterprise: Diversity, Complexity, and Relevance. London: Elsevier.
- Cheng, J., & Hitt, M. (2003). Managing Multinationals in a Knowledge Economy: Economics, Culture, and Human Resources. London: Elsevier.
- Hitt, M., & Cheng, J. (2002). Managing Transnational Firms: Resources, Market Entry, and Strategic Alliances. London: Elsevier.
- Cheng, J., & Peterson, R. (2000). Advances in International Comparative Management. Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Cheng, J., & Peterson, R. (1998). Advances in International Comparative Management. Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Cheng, J. (1997). International and Comparative Management Research Directory: Highlights of Current Projects and Recent Publications. International Management Division, Academy of Management.
Conference Proceedings
- Cheng, J., Rhee, J., Rajan, B., & Okada, M. (1997). Evaluating the Incremental Model of Firm Internationalization: A Literature Reveiw and Findings from Honda Motor Company. Annual Academy of International Business Meeting.
- Cheng, J. (1994). Managing Innovation in U.S. and Japanese Overseas Labs: The Effects of Corporate, Scientific, and Local Cultures on R&D Performance. ( pp. 66-69). International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management.
- Cheng, J. (1989). Toward a Systems Typology of Multinational Corporations: Some Conceptual and Research Implications. ( pp. 106-110). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Cheng, J., & Kesner, I. (1988). Responsiveness to Environmental Change: The Interactive Effects of Orgainzational Slack and Strategic Orientation. ( pp. 165-169). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Cheng, J. (1984). The Role of Cross-National Research in Organizational Inquiry: A Review and Proposal. ( pp. 266-270). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Cheng, J. (1983). Paradigm Development and Communication in Scientific Settings. ( pp. 266-270). Academy Best Papers.
- Cheng, J. (1982). Organizational Coordination and Productivity in Four European Nations: An East-West Comparison. ( pp. 58-63). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Cheng, J. (1982). Organizational Coordination, Uncertainty, and Output Performance. ( pp. 230-234). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Cheng, J. (1980). Coordination and the Performance of Research Teams: An Organizational Study. ( pp. 380-384). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
- Miller, E., & Cheng, J. (1976). Circumstances that Influenced the Decision to Accept an Overseas Assignment. ( pp. 336-339). Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
Other Publications
- Cheng, J. (2009). Think Big: Hong Kong Will Need to Make Major Changes to Survive a New World Economic Order.
- Cheng, J. (2000). Restructuring Recommendations for the Faculty of Business and Information Systems.
- Cheng, J. (1998). Managing Innovation in Overseas Labs: The Effects of Corporate, Scientific, and Local Cultures on R&D Performance.
- Prince, J., Prince, N., Skousen, B., Cheng, J., & Rudiger, K. (2011). Calculative HR Practices & HR Function Development: A Comparison of Anglo, Nordic, Germanic and Confucian Countries. Asian Ascendance: The Role of Human Resource Management.
- Cheng, J., Skousen, B., & Guo, W. (2011). Advancing New Theory Development in the Field of International Management: Contributing Factors, Investigative Approach, and Proposed Topics Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
- Prince, N., & Cheng, J. (2011). Coordination and Control in Multinational Corporations: Economics, Culture, and Strategic Choice. Administrative Science Quarterly Conference on Coordination within and among Organizations.
- Cheng, J. (2011). “Managing National Health Care: Economics, Culture, and International Competitiveness.”. International Health Care Services Academic Conference.
- Cheng, J., Rhee, J., & Kim, M. (2010). The Internationalization of Research and Development: A Research Update and Future Advancement Annual Academy of International Business Conference.
- Cheng, J. (2009). President Obama’s Energy Renewal Plan: Prospects, Issues, and Challenges Conference on Politics and Public Administration, University of Hong Kong.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Asia-Pacific and Global Competitiveness: The JACKS Multinationals Asia Academy of Management Bi-Annual Conference.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Building an Academic Career Inaugural Doctoral Consortium of the Asia Academy of Management.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Critical Roles of Theory, Phenomenon, Country Context, and Disciplinary Knowledge in International Business Research: A Proposed Paradigm Shift Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Critical Roles of Theory, Phenomenon, Country Context, and Disciplinary Knowledge in International Business Research: A Proposed Paradigm Shift Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.
- Cheng, J. (2008). International Business Research: Critical Issues and Future Advancement School of Business Seminar, Queen’s University.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Market Uncertainty, Firm Resource, and Business Venturing: The Case of International Expansion INSEAD Singapore.
- Cheng, J. (2008). Multinational Strategy, Subsidiary Role, and Managerial Competencies: Toward an Integrative Model School of Business, National University of Singapore.
- Cheng, J. (2007). Corporate Governance and Global Competitiveness IGBI Global Business Forum at the School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University.
- Cheng, J. (2006). Competing in the Global Marketplace: Opportunities and Challenges. Global Business Management Seminar, City University of Hong Kong, World Trade Center, Hong Kong.
- Cheng, J. (1998). Multinational Strategy, Foreign R&D Investment, and Innovation Performance: A Resource Deployment Perspective. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
- Cheng, J. (1997). Managing Cultural Synergy and Innovation in Overseas Labs. Corporate Sponsor Meeting, NSF Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) & Steelcase.
- Cheng, J. (1997). Multinational R&D Organization and Performance in U.S. and Japanese Firms. Chinese University of Hong Kong.
- Cheng, J. (1996). Managing Multinational R&D for Global Competitiveness: Preliminary Findings from a Study of U.S. and Japanese Firms. University of Michigan School of Business.
- Cheng, J. (1995). A Progress Report on the Global Innovation Management Project. Lehigh University School of Business and Economics.
- Cheng, J. (1995). Managing Innovation in U.S. and Japanese Overseas Labs: The Effects of Corporate, Scientific, and Local Cultures on R&D Performance. Keio Business School and Tokyo Institute of Technology.
- Cheng, J. (1994). "Collaboration in Cross-National Project Teams." Presented at the Symposium on "Incorporating Culture into the Research Process.". Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
- Cheng, J. (1994). A Progress Report--Managing Innovation in U.S. an Japanese Overseas Labs: The Effect of Corporate, Scientific, an Local Cultures on R&D Performance Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
- Cheng, J. (1990). Cultural Diversity and the Performance of Research Teams: Toward a Task-Contingency Model Center for Innovation Management Studies Research Conference, Lehigh University.
- Cheng, J. (1990). Cultural Diversity and the Performance of Research Teams: Toward a Task-Contingency Model Center for Innovation Management Studies Research Conference, Lehigh University.
- Cheng, J. (1983). Managing Coordination to Enhance Research Performance Virginia Tech Conference on "Strategic Management of Industrial R&D".
- Cheng, J. (1981). National Science Policy and Research Unit Productivity: A Contingency Analysis Albany Conference on Organization Theory and Public Policy.
- Cheng, J. (1978). Organizational Coordination in Research Units: A Systems and Social Psychological Perspective 9th World Congress of Sociology.
Working Papers
- Cheng, J. Asia-Pacific and the JACKS Multinationals: Economics, Culture, and International Competitiveness.
- Cheng, J., & Cooper, D. Managerial Knowledge and Subsidiary Role Performance: A Strategic Context Analysis.
- Cheng, J., & Cooper, D. Subsidiary Role and MNC Evolution: A Life-Cycle Perspective.
- Cheng, J., & Skousen, B. Institutions and Types of Entrepreneurship: Interactive Influence of Public Policy and Societal Culture.".
- Cheng, J., Jones, D., & Skousen, B. Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, and Entrepreneurial Firm: Conceptual Integration and Knowledge Accumulation.
- Cheng, J., Rhee, J., Kim, M., & Guo, W. R&D Internationalization, MNC Evolution, and Global Competition: From Transnational to Meta-National.
- Prince, N., & Cheng, J. Organizational Coordination and Control in Multinational Corporations: Task, Culture, and Strategic Choice.
- "Enhancing NSF's Impact on STEM Translation and Commercialization Success", U.S. National Science Foundation, 2023-2026
- "EAGER: Multi-level Research into I-Corps' Impact on Entrepreneurial Development: An Exploratory Study", U.S. National Science Foundation, 2019-2023
- "Institutions, Policies, and Development in International Business," Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), U.S. Department of Education, 2017-2018
- "Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Asia-Pacific: Antecedents, Consequences, and Policy Implications.", UNSW Business School "Strategy 2020" Research Networks Initiative, 2015-2017
- "Innovation, Asia Capability, and Australia's Competitiveness", UNSW Division of Research, UNSW Business School, and the Michael J. Crouch Fund, 2014-2017
- "Technology, Culture, and International Competitiveness," Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), U.S. Department of Education, 2002-2006
- "Institutions and International Business," Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER), U.S. Department of Education, 1999-2002
- "Organization and Performance of Foreign R&D Operations in Hong Kong: An Exploratory Study", The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995-1997
- "Managing Innovation in U.S. and Japanese Overseas Labs: The Effects of Corporate, Scientific, and Local Cultures", U.S. National Science Foundation's Center for Innovation Management Studies, 1993-1995
- "Technological, Environmental, and Cultural Determinism in Organization Form: A Study of Foreign R&D Labs in the U.S.", Virginia Tech College of Business, 1992
- "Managing Innovation Abroad: An International Comparative Study of the Organization and Performance of Foreign R&D Subsidiaries", Virginia Tech College of Business, 1991
- "Responsiveness to Environmental Change: A Study of Organizational Adaptation in Two Deregulated Industries.", Virginia Tech College of Business, 1989
- Consulting Editor, Cross-Cultural and Strategic Management, 2015 to present
- Board Member, Journal of Organization Design, 2014 to present
- Board Member, Management International Review, 2006 to present
- Board Member, Journal of World Business, 1999 to present
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses in global innovation and entrepreneurship, multinational management, and international business.
Research Interests
National innovation ecosystems, foreign R&D investment, global entrepreneurship, strategic management of MNCs, organizational learning and change, philosophy of science.