Educational Background
- M.B.A., Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1997
- B.S., Illinois State University, 1983
Positions Held
- Instructor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2017 to present
- Advisory Board Member, Motif, Ltd., 2014
- Interim Director - MS Technology Management Program, University of Illinois, 2013-2017
- Lecturer in Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2000-2017
- President, The Greenbridge Group, LLC, 1997-2009
- Founder and President, The Greenbridge Group, LLC, 1997-2006
- Graduate Student Director, Office of Strategic Business Initiatives, (Now Illinois Business Consulting), University of Illinois, 1996-1997
- Vice President, The First National Bank of Catlin, 1991-1995
- Assistant Vice President, Bank of Alton, 1990-1991
- Assistant Vice President, Federated Bank, 1988-1990
Recent Publications
Other Publications
Case Studies
- Girndt-Clougherty, T., & Kurtz, J. (2024). Retail Expansion: A Decision Tree Analysis for Town & Tailor’s Men’s Wear Next Move. ( pp. 10). Cranfield University, Wharley End, Bedfordshire. MK43 0JR, UK: The Case Centre. link >
- Bednar, M., Kurtz, J., Noonan, J., & Swenddal, H. (2023). Unschooling students to think beyond the A: Fostering meaningful student engagement in client-based projects. Leaders of Experiential Project-Based Education (LEPE.
Honors and Awards
- Incomplete Lists of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois-Students, 2002-2024
- Marketing Recruitment/Retention, Member Engagement Committee, National Society for Experiential Education, 2019-2021
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses on small business consulting, entrepreneurship, and business startups.
Research Interests
Intergenerational ownership transitions in family-owned and closely-held businesses.
Current Courses
Small Business Consulting (BADM 445) Through guided experience, students identify and offer advice to local small business firms; exposes students, serving as consultants, to the wide variety of problems facing the smaller firm as well as enables them to apply current business methods to real problems. Students work in teams.
Business Practicum (BADM 550) Provides a unique opportunity to apply student's classroom knowledge, their skills and experiences in a real world setting. Each student should expect the experience to be as close to working in a business environment as the academic environment allows. Each team of students will work in a collaborative relationship with real businesses and organizations to solve real problems by developing implementable solutions. The instructor's expectation is that each student will provide professional quality work.
Business Fundamentals (BADM 595) Designed to provide a cohesive understanding of marketing from a managerial perspective. Students will learn how to develop a coherent and comprehensive marketing strategy for a product or service. Specifically, it provides the conceptual frameworks and tools necessary to create superior customer value, capture the value through appropriate pricing mechanisms, persuasively communicate and profitably deliver that value, and sustain both the value and the performance in the face of ever-changing customer needs and competitive offerings. Students examine companies by matching their internal strengths and weaknesses with opportunities and threats posed by their environments. Students learn to spot and evaluate opportunities for new ventures and examine the totality of a business proposal.
Business in Action (BUS 301) Introduces students to the complexities of business by working on a real organizational problem with an actual client. Students will work with a client to identify, analyze, and present recommendations to solve an organizational problem. Requires students to apply problem-solving skills to uncertain situations as well as build and manage a professional team.