4031 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Financial Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010
- B.S., Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, 2003
Positions Held
- Associate Professor of Finance, Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
- Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021 to present
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016-2023
- Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania, 2014
- Economist, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 2012-2016
- Assistant Professor of Finance, Washington University in St. Louis, 2010-2012
Recent Publications
- Wang, J., Burke, K., & Leary, J. (2022). The Effects of Disclosure and Enforcement on Payday Lending in Texas. Journal of Financial Economics, 145 (2), 489-507.
Other Publications
- Wang, J., Gross, T., Kluender, R., Liu, F., & Notowidigdo, M. (2021). The Economic Consequences of Bankruptcy Reform. American Economic Review, 111 (7), 2309-41. link >
- Wang, J., Gross, T., & Notowidigdo, M. (2020). The Marginal Propensity to Consume Over the Business Cycle. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 12 (2), 351-84. link >
- Wang, J., & Keys, B. (2019). Minimum Payments and Debt Paydown in Consumer Credit Cards. Journal of Financial Economics, 131 (3), 528-548.
- Wang, J., Gross, T., Swanson, A., & Allen, H. (2017). Early Medicaid Expansion Reduced Payday Borrowing Among Low-Income Adults in California. Health Affairs, 36 (10). link >
- Wang, J., Notowidigdo, M., & Gross, T. (2014). Liquidity Constraints and Consumer Bankruptcy: Evidence from Tax Rebates. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96 (3), 431-443.
- Wang, J., Graff-Zivin, J., & Azoulay, P. (2010). Superstar Extinction. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 125 (2), 549-589.
- Wang, J., Lerner, J., & Schoar, A. (2008). Secrets of the Academy: The Drivers of University Endowment Success. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22 (3), 207-22. link >
- Wang, J., Wilke, C., Ofria, C., Lenski, R., & Adami, C. (2001). Evolution of Digital Organisms at High Mutation Rates Leads to Survival of the Flattest. Nature, 412 331-333.
Other Publications
- Wang, J., Burke, K., Lanning, J., & Leary, J. (2014). CFPB Data Point: Payday Lending.
- Wang, J. (2013). Payday Loans and Deposit Advance Products: A White Paper of Initial Data Findings.
- Wang, J. (2023). To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments. Conference on Market-Based Solutions for Reducing Wealth Inequality (UNC.
- Wang, J. (2023). How Much Do Small Businesses Rely on Personal Credit? Duke University.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. University of California, Berkeley.
- Wang, J. (2022). To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Fintech Symposium.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Federal Reserve of New York.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Harvard Business School.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Claremont McKenna College.
- Wang, J. (2022). To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments. RAND Behavioral Finance Forum.
- Wang, J. (2022). To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments. University of Chicago Household Finance Conference.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Connecticut Macro Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Washington Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Imperial College Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2022). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Toronto Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2022). How Much Do Small Businesses Rely on Personal Credit? AEA.
- Wang, J. (2022). The Online Payday Loan Premium. AEA.
- Wang, J. (2022). To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments. University of Illinois Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2021). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Emory Finance Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2021). Consumer Bankruptcy and Race in the United States. UIUC Finance Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2021). Consumer Bankruptcy and Race in the United States. University of Chicago Household Finance Conference.
- Wang, J. (2021). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. PUC Chile.
- Wang, J. (2021). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Federal Reserve Board.
- Wang, J. (2021). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. NBER - Spring Conference on Corporate Finance.
- Wang, J. (2021). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Virtual Finance Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. University of Wisconsin Madison.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. WAPFIN - NYU.
- Wang, J. (2020). The Effects of Disclosure and Enforcement on Payday Lending in Texas. National University of Singapore.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. NBER Summer Institute - Household Finance.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Stigler Center.
- Wang, J. (2020). The Economic Consequences of Bankruptcy Reform. SFS Cavalcade North America.
- Wang, J. (2020). The Economic Consequences of Bankruptcy Reform. MoFIR Virtual Banking Seminar.
- Wang, J. (2020). Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis. Virtual Finance & Economics Conference - Finance in the Cloud.
- Wang, J. (2019). When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet? Labor and Finance Conference.
- Wang, J. (2019). When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet? Boston College seminar.
- Wang, J. (2019). The Economic Consequences of Bankruptcy Reform. AEA Annual Meeting.
- Wang, J. (2018). When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet? NBER Summer Institute 2018 Public Economics.
- Wang, J. (2018). Information Disclosure and Payday Lending in Texas. SFS Cavalcade.
- Wang, J. (2018). The Marginal Propensity to Consume Over the Business Cycle. SFS Cavalcade.
- Wang, J. (2017). When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet? NBER Summer Institute 2017 Household Finance.
- Wang, J. (2017). When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet? SFS Cavalcade.
- Wang, J. (2017). The Marginal Propensity to Consume Over the Business Cycle. Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management.
- Wang, J. (2017). The Marginal Propensity to Consume Over the Business Cycle. CFIC.
- Wang, J. (2017). The Marginal Propensity to Consume Over the Business Cycle. MFA Conference in Chicago.
Working Papers
- Han, P., Wang, J., & Correia, F. The Online Payday Loan Premium.
- Wang, J. To Pay or Autopay? Fintech Innovation and Credit Card Payments.
- Wang, J., & Fonseca, J. How Much Do Small Businesses Rely on Personal Credit.
- Wang, J., Goldsmith-Pinkham , P., & Scott, D. Consumer Bankruptcy and Race in the United States.
- Wang, J., Yang, J., Benjamin Iverson, B., & Jiang, R. Bankruptcy and the COVID-19 Crisis.
- Keys , B., & Wang, J. The Evolution of Credit Card Contracts: Risk-Based or Bias-Based.
- Wang, J., & Baugh, B. When Is It Hard to Make Ends Meet.
- Wang, J., & Leary, J. Liquidity Constraints and Budgeting Mistakes: Evidence from Social Security Recipients.
Honors and Awards
- AWS Greg Gulick Honorary Award, University of Illinois, 2021
- The Economic Effects of Small Business and Consumer Credit: Cutting-edge Data and Research Using the GCCP, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Gies Gift, 2021-2024
- How Much Do Small Businesses Rely on Personal Credit?, NBER Household Finance, 2021-2022
- Effects of the COVID-19 Crisis on Households and Firms, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Gulick AWS Grant, 2021-2022
- The Evolution of Credit Card Contracts: Risk-based or Bias-based?, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Campus Research Board, 2020-2022
- The Effect of Government Pensions on Labor Supply, Savings, and Financial Well-Being, National Bureau of Economic Research - Retirement and Disability Research Consortium, 2018-2019
- The Effect of Government Pensions on Labor Supply, Savings, and Financial Well-Being, Retirement Research Consortium, 2018-2018
- NBER Disability Research Center grant-“The Effect of Government Cash Assistance on Household Financial Outcomes”, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2017
- The Effect of Government Pensions on Labor Supply, Savings, and Financial Well-Being, TIAA Institute & Pension Research Council, 2017
- NBER Retirement Research Center grant-"Social Security Benefits and Household Budgeting", National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
- Washington Center for Equitable Growth-“The Effect of Government Cash Assistance on Household Financial Outcomes”, Equitable Growth, 2016
- NBER Disability Research Center grant-“The Effect of Government Cash Assistance on Household Financial Outcomes”, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
- NBER Household Finance small grant-“The Effect of Government Cash Assistance on Household Financial Outcomes”, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
Research Interests
Household Finance, Fintech, Behavioral Economics
Current Courses
Personal Wealth Management (FIN 435) Studies personal wealth management techniques with an emphasis on life insurance products; covers life insurance policies, annuities, trusts, buy-sell arrangements, investing in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, banking and barrowing, purchasing residential and commercial real estate, income and estate taxation and management of personal financial portfolio.
4031 Business Instructional Facility
515 Gregory Dr
Champaign, IL 61820