Educational Background
- S.J.D., International Law and Policy, University of Virginia, 1981
- LL.M., International Law, University of Virginia, 1978
- M.B.A., University of Georgia, 1977
- J.D., University of Georgia, 1976
- B.A., Business, College of William and Mary, 1972
Positions Held
- Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1985-2009
- Associate Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1981-1985
- Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1978-1981
Recent Publications
- Kindt, J., J. Kindt, Sr. Editor (Ed.) (2012). The Gambling Threat to National and Homeland Security: Internet Gambling. ( pp. 1-1,232). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
Other Publications
- Kindt, J. (2008). Internet Gambling Prohibition Act: Congressional Testimony of John Warren Kindt. University of Richmond Journal of Global Law and Business, 8 19-27.
- Kindt, J. (2004). "The Insiders" for Gambling Lawsuits: Are the Games "Fair" and Will Casinos and Gambling Facilities Be Easy Targets for Blueprints for RICO and Other Causes of Action? Mercer Law Review, 55 529-593 (lead article).
- Finnerty, J., Gentry, J., Gottheil, F., & Kindt, J. (2003). U.S.V. National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc., Civil Action No 1: 03CV 01278; Public Comments. Federal Register, 68 (187), 55655-55656.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Diminishing or Negating the Multiplier Effect: The Transfer of Consumer Dollars to Legalized Gambling: Should a Negative Socio-Economic "Crime Multiplier" Be Included in Gambling Cost/Benefit Analyses. Michigan State DCL Law Review, 2003 281-313 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2003). Gambling with Terrorism and U.S. Military Readiness: Time to Ban Video Gambling Devices on U.S. Military Bases and Facilities? Northern Illinois Law Review, 24 1-39 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2003). Internationally, The 21st Century Is No Time for the United States to Be Gambling with the Economy: Taxpayers Subsidizing the Gambling Industry and the De Facto Elimination of All Casino Tax Revenues. Ohio Northern University Law Review, 29 363-394 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2003). Subpoenaing Information from the Gambling Industry: Will the Discovery Process in Civil Lawsuits Reveal Hidden Violations Including the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act? Oregon Law Review, 82 221-294 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2003). The Gambling Industry and Academic Research: Have Gambling Monies Tainted the Research Environment? University of Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal, 13 1-47 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2003). Would Re-Criminalizing U. S. Gambling Pump-Prime the Economy, and Could U.S. Gambling Facilities Be Transformed into Educational and High-Tech Facilities? Will the Legal Discovery of Gambling Companie. Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance, 8 169-212 (lead article).
- Kindt, J., & Brynn, A. (2003). Destructive Economic Policies in the Age of Terrorism: Government-Sanctioned Gambling as Encouraging Transboundary Economic Raiding and Destabilitzing National and International Economies. Temple International & Comparative Law Journal, 16 243-277 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2002). The Failure to Regulate the Gambling Industry Effectively: Incentives for Perpetual Non-Compliance. Southern Illinois University Law Journal, 27 221-262 (lead article).
- Kindt, J., & Asmar, T. (2002). College and Amateur Sports Gambling: Gambling Away Our Youth? Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal, 8 221-252 (lead article).
- Kindt, J., & Joy, S. (2002). Internet Gambling and the Destabilization of National and International Economies: Time for a Comprehensive Ban on Gambling over the World Wide Web. Denver University Law Review, 80 111-153 (helped enact U.S. Cong. legislation).
- Kindt, J., & Palchak, J. (2002). Legalized Gambling's Destabilization of U.S. Financial Institutions and the Banking Industry: Issues in Bankruptcy, Credit, and Social Norm Production. Emory University Bankruptcy Development Journal, 19 21-69 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (2001). The Costs of Addicted Gamblers: Should the States Initiate Mega-Lawsuits Similar to the Tobacco Cases? Managerial and Decision Economics, 22 17-63.
- Kindt, J. (1998). Follow the Money: Gambling, Ethics, and Subpoenas. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 556 85-97.
- Kindt, J. (1997). Comments by Prof. John Warren Kindt. Multinational Monitor.
- Kindt, J. (1996). Analysis by Prof. John Warren Kindt. Forum for Applied Research and Public Policy.
- Kindt, J. (1996). Comments of Prof. John Warren Kindt. Wilson Quarterly, 4-5.
- Kindt, J. (1996). Introducing Casino-Style Gambling into Pre-existing Economies: A Summary of Impacts on Tourism, Restaurants, Hotels, and Small Businesses. World’s-Eye View on Hospitality Issues, 11 (3), 6-9.
- Kindt, J. (1996). The Business-Economic Impacts of Licensed Casino Gambling in West Virginia. West Virginia Universtiy Institute of Public Affairs, 13 22-26.
- Kindt, J. (1995). Legalized Gambling Activities As Subsidized By Taxpayers. Arkansas Law Review, 48 889-931 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1995). Legalized Gambling Activities: The Issues Involving Market Saturation. Northern Illinois Law Review, 15 271-306.
- Kindt, J. (1995). U.S. National Security And The Strategic Economic Base: The Business/Economic Impacts Of Legalized Gambling Activities. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 39 567-584 (helped enact U.S. Cong. legislation).
- Kindt, J. (1994). Increased Crime and Legalizing Gambling Operations: The Impacts on the Socio-Economics of Business and Government. Criminal Law Bulletin, 30 538-555.
- Kindt, J. (1994). The Economic Impacts of Legalized Gambling Activities. Drake Law Review, 43 51-95.
- Kindt, J. (1994). The Negative Impacts of Legalized Gambling on Businesses. University of Miami Business Law Journal, 4 93-124 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1993). Environmental Terrorism: A Strategic Assault on Public Order. Sea Technology, 34 105.
- Kindt, J. (1993). Offshore Oil Spills, the Tanker Business & the Regulation of Pollution Control. Marine Technology Society Journal, 27 68-75.
- Kindt, J. (1990). Environmental Implications of Developing the Nonliving Resources Situated in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the United State. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 23 329-343.
- Kindt, J. (1989). Dispute Settlement in International Environmental Issues: The Model Provided by the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 22 1097-1118.
- Kindt, J. (1989). Oil Pollution From Ships: International, United Kingdom And United States Law And Practice. Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 20 444-447.
- Kindt, J. (1989). Realism in Law-Making. International Journal of Legal Information, 17 210-211.
- Kindt, J. (1989). The Environmental Aspects of Deep Seabed Mining. UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 8 125-144 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1989). The International Court of Justice and the Western Tradition of International Law. International Journal of Legal Information, 17 171-173.
- Kindt, J., & Menefee, S. (1989). The Vexing Problem of Ozone Depletion in International Environmental Law and Policy. University of Texas International Law Journal, 24 261-293 (helped enact new U.S. regs.).
- Trible, P., & Kindt, J. (1989). Environmental Law And Policy: The International And Domestic Precedents Being Established In Efforts To Protect The Chesapeake Bay. George Mason University Law Review, 11 7-41 (co-authored with U.S. Senator Paul Trible).
- Kindt, J. (1988). Ice-Covered Areas And The Law Of The Sea: Isues Involving Resource Exploitation And The Antarctic Environment. Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 14 27-71.
- Kindt, J. (1988). The New Assault on Freedom of Thought: Section 263A of the Internal Revenue Code. Saint Louis University Law Journal, 33 137-176 (helped enact U.S. Cong. legislation).
- Kindt, J. (1986). International Environmental Law And Policy: An Overview of Transboundary Pollution. San Diego Law Review, 23 583-609 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1985). Particulate Pollution And The Law Of The Sea. Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review, 12 273-311.
- Kindt, J. (1985). The Claim for Limiting Marine Research: Compliance with International Environmental Standards. Ocean Development and International Law, 15 13-35.
- Kindt, J. (1985). The Law of the Sea: Offshore Installations and Marine Pollution. Pepperdine Law Review, 12 381-426.
- Kindt, J., & Wintheiser, C. (1985). The Conservation and Protection of Marine Mammals. University of Hawaii Law Review, 7 301-375.
- Warner, J., & Kindt, J. (1985). Land-Based Pollution And The Chesapeake Bay. Washington and Lee Law Review, 42 1099-1138 (co-authored with U.S. Sen. John Warner).
- Kindt, J. (1984). A Summary of Issues Involving Marine Mammals and Highly Migratory Species. Akron Law Review, 18 1-32 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Claims to Jurisdiction over the Environment of the Continental Shelf. California Western Law Review, 21 1-46 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Deep Seabed Exploitation. UCLA Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, 4 1-55 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Marine Pollution And Hydrocarbons: The Goal Of Minimizing Damage To The Marine Environment. California Western International Law Journal, 14 233-288 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Ocean Dumping. Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, 13 335-376.
- Kindt, J. (1984). Ocean Resources And Marine Pollution: Putting The Development Of Ocean Resources In Proper Perspective. Houston Journal of International Law, 6 111-158 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, 14 1-27 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Radioactive Wastes. Natural Resources Journal, 24 967-1014.
- Kindt, J. (1984). Solid Wastes And Marine Pollution. Catholic University Law Review, 34 37-100.
- Kindt, J. (1984). The Law Of The Sea: Anadromous And Catadromous Fish Stocks, Sedentary Species, And The Highly Migratory Species. Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, 11 9-46.
- Kindt, J. (1984). The Law Of The Sea: The Environmental Goals Governing Marine Pollution. Suffolk Transnational Law Journal, 8 1-44 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1984). Vessel-Source Pollution. Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, 17 287-328.
- Kindt, J., & Parriott, T. (1984). Ice-Covered Areas: The Competing Interests of Conservation and Resource Exploitation. San Diego Law Review, 21 941-983 (lead article).
- Primeaux, W., & Kindt, J. (1984). The Use of Erroneous Expert Testimony in Antitrust Cases and Its Establishment as Precedent: The Case of the Pevely Dairy Company. Denver University Law Review, 61 749-765.
- Kindt, J. (1983). Floating nuclear power plants: US and international regulations. Marine Policy, 7 90-100.
- Kindt, J. (1982). An Analysis Of Legal Education And Business Education Within The Context Of A J.D./MBA Program. Journal of Legal Education, 31 512-530.
- Kindt, J. (1982). Investment Interdependence as an Alternative U.S. Foreign Policy Response to the Spectre of Future Arab Oil Embargoes. Australian Yearbook of International Law, 7 299-325.
- Kindt, J. (1980). Ocean Resources Development: The Environmental Considerations Involved in the Offshore Siting of Nuclear Power Plants. Suffolk Transnational Law Journal, 3 35-80.
- Kindt, J. (1980). Offshore Siting of Nuclear Power Plants. Ocean Development and International Law, 8 57-103.
- Kindt, J. (1980). Prolegomenon to Marine Pollution and the Law of the Sea: An Overview of the Pollution Problem. Environmental Law Review, 11 67-96.
- Kindt, J. (1980). Special Claims Impacting Upon Marine Pollution Issues At The Third U.N. Conference On The Law Of The Sea. California Western International Law Journal, 10 379-499 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1980). The Effect of Claims by Developing Countries on LOS International Marine Pollution Negotiations. Virginia Journal of International Law, 20 313-345.
- Kindt, J. (1980). The Law of the Sea in Illinois? Illinois Business Review, 37 10-12.
- Kindt, J. (1979). A Historical Analysis of International Documents Relating to the Status of Women and Their Relationship to the Future Foreign Policy of the United States. University of Puget Sound Law Review, 2 221-253 (lead article).
- Kindt, J. (1979). An Analysis of Legal Education and Business Education within the Context of a J.D./MBA Programme. The Law Teacher, 13 12-26.
- Kindt, J. (1979). The Law of the Sea: Domestic and International Considerations Arising from the Classification of Floating Nuclear Power Plants and Their Breakwaters as Artificial Islands. Virginia Journal of International Law, 19 299-319 (co-authored with Adm. Max K. Morris).
- Kindt, J. (1975). Foreign Nation Judgments. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5 264-276.
- Kindt, J. (1975). Providing for Environmental Safeguards in the Development Loans Given by the World Bank Group to the Developing Countries. Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, 5 540-557.
Book Chapters
- Kindt, J. (2009). Gambling with Terrorism and U.S. Military Readiness: Time to Ban Video Gambling Devices on U.S. Military Bases and Facilities? Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.29). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Gambling with Terrorism and U.S. Military Readiness: Time to Ban Video Gambling Devices on U.S. Military Bases and Facilities? Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.36). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Gambling with Terrorism: Gambling's Strategic Socio-Economic Threat to National Security, Address at Harvard Univ Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.13). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Internationally, 2001 Is No Time for the United States to Be Gambling with the Economy: The Business-Economic Impacts of Gambling Activities Conducted Anywhere. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.9). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Internationally, The 21st Century Is No Time for the United States to Be Gambling With the Economy: Taxpayers Subsidizing the Gambling Industry and the De Facto Elimination of All Casino Tax Revenues. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.16). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Internet Gambling Prohibition Act of 2006: Hearing Before the Subcomm. on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security of the House Comm. on the Judiciary. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.51). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Introduction to Gambling in Cyberspace: The Destabilization of Fortune 500 Commerce and Financial Institutions. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.8). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Is U.S. Legalized Gambling Destabilizing World Economies? Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.14). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Letter to President George W. Bush from Prof. John W. Kindt. Gambling with National Security, Terrrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.11). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Letter to President George W. Bush from Prof. John W. Kindt (with footnotes). Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.12). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). National Gambling Impact & Policy Comm'n Act: Hearing on H.R. 497 Before the House Comm. on the Judiciary. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.32). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Scholar questions sanctioning of gambling on U.S. military bases. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.35). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Statement of John Warren Kindt, Conn. Capitol Bldg. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.5). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). The Business-Economic Impacts of Licensed Casino Gambling in West Virginia. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.6). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). The Economic Impacts of Legalized Gambling Activities. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.24). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). The National Impact of Casino Gambling Proliferation: Hearing Before the House Comm. on Small Business. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.3). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Tribal Proposals to Acquire Land-in-Trust for Gaming Across State Lines and How Such Proposals are Affected by the Off-Reservation Discussion Draft Bill: Oversight Hearing Before the House Comm. on Re. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.44). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). U.S. and International Concerns Over the Socio-Economic Costs of Legalized Gambling: Greater Than the Illegal Drug Problem? Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.12). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). U.S. National Security And The Strategic Economic Base: The Business/Economic Impacts Of Legalized Gambling Activities. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.27). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). U.S. National Security And The Strategic Economic Base: The Business/Economic Impacts Of Legalized Gambling Activities. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.34). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Unchecked growth of gambling calls for federal intervention. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.33). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Brynn, A. (2009). Destructive Economic Policies in the Age of Terrorism: Government-Sanctioned Gambling as Encouraging Transboundary Economic Raiding and Destabilizing National and International Economies. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.28). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Brynn, A. (2009). Destructive Economic Policies in the Age of Terrorism: Government-Sanctioned Gambling as Encouraging Transboundary Economic Raiding and Destabilizing National and International Economies. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.23). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Brynn, A. (2009). Spread of U.S.-style casinos undermines global stability. Gambling with National Security, Terrorism, and Military Readiness: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 1.22). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Joy, S. (2009). Internet Gambling and the Destabilization of National and International Economies: Time for a Comprehensive Ban on Gambling Over the World Wide Web. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.20). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Joy, S. (2009). Internet Gambling and the Destabilization of National and International Economies: Time for a Comprehensive Ban on Gambling Over the World Wide Web. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.30). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Palchak, J. (2009). Government sponsorship removes stigma from gambling. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.10). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., & Palchak, J. (2009). Legalized Gambling's Destabilization of U.S. Financial Institutions and the Banking Industry: Issues in Bankruptcy, Credit, and Social Norm Production. Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems: U.S. International Gambling Report ( pp. Doc. No. 2.11). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., Nikos Passas & Neva Goodwin (Ed.) (2004). The Costs of Legalized Gambling: An Economic Approach. It's Legal, But It Ain't Right ( pp. 115-137). Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan Press.
- Kindt, J. (1998). Legalized Gambling Is Bad For Business. Legalized Gambling ( pp. 129-165).
- Kindt, J. (1995). Gambling Is Economically Harmful. Gambling ( pp. 134-143).
- Kindt, J., C. Joyner & S. Chopra (Ed.) (1988). Chapter. The Antarctic Legal Regime The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
Books and Monographs
- Kindt, J., J. Kindt, Sr. Editor (Ed.) (2010). The Gambling Threat to Economies and Financial Systems: Internet Gambling. ( pp. 1 - 1,388). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., J. Kindt, Senior Ed. (Ed.) (2009). Gambling with Crime, Destabilized Economies, and Financial Systems. ( pp. 1-1,286). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., J. Kindt, Senior Ed. (Ed.) (2009). Gambling with National Security, Terroroism, and Military Readiness. ( pp. 1-1,162). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
- Kindt, J., J. Kindt, Senior Ed. (Ed.) (2008). United States International Gambling Report. ( pp. 1-508). Buffalo, New York: William S. Hein and Company, Inc.
Conference Proceedings
- Kindt, J. (2008). Internet Gambling and the U.S. Congress. ( vol. 8, pp. 19-27). University of Richmond Law School Conference.
- Finnerty, J., Gentry, J., Gottheil, F., & Kindt, J. (2003). U.S.V. National Council on Problem Gambling, Inc., Civil Action No 1: 03CV 01278; Public Comments. ( 187 ed vol. 68, pp. 55655-55656). Federal Register.
- Kindt, J. (1996). Issues Involving Gambling on the Internet. 1996 National Conference on Problem Gambling, Crime, and Gaming Enforcement, Bloomington-Normal, Illinois: Lighthouse Institute.
- Kindt, J. (1992). Eco-Terrorism: Strategic Environmental Terrorism and Potential International Legal Liability. ( vol. 16, pp. 184-203). 1992 Annual Conference on Oceans Law and Policy.
- Kindt, J. (1992). The Threat of Marine Ecological Terrorism: An International Legal Perspective. ( vol. 1, pp. 37-40). Marine Tech. Soc'y Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (1991). Ocean Mining Development and American Industry: The Environmental Aspects of Deep Seabed Mining. ( vol. 12, pp. 100-121). 1991 Annual Conference on Oceans Law and Policy.
- Kindt, J. (1988). Environment, Economic Development and Human Rights: A Triangular Relationship? (John W. Kindt, Reporter). ( vol. 82, pp. 40-41). American Society of International Law Annual Conference.
Instructional Software
- Kindt, J. (2001). Presenter, Exec. Dev. Ctr., Vet. Med., Univ. Illinois, Mar. 9.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Congressional Briefings, "The Gambling Threat to National and Homeland Security: Internet Gambling," Capitol Hill, Feb. 20. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Featured Luncheon Speaker and Panelist, "The Gambling Threat to National and Homeland Security: Internet Gambling," (included U.S. Dep't Homeland Sec. Reps.), Mar. 18-19. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Briefing/Discussion on "Academic Research and Issues in Gambling Socio-Economics," Olelo-PublicTV, Feb. 5. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Capitol Press Conference with Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle and Criminal Justice Authorities, "Casinos and Crime," Capitol Bldg., Feb. 6. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Featured Speaker, Joint Senate-House Legis. Briefing and Luncheon, "The Legacy of U.S. Sen. Paul Simon: The U.S. National Gambling Impact Study Commission," Hawaii Capitol Bldg., Feb. 6. Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Featured Speaker, Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu, Plaza Club, Pioneer Plaza Bldg., Hawaii, Feb. 9. Business Leadership Council.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Featured Speaker, Rotary Club, Windward Sunrise, "The Social and Medical Costs of Addicted Gamblers," Castle Hospital of Hawaii, Feb. 7. Business Leadership Council.
- Kindt, J. (2012). House and Senate Legis. Briefings on "The Business-Economics of Legalized Gambling Activities," Hawaii Capitol Bldg., Feb. 9. Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Interview with Prof. J. Kindt on "U.S. Int'l Gambling Report," Hawaii News Now, "Sunrise Show," KGMB-CBS, Feb. 6. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Main Presenter, Seminar Discussion on "Tourism and Casinos," Hawaii Tourism Council, Hawaii Convention Center, Feb. 8. Business Leadership Council.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Panel Discussion, "Gambling Proposals for Hawaii," for "Insights" with Dan Boylan, PBS Hawaii, Univ. Hawaii, Feb. 9. University of Hawaii PBS Symposia.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Presentation, "The U.S. International Gambling Report and Academic Research," Olelo-PublicTV, Feb. 7, Hawaii. Business Leadership Council.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Presenter, "The Socio-Economics of Gambling," Business and Ethics Leadership Council, Moanalua, Hawaii, Feb. 10. Business Leadership Council.
- Kindt, J. (2012). Press/Radio Discussion on "Casino Gambling Proposals for Honolulu," Hawaii, Feb. 8. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Featured Speaker, "The Economics of Casinos," Beacon Club, Miami Int'l Bus. Council, Nov. 11-14. Beacon Club, Miami Int'l Bus. Council.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Featured Speaker, "The Socio-Economic Impacts of Regional Legalized Gambling.". Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Presentation, "Digital Law Libraries and Future Informatics". Foundations and Grant Proposals.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Presentation/Discussion, "Illinois and Cycloramas in the Am. Civil War," The Gettysburg Foundation. Gettysburg Foundation.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Briefing/Discussion, "Socio-Economic Costs/Benefits Analyses of Gambling," Chicago, Illinois. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Featured Speaker/Participant, "Roundtable Analysis of the Costs/Benefits of Legalized Gambling in Illinois.". Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Presentation, "E-Learning via Informatics in the International System of Law Libraries". Am. Assoc. Law Libraries Publishers.
- Kindt, J. (2011). News-Talk Interview on "The Economic Impacts of Oil Spills," First Business News. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Briefing/Discussion, "The Proposal for a Chicago Casino," Better Government Ass'n of Chicago, Ill Better Government Association of Chicago, Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Congressional Briefings, "Strategic Management Issues in Destabilized International Economies and Financial Systems," Capitol Hill, Mar. 1-2. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "The Threat to Economies and Financial Systems: The Equal Rights Concerns of Speculative Ventures," (included U.S. Dep't Homeland Security Reps.), Feb. 27-28. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2011). News-Talk Interview with Tom Coates & Jan Michaelson, "The U.S. Nat'l Gambling Impact Study Comm'n & U.S. Sen. Paul Simon: The Iowa Case Study," WHO-Radio, Feb. 1. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). Speaker & Panelist, "Online Gambling Will Trigger U.S.-Int'l Financial Crisis Greater Than The Subprime Economic Crisis," CPAC Ann. Conf., Feb. 12. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). "Slot Machines: The Big Gamble," 60 Minutes, CBS News, Jan. 9. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2011). News-Talk Interview on "Proposals to Authorize New Illinois Casinos: Impacts on Illinois Education and the Economy," WCIA-TV, Jan. 6. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Speaker and Panelist, "The Socioeconomic Regional Impacts of Legislation Proposed for the Arlington Heights Area," Public Forum for Gov't Officials, Arlington Heights Library & Museum Complex, Oct. 28. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Participant, "The Obamacare Debate," 4th Ann. Conf., Academy on Capitalism & Limited Gov't, Univ. Illinois, Sept. 30. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Interview on "Strategic U.S. Economic Concerns and Environmental Issues: Viewing the Big Picture," Nat'l Public Radio, Aug. 19. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Panelist, "The 2009 Illinois Capital Construction Act and Its Socioeconomic Impacts," Regional Gov'ts Forum, Olivet Nazarene Univ. and Illinois Public Media, ONU Media Center, July 9. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Featured Luncheon Speaker, "Gambling with the Illinois Economy and Illinois Children," ICIA State Conf., Peoria Conf. Center, June 4. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Interviews on "The Economic Impacts of the 2010 BP Oil Spill," WILL-Radio, Univ. Illinois Media Center, June 28-29. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Featured Speaker and Panelist, "The $31-Billion Illinois Capital Construction Act of 2009," Public Study Session, Peoria County Gov't Officials, Apr. 27. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Presentation/Address, "Long-Term vs. Short-Term Economic Development and Revenue Generation," Capitol Bldg., Apr. 22. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2010). WGBH-Nat'l Public Radio/Television, Interview with former Mass. Att'y Gen. Scott Harshbarger on "Economic Development Issues in Massachusetts," via WILL-Studios, Univ. Illinois Media Center, Apr. 15. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Briefing/Discussion, "National Security in the Modern Age," Center for Law and National Security, Univ. Va. Law School. Faculty Lyceum.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Briefing/Discusssion, "Developments in the Law of the Sea," Center for Oceans Law and Policy, Univ. Va. Law School. Faculty Lyceum.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Congressional Briefings, "Issues in Destabilized Financial Systems," Capitol Hill, Mar. 9-10. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Featured Speaker and Panelist, "Rapid-Growth Industries and Destabilized Financial Systems: The Dilemma for U.S. Government Decision Makers" (included U.S. Dep't Homeland Sec. Reps.), Mar. 7-8. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2010). Featured Speaker, "Economic Impacts of the Illinois Video Gambling Act of 2009," Public Study Session, Peoria County Board Members, Mar. 23. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2010). FOX Business News, Interview, "Internet Gambling," uplink from WILL-TV, Univ. Illinois Media Center, Feb. 5. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). First Business News Network, Interview with Ms. Beejal Patel, "Online Gambling". First Business News Network.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Legislative Briefings on Business Issues. Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Participant, Luncheon Conf. on Entrepreneurship, I-Hotel, Univ. Illinois (hosted by Asst. Dean John Clarke, Entre. Program, College of Bus., Univ. Illinois). Conference on Entrepreneurship, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). WDWS-Radio, Interview, "The Business Interface of Gambling". Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Congressional Breakfast Briefing, "Rapid-Growth Industries and Destabilized Financial Systems". U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Featured Speaker and Panelist, "Rapid-Growth Industries and Destabilized Economies". SPG/NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Featured Speaker, "The 2009 Illinois Video Gambling Act," Joint Public Study Sess., for Urbana City Council, Champaign City Council, and Champaign County Board, Beckmann Institute, Univ. Illinois (hos. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Attendee, "Wall Street," Movie Discussion, Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Attendee, Academy on Capitalism, 3d Annual Conference, Univ. Illinois. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Legislative Briefings, "The United States International Gambling(R) Report: The Economic Impacts of Casinos in Ohio," Capitol Building. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Participant, Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government, 3d Ann. Conf., Illini Union, Oct. 1. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Press Conference, Ohio Capitol Press Corps, "The United States International Gambling(R) Report: The Economic Impact of Casinos in Ohio". Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). "Issues in the U.S. Strategic Economy," Univ. Ga Faculty Lyceum.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Briefing on United States International Gambling(R) Report with C. Thomas. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Briefing on United States International Gaming(R) Report with C. Thomas. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Briefing/Updates on Bus. Impacts in Ill. Econ Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). City/County Briefings on Ill. Capital-Construction Legis. & Gambling Issues, Televised Broadcast Taping with John Paul, WILL-TV, Inst. for Gov't & Public Aff., Univ. Illinois, Sept. 9. University of Illinois Institute for Government and Public Affairs.
- Kindt, J. (2009). City/County Gov't Briefings on Ill. Capital-Construction Legis., Sept. 3. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Debate with Ill. Rep. Louis Lang, Chair, House Gaming Comm., UCCI Regional Distance Learning Program, Coordinator Prof. Richard Winkel, Institute of Government and Public Affairs (IGPA). Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Debate-Interview, "Governing Counties During Tough Economic Times," Hosted by John Paul, Univ. Illinois Media Ctr., UCCI Regional Distance Learning Program, Coordinator Prof. Richard Winkel, Inst. Gov. Institute of Government and Public Affairs, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Host, "Government Organizations Symposium". Career Conference, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Research Presentation, "The 2009 Illinois Video Gambling Act," Public Study Sess., Champaign Co. Board. Presentation on Research: City and/or County Officials.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Address/Presentation, "Gambling in Massachusetts and Throughout the U.S.," Senate-House Joint Legis. Briefing, Capitol Bldg., Aug. 5. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). City/County Gov't Briefings on Ill. Capital-Construction Legis., Chamber of Commerce, Aug. 14. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Featured Speaker, with Ambassador Swanee Hunt, "Cambridge Conversation on Gambling," Harvard Univ., Aug. 5. Harvard University.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Honored Speaker, Harvard Roundtable: Cambridge Conversations, "The United States International Gambling(R) Report," Hosted by Ambassador Swanee Hunt. Harvard Roundtable: Cambridge Conversations.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Joint House and Senate Legislative Briefing, "The United States International Gambling(R) Report: Gambling Economics in Massachusetts". State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Interview on "Entrepreneurship and Gambling Issues in Illinois Business," with Alex Ruggieri, WDWS-Radio, June 18. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Interview on "Student Gambling and Proximate Casino Influences," with David Inge, WILL-Radio, Univ. Illinois, June 25. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). WDWS-Radio Interview with Exec. MBA Alex Ruggieri, Ruggieri & Assoc., "The Business Interface with Gambling in Illinois". Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). WILL-Radio, Interview with David Inge, Univ. Ill. Media Ctr., "The Proposed Danville Casino and Impacts on the Student Population". Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Featured Speaker and Press Conf., Illinois Capitol Rotunda, "Social Justice Issues in Illinois". State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Participant, Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership Conf., May 1, I-Hotel, Champaign, Ill Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Participant, Conference on Entrepreneurship, I-Hotel, Univ. Illinois. Conference on Entrepreneurship, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Press Conference, "Research on Proposed Revenue Legislation," Capitol Bldg., May 28. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Bus.-Econ. Presentation on Economic Stimulus Options, Apr. 3. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Business Interview with Tom Hudson, First Business-TV, Apr. 24. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Congressional Briefings, "Rapid-Growth Industries and the Destabilization of Economies and Financial Systems," Capitol Hill. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Executive Briefings, "Rapid-Growth Industries and Security Issues," SPG/NCALG Bd. Mtg Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). First Business News Network, Interview, "Economic Issues in the Midwest". First Business News Network.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Interview on "Business-Economic Issues of Gambling Activities in Illinois," with Will Stephens, WXAN-Radio, Apr. 22. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Press Conf. on New Univ. Ill. Publications Detailing National and Illinois Economic Stimulus/Tax Alternatives, Capitol Bldg. Press Room, Apr. 21. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Press Conference, "The Business-Economics of Illinois Gambling," Capitol Bldg., Apr. 21. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings on Economic Stimulus Alternatives, Mar. 31-Apr. 2. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). "Rapid-Growth Industries and the Destabilization of Economies and Financial Systems" (included Dep't Homeland Sec. Reps.). Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Briefing/Update on Ill. Econ. & Bus. Benefits Interface. Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Featured Speaker, Economic Stimulus Options for U.S., CERA Ann. Conf., Mar. 29-30. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Ill. Econ. & Bus. Benefits Issues. Legislative/Business Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Interdisciplinary Presentation on "Law and Informatics". ICUBE Lecture Series, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Colloquium Broadcast with Prof. Ira Rohter, Univ. Hawaii, Olelo-TV, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 11. International Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Hawaii Senate Legis. Briefings on Hawaii Economic Stimulus and Tax Alternatives, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 9. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Hawaii Small Business Coun., Address on Tourism and Bus. Considerations, Feb. 10. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Hawaii Tourism and Bus. Org., Address on Bus.-Economics, Feb. 10. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2009). House Legis. Briefings on Economic Stimulus Alternatives, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Interview on Hawaii Economic Options, KMOC-TV9, Feb. 9. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Joint House-Senate Legis. Presentation/Address, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 12. International Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Legis. Conf. Interview, KSMB-TV2, Feb. 12. International Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). PBS Debate with former Hawaii Speaker of the House Joe Souki, Univ. Hawaii, Feb. 12. International Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). PBS Discussion on Tourism-Economics with House Min. Leader Cindy Evans, Capitol Bldg., Olelo-TV, Feb. 11. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). PBS Symposium Interviews, Hawaii Pub. Radio, Feb. 12. International Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Senate-House Joint Legis. Briefing, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 11. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2009). Press Conf., with Criminal Justice Authorities, St. Att'y Peter Carlisle, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Participant, Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government, 2d Ann. Conf., Univ. Ill., Illini Center, Oct. 7. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Featured Speaker, Press Conf. (several nat'l press interviews), NCALG Ann. Conf., Sept. 28-Oct. 1. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Address/Presentation, "The Socioeconomics of Illinois and National Gambling Activities," Before the Ill. House Comm. of the Whole, Capitol Bldg., July 9. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Expert Witness, Deposition, McKaskel v. Carnahan (Case No. 08AC-CC00205, Cole Co. Cir. Ct., Mo., 2008), May-June. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "Understanding the Research Interface with the Federal Government and Congress: Homeland Security Issues," Mar. 9-11. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Featured Speaker & Panelist, The Unlawful Internet Gambling and Enforcement Act of 2006, Mar. 18-20. University of Richmond Law School Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Staff Briefing, Issues Impacting Univ. Illinois (on behalf of UIUC Sen.), Off. of the Ill. Sec'y of State, Mar. 28. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2008). U.S. Cong. Briefings on Military Readiness Issues, Mar. 12-13. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Speaker & Presentation on Illinois History in the Civil War, Jan. 9-10. Tennessee State Museum, Dep't of History.
- Kindt, J. (2008). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting Univ. Illinois (on behalf of UIUC Sen.), Off. of the Ill. Sec'y of State, Jan. 8-9. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "U.S. Government and Issues on the Internet," Oct. 9-15. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting Univ. Illinois (on behalf of UIUC Sen.), Off. of the Ill. Sec'y of State, Oct. 2-3. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker, "Gambling in America," Sept. 12-13. WCTU International Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Participant, Academy on Capitalism and Limited Government, 1st Ann. Conf., Illini Union, Sept. 27. Center for Professional Responsibility, Univ. Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker & Press Conf. (sponsored by several Int'l Companies reviewing Wichita St. Univ. Econ. Report), "The Impact of Casinos on Iowa Businesses," Aug. 1-2. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Speaker, "The Impact of Casinos on Iowa Businesses," (interfacing with Drake Univ.), Aug. 11-13. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2007). "Remembering U.S. Senator Paul Simon: Social-Justice Issues in Illinois," Conf. Relating to Social Justice Impacts in Gov't, June 8. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). CNBC-TV Nat'l Interviews, "Internet Gambling," WILL-TV Uplink to Nat'l Media Ctr., June 8 (several rebroadcasts). Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker & Press Conference, Conf. on Gambling in Illinois, Capitol Bldg., June 13-14. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). CNN-TV Special News Report on Gambling Among Military Personnel, Atlanta Media Ctr. (Rebroadcast Several Times), May (Prodded Subsequent U.S. Cong. Legis.). Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Marine Pollution and the Law of the Sea: Energy Development Issues in the Oceans, May 27-31. University of Virginia Law School, Ctr. for Oceans Law & Pol'y.
- Kindt, J. (2007). MSNBC-TV, 5 Nat'l Interviews, "Gambling in the Military," WILL-TV Uplinks to Nat'l Media Ctr., May 25. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2007). MSNBC-TV, Two Nat'l Interviews, Scheduled Uplinks to Nat'l Media Ctr., May 27. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Capitol Speech & Legis. Briefings, "Special Legislative Issues Impacting Illinois Economics and Tax Revenues," Apr. 19-20. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker, Briefings, & Press Conference, "Tax Reveues and Budget Issues: Illinois and National Case Examples," Capitol Bldg., Apr. 26-28. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Panelist on Internet Gambling Law, "Illinois Law TV Show," WCIA-TV3, Discussion with Senator Rick Winkel & Prof. Christine Hurt (Rebroadcasted), Apr. 1. University of Illinois Law School Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "The Interface of Academic Research and U.S. Government: Homeland Security Issues," Mar. 3-5. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Featured Speaker, Federal Indian Policy and Gambling, Conf. on Tribal Government, Mar. 19-21. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Participant, "Government Day," Illinois Capitol Bldg., Mar. 23-24. Southern Illinois University, Paul Simon Institute.
- Kindt, J. (2007). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "U.S. National Security Issues," Capitol Hill, Mar. 6-8. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Speaker/Presenter, Discussion Leader, Harvard Int'l Bus. Conf. (Sponsored by Harvard Bus. School, Kennedy School of Government, and Harvard Law School), Feb. 9-10. Harvard Bus. School, Kennedy School of Government & Harvard Law School.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting Univ. of Illinois, (for UIUC Sen.), Off. of the Ill. Sec'y of State, Jan. 10-11. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2007). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting Univ. of Illinois, (for UIUC Sen.), Off. of the Ill. Sec'y of State, Jan. 23-24. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "Business-Economic Issues in American Indian Gambling," Nov. 12-14. One Nation United Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2006). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Implications on Financial Institutions: The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006," Capitol Hill, Nov. 15-16. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). White House Staff Briefing, "The UIGEA & Security Issues: International Law & Policy Concerns," Nov. 17. White House Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "The Business-Economics of American Indian Gambling and the Indian Gambling Regulatory Act," Oct. 5-6. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker, "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006," Oct. 26. Western Washington University Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Spealer & Press Conference, "Tourism Impacts of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act," Oct. 26. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2006). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006," Capitol Hill, Oct. 7-8 (signed into law Oct. 13). U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Involving the Univ. of Illinois, (for UIUC Sen.), Off. of Ill. Att'y Gen. Lisa Madigan, Sept. 19. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). "The Business-Economics Interface with Pension Systems: Issues before Congress," Aug. 18-19. Roanoke College Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "Marine Pollution and the Law of the Sea," Aug. 7-8. Western Michigan University Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker, "National Socioeconomic Trends and Issues Involving the Internet," Aug. 3-4. National Women's Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker, "The Economics of Casinos in Mexico," Aug. 29-31. University of Mexico Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2006). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Economics of Pending Federal Legislation Regulating Internet Business Activities," Capitol Hill, Aug. 15-16. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Luncheon Speaker, Univ. Illinois LEAD program, July 19-26. LEAD Summer Business Institute.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Main Speaker, "Business-Government Issues in Illinois," Board Meeting, ICIA Annual Conference, June 9. ICIA Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2006). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Pending Federal Legislation re Equal Protection Constitutional Issues," Capitol Hill, May 2-3. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Featured Speaker & Panelist, "Equal Protection of the Law: Developing Issue Areas," Apr. 30-May 1. Citizens Equal Rights Alliance Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Presentation, "National Charities: Issues Facing 501(c)(3) Charities," Charitable Boards Mtg., Apr. 26. National Charities Colloquium, Washington, DC.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting the Univ. of Illinois, (for UIUC Sen.), Off. of Ill. Att'y Gen. Lisa Madigan, Apr. 19. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Testimony of Professor John Warren Kindt, Legislative Hearing before the House Judiciary Subcomm. on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security: The "Internet Gambling Enforcement Act," 109th Cong., 2d S. U.S. Congressional Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2006). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Pending Federal Legislation re the Internet and Business," Capitol Hill, Apr. 27-28. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Ad Hoc Regulatory Briefing, "Charitable Foundation Regulations and Economic Development," Mar. 5. U.S. National Park Service.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Main Speaker & Witness, Penn. Special Legislative Hearing sponsored by Rep. Paul Clymer, First Penn. Capitol Bldg., Mar. 6. State Capitol Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Staff Briefing, Special Issues Impacting Univ. of Illinois, (for UIUC Sen.), Off. of Ill. Att'y Gen. Lisa Madigan, Feb. 1. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Expert Witness, Deposition, Cisneros v. Yahoo (Case No. 04433518, Calif. Superior Ct., San Fran., filed Aug. 3, 2004), Jan. 11-15. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2006). Speaker, "Legis. Briefings on H.B. 1920," Capitol Bldg., Jan. 31-Feb. 1. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Expert Witness, Hearing on "Missouri Loss Limits" before the Joint Senate and House Comm. on Gambling, Nov. 22. State Capitol Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Featured Speaker with U.S. Rep. Frank R. Wolf, "U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Oct. 7-8. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Speaker, Legis Briefings on H.B. 1920, Capitol Bldg., Oct. 28-29. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Capitol Hill, Oct. 6-7. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Main Presenter, Seminar on Youth Gambling, Convention Ctr., June 9. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Research Briefing, "Int'l Law & Pol'y: Int'l Commerce, Shipping, and the Law of the Sea," June 8-10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). PBS Presentation/Speech, Chicago Civic Ethics Group, Apr. 13. Press Interviews on Research: National and/or International Press.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Rotunda Speech, "The Business-Economic Implications of the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Capitol Bldg., Apr. 13. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Speaker, Legis. Briefings for Members of Congress & Staff, "The Business-Economic Implications of the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Capitol Hill, Apr. 1-2. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Testimony of Professor John Warren Kindt, Hearing before the U.S. House of Representatives Comm. on Resources, 109th Cong., 1st Sess. (Apr. 27, 2005). U.S. Congressional Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Expert Testimony, Legislative Hearing on H.B. 1920 before the Ill. Gov't Admin. Comm., Mar. 16-17 (bill reported favorably to House on 8-1 vote, passed House 67-42 vote, 7 abstentions). State Capitol Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Main Speaker, Bus. Blue Ribbon Council, Mar. 15-16. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Research Presentation, Seminar-Briefings on the Law of the Sea, Mar. 28-30. University of Virginia Law School, Ctr. for Oceans Law & Pol'y.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Bus. & Press Briefings, Econ. Presentation for State Gov't Officials, Feb. 27. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Featured Speaker, N.Y. Legis. Briefings & Press Conference, "Economic Choices for New York State," Capitol Bldg., Jan. 10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2005). Main Speaker, Bus. & Press Events, Jan. 11. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Featured Speaker & Press Conference, "Tribal Gambling and the Dep't of Interior Procedures," Oct. 15-16. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Featured Speaker & Press Conference, Bus. Coun. with Criminal Justice Authorities on Tribal Gambling, Oct. 10-11. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Featured Speaker, Panel Chair, & Press Conference with R.I. Governor, "Gambling with the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Sept. 16-19. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Legis. Briefings, Capitol Bldg., Aug. 28-29. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Main Speaker, "Economic Issues Highlighted by the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," (with W. Va. Univ. assoc.), Aug. 14-16. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Legislative & Gov't Briefings, "U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC and Security Issues," (with U. Ga. assoc.), July 18-21. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Main Speaker, Bus. Councils & PSAs on "The Tourism/Gambling Interface: Implications for Pre-Existing Business Activities," July 22-24. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Honoree, No. Ill. Univ. Law Review Banquet, Apr. 23-24. Northern Illinois University Law School Colloquium.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Legis. Briefings, Mo. Gov't Officials, "Economics of Gambling and Tax Policies," Apr. 14-17. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Featured Speaker, "Implications of the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Mar. 17. FRC Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2004). U.S. Cong. Legis. Briefings, "Issues in the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," Mar. 16-18. U.S. Congress Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Featured Speaker with Wis. Criminal Justice Authorities, "Crime Increases Caused by New Gambling Venues: Time for the New Untouchables," Capitol Bldg., Feb. 8-10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Press Conference & Legis. Briefings, "Gambling with Crime," Capitol Bldg., Feb. 8-10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2004). Speaking Tour, Bus. Councils & Legis. Personnel, "Implications of the U.S. Nat'l Comm'n: The NGISC," (stops at various N.C. Universities), Feb. 27-Mar. 3. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Speaker, Rotary Club, "U.S. Senator Paul Simon's National Gambling Impact Study Commission," Dec. 4. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Chair, Gov't Day Forum, Oct. 7 (with IRS, SEC, U.S. Senators Durbin and Fitzgerald L.A.s). University of Illinois.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Expert Briefings, "Gambling Issues in Illinois," Ill. Gaming Board, Oct. 22. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Expert Witness/Consultant, Oral Arguments, U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Oct. 22 (subsequent affidavit filed 12-19-04). Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Main Speaker, Bus. Forum & Press Conf., Sept. 15. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Expert Briefing, U.S. Justice Dep't, Antitrust Div., Aug. 25. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Requested Main Speaker, Eastern Ill. Univ., EIU-TV, June 24. Press Interviews on Research: State and/or Regional Press.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Requested Expert Witness, Ill. Gaming Board, May 15. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Main Speaker & Presenter, Ill. Legis. Forum, Capitol Bldg., Apr. 15. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Main Speaker, Ind. Legis. Forum & Press Conf., Capitol Bldg., Apr. 28-29. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2003). Main Speaker & Presenter, Penn. Legis. Forum, Capitol Bldg., Feb. 10-12. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2002). Speaker & Presenter, "Legal Policy & Gambling Issues," Mass. Legis. Comm. on Gambling, Capitol Bldg., Nov State Capitol Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Main Speaker, Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis Club & Press Conf., Dec. 1-3. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Speaker & Panelist, Econ. Presentations & Law School, Valparaiso Univ., Dec. 3. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Expert Research Discussions, Law School, Indiana Univ., Nov. 30-Dec. 1. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Expert Research Discussions, Law School, Vanderbilt Univ., Nov. 9-10. Expert Witness re Published Research.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Featured Speaker & Panelist, NCALG Annual Conf., Sept. 28-30. NCALG Annual Conference.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Legis. Briefings & Press Conf., "Economic Development Issues in President Gerald Ford's Hometown," Sept. 18. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Main Speaker, Chamber of Commerce & Epert Bus. Briefings, Sept. 15-17. Chamber of Commerce and/or Bus. Org.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Expert Meeting & Participant, Congressional Hearing, "American Indian Nomenclature," hosted by U.S. Rep. Timothy Johnson, Parkland College, Aug. 29. National Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Expert Testimony & Speaker, Ohio Legis. St. Finance Comm. Hearings, Capitol Bldg., June 4-6. State Capitol Testimony.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Featured Speaker & Press Conf., W. Va. Legis. Hearings and Briefings, Capitol Bldg., Mar. 8-10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Main Speaker, W. Va. Legis. Hearings and Briefings, Capitol Bldg., Mar. 8-10. State Capitol Legislative Briefings.
- Kindt, J. (2001). Presenter, Exec. Dev. Ctr., Vet Med., Univ. Illinois, Mar. 9. Executive MBA Program.
Teaching Interests
Legal Environment of Business Legal Strategies for Entrepreneurs The Socio-Economics of Gambling and Legal Policies
Research Interests
Legal Strategies for Entrepreneurs Corporate Development & the Environment: Int'l Ocean Law The Socio-Economics of Gambling and Legal Policies Public International Law