Jack Goncalo
Professor of Business Administration and Area Chair of Organizational Behavior/Business Law and A. Robert & Helen P. Seass Fellow
343 F Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, University of California at Berkeley, 2004
- M.S., Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley, 2001
- B.A., Highest Honors, Psychology, University of California at Berkeley, 1999
Positions Held
- Area Chair of Organizational Behavior/Business Law, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 to present
- Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016 to present
- Full Professor, Cornell University, 2015-2016
- The Proskauer Professor, Cornell University, 2013-2016
- Associate Professor (with tenure), Dept. of Organizational Behavior, Cornell University, ILR School (Field membership in Cognitive Science), 2011-2015
- Assistant Professor, Dept. of Organizational Behavior, Cornell University, ILR School, 2004-2011
Recent Publications
- Kim, S., Lucas, B., & Goncalo, J. (2023). Low Power Warm-Up Effect: Understanding the Effect of Power on Creativity over Time. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
- Kim, S., Goncalo, J., & Rodas, M. (2023). The Cost of Freedom: Creative Ideation Boosts Both Feelings of Autonomy and the Fear of Judgment. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.
- Goncalo, J. (2021). Divine Inhibition: Does Thinking About God Make Monotheistic Believers Less Creative. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 164 158-178.
Other Publications
- Goncalo, J., & Katz, J. (2020). Your Soul Spills Out: The Creative Act Feels Self-Disclosing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46 (5), 679-692. link >
- Khessina, O., Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2018). It’s Time to Sober Up: The Direct Costs, Side Effects and Long-term Consequences of Creativity and Innovation. Research in Organizational Behavior, 38 107-135. link >
- Duguid, M., & Goncalo, J. (2015). Squeezed in the middle: The middle status trade creativity for focus. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109 (4), 589-603.
- Goncalo, J., Vincent, L., & Krause, V. (2015). The liberating consequences of creative work: How a creative outlet lifts the physical burden of secrecy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 59 32-39.
- Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., Duguid, M., & Kennedy, J. (2015). Creativity from constraint? How political correctness influences creativity in mixed sex work groups. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60 (1), 1-30.
- Kim, S., Vincent, L., & Goncalo, J. (2013). Outside Advantage: Can Social Rejection Fuel Creative Thought? Journal of Experimental Psychology, 143 (3), 605-611.
- Vincent, L., Emich, K., & Goncalo, J. (2013). Stretching the moral gray zone: Positive affect, moral disengagement and dishonesty Psychological Science, 24 (4), 595-599.
- Duguid, M., & Goncalo, J. (2012). Living Large: The Powerful Overestimate Their Own Height Psychological Science, 23 (1), 36-40.
- Goncalo, J., & Duguid, M. (2012). Follow the Crowd in a New Direction: When Conformity Pressure Facilitates Group Creativity (And When It Does Not) Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 18 (1), 14-23.
- Leung, A., Kim, S., Polman, E., Ong, L., Qiu, L., Goncalo, J., & Sanchez-Burks, J. (2012). Embodied Metaphors and Creative "Acts.". Psychological Science, 23 (5), 502-509.
- Mueller, J., Melwani, S., & Goncalo, J. (2012). The bias against creativity: Why people desire but reject creative ideas Psychological Science, 23 (1), 13-17.
- Mueller, J., Goncalo, J., & Kamdar, D. (2011). Recognizing creative leadership: Can creative idea expression negatively relate to perceptions of leadership potential? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 494-498.
- Goncalo, J., & Kim, S. (2010). Distributive justice beliefs and group idea generation: Does a belief in equity facilitate productivity? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46 836-840.
- Goncalo, J., Flynn, F., & Kim, S. (2010). Are two narcissists better than one?: The link between narcissism, perceived creativity and creative performance Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 36 1484-1495.
- Goncalo, J., Polman, E., & Maslach, C. (2010). Can confidence come too soon?: Collective efficacy, conflict and group performance over time Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 113 13-24.
- Goncalo, J., & Duguid, M. (2008). Hidden consequences of the group serving bias: Causal attributions and the quality of group decision making Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 107 219-233.
- Audia, P., & Goncalo, J. (2007). Past success and creativity over time: A study of inventors in the hard-disk drive industry Management Science, 53 1-15.
- Goncalo, J., & Staw, B. (2006). Individualism-collectivism and group creativity Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100 96-109.
- Nemeth, C., & Goncalo, J. (2005). Creative collaborations from afar: The benefits of independent authors Creativity Research Journal, 17 1-8.
- Goncalo, J. (2004). Past success and convergent thinking in groups: The role of group-focused attributions European Journal of Social Psychology, 34 385-395.
- Nemeth, C., Personnaz, M., Personnaz, B., & Goncalo, J. (2004). The liberating role of conflict in group creativity: A study in two countries European Journal of Social Psychology, 34 365-374.
Book Chapters
- Goncalo, J., Katz, J., Vincent, L., Krause, V., & Yang, S. (2021). Creativity Connects: How the Creative Process Fosters Social Connection and Combats Loneliness at Work Handbook of Research on Creativity and Innovation ( pp. 204-233).
- Goncalo, J., Katz, J., & Ellis, L., Oxford University Press (Ed.) (2019). P.I.E.C.E. Together: How Social Norms Support the Process of Team Creatvity. The Oxford Handbook of Team Creativity Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2014). Narcissism and creativity over time: Toward a dynamic model of group creativity New Directions in Management and Organization Theory ( pp. 63-90). Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Vincent, L., & Goncalo, J. (2014). License to steal: How the creative identity licenses dishonesty The Ethics of Creativity, Palgrave MacMillan Ltd ( pp. 137-151).
- Chatman, J., Goncalo, J., Kennedy, J., & Duguid, M. (2012). Political correctness and group composition: A research agenda Research on Managing Groups and Teams ( vol. 15, pp. 161-183).
- Nemeth, C., & Goncalo, J. (2011). Rogues and heroes: Finding value in dissent Rebels in Groups: Dissent, Deviance, Difference and Defiance.
- Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2010). Being different or being better?: Disentangling the effects of independence and competition on group creativity Advances in Group Processes ( pp. 129-157).
- Goncalo, J., Vincent, L., & Audia, P. (2010). Early creativity as a constraint on future achievement The Dark Side of Creativity.
- Nishi, L., & Goncalo, J., K.W. Phillips, E.A. Mannix & M. Neale (Ed.) (2008). Demographic faultlines and creativity in groups Research on Managing Groups and Teams ( pp. 1-26).
- Nemeth, C., & Goncalo, J., S. Shavitt & T.C. Brock (Ed.) (2005). Influence and persuasion in small groups Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives.
- Chatman, J., & Goncalo, J., N.J. Smelser & P.B. Baltes (Ed.) (2001). People in organizations International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Stamford, CT: Elsevier Science Ltd.
Books and Monographs
- Goncalo, J., Elizabeth A. Mannix, Jack A. Goncalo, Margaret A. Neale (Ed.) (2009). Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Creativity in Groups. New York: American Elsevier.
Conference Proceedings
- Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2013). Narcissism and creativity over time: Toward a dynamic model of group creativity 1st Management Theory Conference, Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Kim, S., Vincent, L., & Goncalo, J. (2012). The outsider's advantage: Social rejection can fuel creative thought Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., Flynn, F., & Kim, S. (2010). From a mirage to an oasis: Narcissism, perceived creativity and creative performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Kandathil, G. (2007). Connecting group success to individual achievement: Cross-cultural attributions for group performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Polman, E. (2007). When confidence comes too soon: Collective efficacy, conflict and group performance over time Academy of Management Best Papers.
- Goncalo, J. (2006). An attributional theory of convergent thinking in groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Other Publications
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Are you a bit of a loser? Don't worry, you're probably really creative.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Big shots: The figurative big man on campus may think he's a literal big man too.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Does social rejection fuel creativity for people.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Don't Get Mad, Get Creative: Social Rejection Can Fuel Imaginative Thinking, Study Shows.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Feeling powerful makes you think you are taller than you really are.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). I feel powerful…and so tall.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Large and in charge: Powerful people overestimate their own height.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Powerful people think they are taller than they really are.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Revenge of the nerds: Social rejection can 'lead to imaginative thinking and strong independence.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Social rejection and imaginative thinking.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Social rejection can fuel creativity.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Socially rejected people likely to be more creative, says a study.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). The benefits of rejection.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). To boost business let your employees unleash their inner napoleons.
- Goncalo, J. (2012). Using Social Rejection to Drive Creativity.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Are Creative Types Lousy Leaders.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Are the People in Your Organization too Smart to be Creative.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). CEO Wanted. Creative People Need Not Apply.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Creativity can Lessen Leader Image.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Does Being Creative Help You Climb to the Top.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Is Creativity a Bad Trait for a Senior Leader.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Managing the Psychological Bias Against Creativity.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). This Year, Tame Your Office Narcissist.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Vote for Quirky.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Want to get Promoted? Stifle your Creativity.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Why Creative People are Kept out of the Driver's Seat.
- Goncalo, J. (2011). Why We Shun Creativity in the Workplace.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Advantage: Narcissists.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Business school: Hotbed of narcissism.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Creativity: Are two narcissistic heads better than one.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Is Narcissism Good for Business.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Narcissism and creativity: Intriguing and Troubling Findings.
- Goncalo, J. (2010). Work with a narcissist? They're probably more successful than you are.
- Goncalo, J. (2007). Does Success Spoil Inventors.
- Goncalo, J. (2006). In the Money.
- Goncalo, J. (2006). Individualism-collectivism and group creativity.
- Goncalo, J. (2006). Workplace focus on individual fuels creativity.
- Yang, S., Goncalo, J., Khessina, O., & Emich, K. (2021). Authentically Creative? Identifying and Reconciling the Tension between Authenticity and Creativity. Academy of Management Meeting , Academy of Management.
- Yang, S., Goncalo, J., & Khessina, O. (2019). The Dark Side of Authenticity: Can Authenticity Stifle Creativity? Fifth Annual Authenticity Workshop, Emory University.
- Goncalo, J. (2015). Creativity and Status Society for Experimental Social Psychology.
- Deri, S., Krause, V., & Goncalo, J. (2014). Divine Inhibition: How Thoughts of God Stifle Creativity Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.
- Duguid, M., & Goncalo, J. (2014). Squeezed in the Middle: The Middle Status Trade Creativity for Focus EGOS Conference.
- Goncalo, J., Deri, S., Krause, V., & Tadmor, C. (2014). Divine Inhibition: Thinking About God Stifles Creative Thought Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2013). Narcissism and Creativity Over Time: Toward a Dynamic Model of Group Creativity 6th EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business.
- Krause, V., & Goncalo, J. (2013). Narcissism and Creativity Over Time: Toward a Dynamic Model of Group Creativity 1st Management Theory Conference.
- Duguid, M., & Goncalo, J. (2013). Stuck in the Middle: The Middle Status Trade Creativity for Focus Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kim, S., Vincent, L., & Goncalo, J. (2012). The Outsider’s Advantage: Social Rejection Can Fuel Creative Thought Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Chatman, J., Goncalo, J., Kennedy, J., & Duguid, M. (2011). Political Correctness in Diverse Groups. Research on Managing Groups and Teams Annual Conference.
- Goncalo, J., & Krause, V. (2011). Idea Generation and the Anticipation of Choice European Association for Social Psychology.
- Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., Duguid, M., & Kennedy, J. (2011). Political Correctness and Idea Expression and Same and Mixed-Sex Groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., Flynn, F., & Kim, S. (2010). From a Mirage to an Oasis: Narcissism, Perceived Creativity and Creative Performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., Flynn, F., & Kim, S. (2010). From a Mirage to an Oasis: Narcissism, Perceived Creativity and Creative Performance INGRoup Conference.
- Goncalo, J., & Kim, S. (2009). Being Different or Being Better?: Priming the Vertical-Horizontal Distinction Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Kim, S. (2009). Being Different or Being Better?: Priming the Vertical-Horizontal Distinction INGRoup Conference.
- Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., Duguid, M., & Kennedy, J. (2009). On the Unintended Consequences of Political Correctness in Work Groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Kim, S., Isen, A., & Goncalo, J. (2009). Choice Overload, Individual Creativity, and the Mitigating Effect of Positive Affect Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Kim, S. (2008). Being Different or Being Better?: Vertical Individualism Facilitates Creative Idea Generation INFORMS Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Polman, E. (2008). An Evolutionary Theory of Idea Selection in Brainstorming Groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., & Duguid, M. (2008). Political Correctness and Creativity in Mixed and Same-Sex Groups INGRoup Conference.
- Goncalo, J., & Kandathil, G. (2007). Cross Cultural Attributions for Group Performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Polman, E. (2007). When Confidence Comes Too Soon: Collective Efficacy, Conflict and Group Performance Over Time Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., Chatman, J., & Duguid, M. (2007). Political Correctness and Creativity in Demographically Homogenous and Heterogeneous Groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Nishi, L., & Goncalo, J. (2007). Demographic faultlines and creativity in groups Research on Managing Groups and Teams Annual Conference.
- Goncalo, J. (2006). An Attributional Theory of Convergent Thinking in Groups Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Duguid, M. (2006). Strong Norms as a Stimulant to Group Creativity: Intensifying the Benefits of Individualism Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Staw, B. (2005). Individualism-Collectivism and Group Creativity Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J. (2003). The Vanishing Employee: The Influence of Perceived Culture Strength on Attributions for Organizational Performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J. (2002). Why do they Think They Can?: An Attributional Theory of Collective Efficacy and Group Performance Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Goncalo, J., & Nemeth, C. (2002). Techniques Aimed at Cloning Authentic Dissent: The Limitations of Devil's Advocate and Brainstorming European Psychological Association Annual Meeting.
- Khessina, O., & Goncalo, J. (2002). Time Perception and Organization Theory: Thing or Process? American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
- Maslach, C., Goncalo, J., & Wong, E. (2001). Job Burnout in Work Teams: Product and Process American Psychological Association Annual Meeting.
Honors and Awards
- A. Robert and Helen P. Seass Fellowship, University of Illinois Gies College of Business, 2016 to present
- Multicultural Insights Lab, Gies College of Business, 2021-2022
- Member, Academy of Management Discoveries, 2014 to present
Current Courses
Leading Individuals and Teams (BADM 311) Understanding the behavior of employees in work organizations; particular attention to the motivation of individuals to join and perform in organizations and to employee satisfaction with elements of the work environment; and emphasis on various management strategies to modify employee motivation and satisfaction.
343 F Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820