Educational Background
- M.A., Social Psychology, Stanford University, 1981
- Ph.D., Social Psychology, Stanford University, 1981
- B.A., Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, 1977
- A.B., Summa Cum Laude, Psychology, Russian Language & Literature, Dartmouth College, 1975
Positions Held
- Associate Dean of Faculty, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, 2009
- Interim Associate Dean of Faculty, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, 2008-2009
- Director of the Office of Research, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois, 2008
- Harry J. Gray Professor of Executive Leadership, University of Illinois, 2001-2009
- Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 1996-2009
- Professor of Management and Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1991-1995
- Visiting Professor, Northwestern University, 1991-1992
- Visiting Associate Professor of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, 1988
- Associate Professor of Management and Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1987-1991
- Assistant Professor of Management and Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1981-1987
- F.D.A., Office of Consumer Studies, 1979
- Office of Education, Office of the Commissioner, 1977
- U.S.I.A., Foreign Information Service, 1973
Recent Publications
- Cardador, M., Grant, B., Lamare, J., & Northcraft, G. (2017). To be or not to be unionized? A social dilemma perspective on worker decisions to support union organizing. Human Resource Management Review, 27 (3), 554-568.
- Caza, A., Northcraft, G., & McCarter, M. (2015). Performance benefits of reward choice: A procedural justice perspective. Human Resource Management Journal.
- Fragale, A., Sumanth, J., Tiedens, L., & Northcraft, G. (2012). Appeasing equals: Lateral deference in organizational communication. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57 373-406.
- Wang, L., van Kleef, G., & Northcraft, G. (2012). Beyond negotiated outcomes: The hidden costs of anger expression in dyadic negotiation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 119 (1), 54-63.
Other Publications
- Northcraft, G., & Tenbrunsel, A. (2012). Publications, contributions, and the social dilemma of scholarly productivity: A reaction to Aguinis, Debruin, Cunningham, Hall, Culpepper, & Gottfredson (2010). Academy of Management Learning & Education, 11 (2), 303-308.
- McCarter, M., Mahoney, J., & Northcraft, G. (2011). Testing the waters: Using collective real options to manage the social dilemma of strategic alliances. Academy of Management Review, 36 (4), 621-640.
- Northcraft, G., & Tenbrunsel, A. (2011). Effective matrices, decision frames, and cooperation in volunteer dilemmas: A theoretical perspective on academic peer review. Organization Science, 22 (5), 1277-1285.
- Northcraft, G., Schmidt, A., & Ashford, S. (2011). Feedback and the rationing of time and effort among competing tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96 (5), 1076-1088.
- Love, E., Love, D., & Northcraft, G. (2010). Is the End in Sght? Student Regulation of In-Class and Extra-Credit Effort in Response to Performance Feedback. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 9 (1), 81-97.
- Love, E., Love, D., & Northcraft, G. (2010). Is the end in sight? Student regulation of in-class and extra-credit effort in response to performance feedback. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY, 9 (1), 81--97.
- McCarter, M., Northcraft, G., & Rockmann, K. (2010). Is it even worth it? The effect of loss prospects in the outcome distribution of a public goods dilemma. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 111 (1).
- Rockmann, K., & Northcraft, G. (2010). Expecting the worst? The dynamic role of competitive expectations in team member satisfaction and team performance. Small Group Research, 41 (3), 308-329.
- Rockmann, K., & Northcraft, G. (2008). To be or not to be trusted: The influence of media richness on defection and deception Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 107 (2), 106-122.
- McCarter, M., & Northcraft, G. (2007). Happy together? Insights and implications of viewing managed supply chains as a social dilemma. Journal of Operations Management, 25 498-511.
- Rockmann, K., Pratt, M., & Northcraft, G. (2007). "Divided Loyalties:" Determinants of Identification in Inter-Organizational Teams. Small Group Research, 38 (6), 727-751.
- Phillips, K., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (2006). Surface-level diversity and decision-making in groups: When does deep-level similarity help? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 9 467-482.
- Ashford, S., & Northcraft, G. (2003). Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Feedback, division of attention, and goal attainment. Human Resource Management Review, 13 537-559.
- Trieschmann, J., Dennis, A., Northcraft, G., & Niemi, A. (2000). Serving multiple constituencies in the business school: MBA program vs. research performance. Academy of Management Journal, 43 (6), 1130-1141.
- Brett, J., Northcraft, G., & Pinkley, R. (1999). Stairways to heaven: An interlocking self-regulation model of negotiation. Academy of Management Review, 24 (4), 435-451.
- Jehn, K., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1999). Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict, and performance in workgroups. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44 (4), 741-763.
- Neale, M., Northcraft, G., & Jehn, K. (1999). Opening Pandora's Box: The impact of diversity and conflict on workgroup performance. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 12 (1), 113-126.
- Schneider, S., & Northcraft, G. (1999). Three social dilemmas in managing the diverse organization: A social identity perspective. Human Relations, 52 (11), 1145-1468.
- Griffith, T., Fuller, M., & Northcraft, G. (1998). Facilitator influence in group support systems: Intended and unintended effects. Information Systems Research, 9 20-36.
- Northcraft, G., Preston, J., Neale, M., Thomas-Hunt, M., & Kim, P. (1998). Non-linear preference functions and negotiated outcomes. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 73 54-75.
- Bhappu, A., Griffith, T., & Northcraft, G. (1997). Media effects and communication bias in diverse groups. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 70 199-205.
- Griffith, T., & Northcraft, G. (1996). Cognitive elements in the implementation of new technology: Can less information provide more benefits? MIS Quarterly, 20 (1), 99-110.
- Northcraft, G., Neale, M., Tenbrunsel, A., & Thomas, M. (1996). The allocation of benefits and burdens: Does it really matter what we allocate? Social Justice Research, 9 27-46.
- Mannix, E., Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1995). Equity, equality, or need? The effects of organizational culture on the allocation of benefits and burdens. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63 276-286.
- Northcraft, G., Neale, M., & Brodt, S. (1995). Negotiating with non-linear utilities: Why some concessions are more equal than others. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 63 298-310.
- Pinkley, R., Brittain, J., Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1995). Dimensions of managerial third-party dispute intervention. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80 386-402.
- Pinkley, R., Griffith, T., & Northcraft, G. (1995). Fixed pie a la mode: Information availability, information processing, and the negotiation of sub-optimal agreements. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 62 101-112.
- Griffith, T., & Northcraft, G. (1994). Distinguishing between the forest and the trees: Features, media, and methodology in electronic communication research. Organization Science, 5 (2), 272-285.
- Northcraft, G., Neale, M., & Earley, C. (1994). The joint effects of goal-setting and expertise on negotiator performance. Human Performance, 7 257-272.
- Pinkley, R., & Northcraft, G. (1994). Conflict frames of reference: Implications for dispute processes and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 37 193-205.
- Griffith, T., & Northcraft, G. (1993). Promises, pitfalls, and paradox: Cognitive issues in the implementation of new technology. Journal of Managerial Issues, 5 465-482.
- Ashford, S., & Northcraft, G. (1992). Conveying more (or less) than we can know: Impression management dynamics in feedback seeking. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53 310-334.
- Earley, C., Shalley, C., & Northcraft, G. (1992). 'I think I can, I think I can...': Processing time and strategy effects in goal acceptance/rejection decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 53 1-13.
- Northcraft, G., Griffith, T., & Shalley, C. (1992). Building top management muscle in a slow-growth environment: How different is better at Greyhound Financial Corporation. Academy of Management Executive, 6 32-41.
- George, J., Easton, G., Nunamaker, J., & Northcraft, G. (1991). A study of collaborative group work with and without computer-based support. Information Systems Research.
- Earley, C., Northcraft, G., Lee, C., & Lituchy, T. (1990). Impact of process and outcome feedback on the relation of goal setting to task performance. Academy of Management Journal, 33 87-105.
- Huber, V., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1990). Effects of decision context and anchoring bias on selection screening judgments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 45 276-284.
- Northcraft, G., & Ashford, S. (1990). The preservation of self in everyday life: The effects of feedback publicness and performance expectations on feedback seeking. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 47 42-64.
- Northcraft, G., & Earley, C. (1989). Technology, credibility, and feeback use. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44 83-96.
- O'Reilly, C., Northcraft, G., & Sabers, D. (1989). The confirmation bias in special education eligibility decisions. School Psychology Review, 18 126-135.
- Wilson, M., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1989). Information competition and vividness effects in on-line judgments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 44 132-139.
- Northcraft, G., & O'Reilly, C. (1988). Managing clean room personnel with a feedback-centered employee involvement program. Microcontamination, 20-24.
- Northcraft, G., Huber, V., & Neale, M. (1988). Sex effects in performance-related judgments. Human Performance, 1 161-176.
- Huber, V., Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1987). Decision bias and personnel selection strategies. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 40 136-147.
- Huber, V., Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1987). Judgment by heuristics: The effects of performance standards and rater and ratee characteristics on performance-related judgments. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 40 149-169.
- Neale, M., Huber, V., & Northcraft, G. (1987). The framing of negotiations: Contextual vs. task frames. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39 228-241.
- Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1987). Experts, amateurs, and real estate: An anchoring-and-adjustment perspective on property pricing decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 39 84-97.
- Northcraft, G. (1986). A manager's guide to clean room operators: Part II. Microcontamination, 60-64.
- Northcraft, G. (1986). A manager's guide to clean room operators: Part I. Microcontamination, 52-56.
- Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1986). Experts, amateurs, and refrigerators: A comparison of expert and amateur negotiators in a novel task. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 38 305-317.
- Neale, M., Bazerman, M., Northcraft, G., & Alperson, C. (1986). 'Choice shifts' in group decisions: A decision bias perspective. International Journal of Small Group Research, 1 33-42.
- Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1986). Opportunity costs and the framing of resource allocation decisions. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 37 348-356.
- Christianson-Szalanski, J., & Northcraft, G. (1985). Patient compliance behavior: The effects of time on paitents' values of treatment regimens. Social Science and Medicine, 21 (3), 263-273.
- Neale, M., Northcraft, G., Magliozzi, T., & Bazerman, M. (1985). The buyer-seller transaction: A simulation of integrative bargaining in a competitive market. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 10 28-38.
- Northcraft, G., & Chase, R. (1985). Demand management in service industries. Academy of Management Review, 10 (1), 66-75.
- Parrett, E., Hurd, P., Northcraft, G., Bootman, J., & McGhan, W. (1985). Mangement leadership, and innovativeness of hospital directors. American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, 42 1069-1073.
- Wilson, M., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1985). The perceived value of fringe benefits. Personnel Psychology, 38 309-320.
- Chase, R., Northcraft, G., & Wolf, G. (1984). Designing high contact service systems: Application to branches of a savings-and-loan. Decision Sciences, 15 (4), 542-556.
- Northcraft, G., & Wolf, G. (1984). Dollars, sense, and sunk costs: A life-cycle model of resource-allocation decisions. Academy of Management Review, 9 (2), 225-234.
- Northcraft, G. (1983). Understanding (and teaching) employee motivation: Five easy pieces. Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal, 8 (1), 23-30.
- Rosenfeld, R., Northcraft, G., & Hintz, R. (1981). A prospective randomized study of a testosterone treatment of constitutional short stature in adolescent males. Pediatrics, 69 681-687.
- Landon, C., Lewiston, N., Rosenfeld, R., & Northcraft, G. (1980). Self-image of adolescents with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 9 521-528.
- Hastorf, A., Northcraft, G., & Picciotto, S. (1979). Helping the handicapped: How realistic is the performance feedback received by the physically handicapped? Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 5 373-376.
- Northcraft, G., & Jernstedt, G. (1975). A comparison of four teaching methodoloies for large lecture classes. Psychological Reports, 36 599-606.
Book Chapters
- Northcraft, G., & Rockmann, K., Neale, M.A., Mannix, E.A. (Ed.) (2012). Engaging groups and organizational decisions: A social dilemma perspective. Research on Managing Groups and Teams Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Northcraft, G., Neale, M.A., Mannix, E.A., & Overbeck, J. (Ed.) (2011). Scene setting: The calculus of consensus in group negotiation. Research on Managing Groups and Teams ( pp. 243-261). Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Peters, M., Rothman, N., & Northcraft, G., E. Mannix, M. Neale, and J. Overbeck (Eds.) (Ed.) (2011). Beyond Valence: The Effects of Group Emotional Tone on Group Negotiation Behaviors and Outcomes. Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Negotiation & Groups London: Elsevier.
- Tenbrunsel, A., & Northcraft, G. (2009). In the Eye of the Beholder: Payoff Structures and Decision Frames in Social Dilemmas. Social Decision Making: Social Dilemmas, Social Values, and Ethical Judgments ( pp. 95-116).
- Ziebro, M., & Northcraft, G., Neale, M.A., Goncalo, J., & Mannix, E.A. (Ed.) (2009). Connecting the dots: Network development, information flow, and creativity in groups. Research on Managing Groups and Teams Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.
- Griffith, T., Northcraft, G., & Fuller, M., Starbuck, B., & Hodgkinson, G. (Ed.) (2008). Borgs in the org: Organizational decision making and technology. The Handbook of Organizational Decision Making.
- Northcraft, G., Hansen, H., Barry, D. (Ed.) (2008). Community of scholars of the future. New Approaches in Management and Organization ( pp. 514-515).
- Northcraft, G., Griffith, T., & Fuller, M., P. Ferris & S. Godar (Ed.) (2006). Virtual study groups: A challenging centerpiece for "working adult" management education. Teaching and Learning with Virtual Learning.
- Wang, L., Doucet, L., & Northcraft, G., B. Mannix, N. Neale, & Y Chen (Ed.) (2006). National Culture, Emotion and Social Influence in Groups. Research on Managing Groups and Teams: National Culture and Groups Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Rockmann, K., & Northcraft, G., E. Mannis, M. Neale, & M. Thomas Hunt (Ed.) (2005). The ethical implications of virtual organizing. Research on Managing Groups and Teams, vol. 6 Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Vough, H., Broschak, J., & Northcraft, G., Melissa Thomas-Hunt (Ed.) (2005). Here today, gone tomorrow? Effects of contingent employment status on workgroup processes and outcomes. Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Volume 7: Status and Groups ( pp. 229-257). Kidlington, UK: Elsevier Science Publishers.
- Pratt, M., Fuller, M., & Northcraft, G. (2000). Media Selection and Identification in Distributed Groups: The Potential Cost of 'Rich'. Media Research in Managing Groups and Teams, Vol. III ( pp. 231-255). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Pratt, M., Fuller, M., & Northcraft, G. (2000). The price of media richness: Media richness effects of the formation of group identity and group outcomes. Research on Managing Groups and Teams ( pp. 231-255). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Griffith, T., Northcraft, G., & Fuller, M. (1998). Managerial Ethics: Morally Managing People and Processes. Software and hard choices: Ethical consideration in the facilitation of a sociotechnical system ( pp. 177-196). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
- Mischel, L., & Northcraft, G. (1997). 'I think we can, I think we can...': The role of self-efficacy beliefs in group and team effectiveness. Advances in Group Processes ( pp. 177-197).
- Northcraft, G., Polzer, J., Neale, M., & Kramer, R. (1995). Diversity, social identity, and performance: Emergent social dynamics in cross-functional teams. Diversity in Work Teams: Research Paradigms for a Changing Workplace ( pp. 69-96). APA Publications.
- Northcraft, G., & Gutek, B. (1993). Discrimination against women in management: Going, going, gone, or going but never gone? Women in Management: Trends, Issues, and Challenges ( pp. 219-245). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1993). Negotiating successful research collaboration. Social Psychology in Organizations ( pp. 204-224). Englewood-Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1990). Behavioral negotiation theory: A framework for conceptualizing dyadic negotiation. Research in Organizational Behavior Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1990). Strategic conceptualization and feedback: The essence of expertise. Research in Bargaining and Negotiation Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1990). Dyadic negotiation. Research on Negotiation in Organizations Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Earley, P., & Northcraft, G. (1988). Goal-setting interdependence, and conflict resolution Managing Conflict: An Interdisciplinary Perspective ( pp. 161-170). New York: Praeger Publishers.
- Neale, M., Northcraft, G., & Bazerman, M. (1988). Cognitive aspects of negotiation: New perspectives on dyadic decision making. Managing Conflict: An Interdisciplinary Perspective ( pp. 149-160). New York: Praeger Publishers.
- Northcraft, G., Neale, M., & Huber, V. (1988). Decision bias and social influence in human resource decision making. Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management ( pp. 157-189). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
- Huber, V., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (1987). Foibles and fallacies in organization staffing decisions. Readings in Personnel Management ( pp. 193-205).
- Northcraft, G., & Licata, B. (1987). Can we legislate employment equity? Readings in Personnel Management ( pp. 141-150).
- Northcraft, G., & Hastorf, A. (1985). Maturation and social behavior: A framework for the analysis of deviance. The Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology ( pp. 182-204).
- Northcraft, G., & Martin, J. (1982). Double jeopardy: Resistance to Affirmative Action from potential beneficiaries. Sex Role Stereotyping and Affirmative Action Policy ( pp. 81-130). Institute of industrial Relations, UCLA.
Books and Monographs
- Stroh, L., Northcraft, G., & Neale, M. (2001). Organization Behavior: A Management Challenge Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
- Pinkley, R., & Northcraft, G. (2000). Get Paid What You're Worth: The Expert Negotiator's Guide to Salary and Compensation Negotiation. New York: St. Martin's Press.
Instructional Material
- Neale, M., & Northcraft, G. (1985). Bargaining and Dispute Resolution Curricula: A Sourcebook Eno River Press.
- Love, E., Northcraft, G., & Love, D. (2008). Is the End in Sight? Student Regulation of In-Class and Extra-Credit Effort in Response to Performance Feedback Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Vough, H., Broschak, J., & Northcraft, G. (2004). It's Only Temporary: Competence, Functional Accommodations, and Psychological Reactions to Temporary Employees. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Vough, H., Broschak, J., & Northcraft, G. (2003). Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Effects of Contingent Employment Status on Workgroup Processes and Outcomes. Annual Conference on Research on Managing Groups and Teams.
- Pratt, M., Rockmann, K., & Northcraft, G. (2002). Can Us Vs. Them Be a Good Thing? The Importance of Fault Line Identities in Group Decision Making. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
- Pratt, M., Fuller, M., & Northcraft, G. (1999). Identification and the Media Selection Dilemma in Distributed Groups. Research on Managing Groups and Teams Annual Conference.
Working Papers
- Vough, H., Broschak, J., & Northcraft, G. It's Only Temporary: Competence, Affective Reactions, and Functional Accommodations to Temporary Employees.
- Board Member, Academy of Management Review, 2002-2006
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses in management and organizational behavior, behavioral aspects of decision-making, negotiation, and conflict management
Research Interests
Research interests include conflict management, managerial decision making, process of collaboration and employee motivation and job design, particularly in high technology manufacturing settings.