Fiona Kun Yao

Fiona Kun Yao

Associate Professor of Business Administration

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185 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820


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Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley, 2013
  • M.S., Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley, 2008
  • M.Phil., Management and Organizations, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2006
  • M.A., Management, Nanjing University, 2002
  • B.A., Management, Nanjing University, 1999

Positions Held

  • Associate Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
  • Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014-2024
  • Lecturer of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013-2013

Recent Publications

  • Yao, F., Yang, G., Chang, S., & Lu, J. Forthcoming. Not All Threats Are Equal: Symbolic and Realistic Threats and the Deployment of Parent Country Nationals. Journal of International Business Studies.  link >
  • Yao, F., Xu, M., & Ao, J. Forthcoming. Worldwide Spread of the Weinstein Scandal and the #MeToo movement: Cross-Country Diffusion of Reputation Loss in the Film Industry. Journal of International Business Studies.  link >

Other Publications


  • Yao, F., Chen, M., Li, J., Combs, D., & Li, Q. (2024). A Review of 50 Years of Research Since Knickerbocker (1973): Competitive Dynamics in International Business. Journal of International Business Studies, 55 522-550.  link >
  • Xia, J., Yao, F., Yin, X., Wang, X., & Lin, Z. (2024). How Do Political and Non-Political Ties Affect Corporate Regulatory Participation? A Regulatory Capture Perspective. Business and Society, 63 (7), 1639-1686.
  • Yao, F., Xie, L., Li, J., & Xu, M. (2023). Subnational-level Government Influence and FDI Location Choices: The Moderating Roles of Resource Dependence Relations. Journal of International Business Studies, 54 (6), 1027-1054.  link >
  • Leung, W., Yao, F., Gong, Y., & Chang, S. (2023). Does Firm Diversity-Enhancement Program Bundle Matter? Firm Performance Dimensions, Employee Ownership Program, and Environmental Technological opportunity. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34 (16), 3051-78.
  • Yao, F., Jiang, K., Combs, D., & Chang, S. (2022). Informal Institutions and Absorptive Capacity: A Cross-country Meta-Analytic Study. Journal of International Business Studies, 53 (6), 1091-1109.  link >
  • Chang, S., Leung, W., Yao, F., & Gong, Y. (2022). Firm Employee Relations System and Financial Performance: Unfolding the Dual-Causal Relationship and the Associated Temporal and Resource Boundary Conditions. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33 (18), 3591 - 3628.
  • Yao, F. (2020). Preventing or Concealing Organizational Misconduct? Corporate Boards in a Transitional Economy. Journal of Business Law and Ethics, 8 (1), 1-8.
  • Yao, F., & Chang, S. (2017). Do Individual Employees' Learning Goal Orientation and Civic Virtue Matter? A Micro-Foundations Perspective on Firm Absorptive Capacity. Strategic Management Journal, 38 (10), 2041-2060.  link >
  • Audia, P., & Yao, F. (2017). The Spatial Diffusion of an Invisible Corporate Practice: Revisiting Stock Backdating, 1981-2005. Advances in Strategic Management, 36 309-339.
  • Yao, F., & Li, J. (2016). Multi-market Contact and Foreign Entry Location Decisions in China. Management International Review, 56 95-122.
  • Li, J., Qian, C., & Yao, F. (2015). Confidence in Learning: Inter-and Intraorganizational Learning in Foreign Market Entry Decisions. Strategic Management Journal, 36 918-929.  link >
  • Li, Y., Yao, F., & Ahlstrom, D. (2015). The Social Dilemma of Bribery in Emerging Economy: A Dynamic Model of Emotion, Social Value, and Institutional Uncertainty. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32 311-334.
  • Li, J., & Yao, F. (2010). The Role of Reference Groups in International Investment Decisions by Firms from Emerging Economies. Journal of International Management, 16 143-153.

Book Chapters

  • Yang, J., Chang, S., & Yao, F., Shuming Zhao, Stephen Nicholas, Hong Liu & Chunlin Liu (Ed.) (2014). Why managers do what they do? A study on Chinese managers’ time allocation Research on the Impact of Global Economic Integration and Information Networking on Sustainable Corporate Development ( pp. 3-15). Nanjing University Press.

Conference Proceedings

  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. Forthcoming. Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A strategic Alignment. Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management: Academy of Management.
  • Yao, F., & Xu, M. (2022). Backstages and the spread of organizational misconduct. ( 1 ed vol. 2022, pp. 17186). Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Chang, S., Leung, W., & Yao, F. (2015). The Dual-Causal and Temporal Relationships between Firm Employee Relations Systems and Performance. ( 1 ed vol. 2015, pp. 11829). Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Briarcliff Manor, NY: Academy of Management.
  • Li, J., & Yao, F. (2005). Competing in Multiple Geographic Markets: Multi-market Contact and Foreign Entry Location Decisions in China. ( pp. 144). Academy of International Business Annual Meetings.
  • Li, J., & Yao, F. (2005). Population Exploitation, Organizational Exploration: Intra-and Inter-Organizational Effects on FDI Location Decisions in China. ( pp. 100). Academy of International Business Annual Meetings.


  • Huang, D., & Yao, F. (2024). Rivalry between Multinational Corporations in Corporate Social Responsibility. 84th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management (AOM) Conference.
  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. (2024). Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A Strategic Alignment. 84th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Huang, D., & Yao, F. (2024). Rivalry between Multinational Corporations in Corporate Social Responsibility. 2024 Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Meeting.
  • Wang, X., & Yao, F. (2024). Home-Host Government Conflict and MNEs’ Subsidiary Manager Staffing Strategy: A Strategic Alignment. 2024 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2024). Managerial work in emerging economies? Semi-routinization, discontinuity, and variety in China. The 13th Asia Academy of Management Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2024). Similarity matters: Heterogeneous effects of CSR dimensions on suppliers’ firm-specific investments. The 13th Asia Academy of Management Conference.
  • Xia, J., Yao, F., & Ding, W. (2024). Returnee Corporate Leaders and Firm Innovation Performance: An Institution-carrier Perspective. 2024 Migration and Organizations Conference, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.
  • Xu, M., & Yao, F. (2023). Stock Market Valuation on the Sequence of Divestiture and Greenfield Investment Announcement. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Ao, J., & Yao, F. (2023). Stain or Glory? Cross-level Diffusion of Individual Stigma to Peer Organizations after the Harvey Weinstein Scandal in Hollywood. 2023 IACMR Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2023). A Review of Fifty Years of Research Since Knickerbocker (1973): Competitive Dynamics in International Business. 3rd Competitive Dynamics Conference.
  • Yao, F., & Xu, M. (2022). Backstages and the spread of organizational misconduct. 82nd Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Yao, F. (2020). MNE Headquarters’ International Staffing Decisions: A Real Options Lens. 40th SMS Annual Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2020). MNE Headquarters’ International Staffing Decisions: A Real Options Lens. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2019). How Do Government Affiliations Affect Innovation Inputs and Outputs? A Stakeholder Perspective. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Yao, F. (2019). Local Upper-Class Clubs as Backstages: The Diffusion of Stock Backdating. 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Yao, F. (2019). Global Integration, host Country threats and subsidiary executive staffing. SYSBS International Symposium on Frontier Management Research.
  • Yao, F. (2017). Domain Protection and Organizational Ties: Regulatory Standards Making as a Corporate Political Action. 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2016). Executive Staffing Strategies of Japanese Multinational Enterprises in China. 7th International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2016). Resource Dependence and Foreign Direct Investment Entry into Subnational Regions in an Emerging Economy: The Moderating Role of Cultural Distance. the 58th Annual Conference of Academy of International Business.
  • Yao, F. (2015). The Dual-Causal and Temporal Relationships between Frim Employee Relations Systems and Performance. Annual Meeting of Academy of Management.
  • Yao, F. (2015). Stock Option Exercises of Chinese Executives. 9th Asia Academy of Management Conference.
  • Yao, F. (2014). Opportunity, Threat, and Asymmetric Moderating Effects on Multinational Firms' Staffing Strategies. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2014). Paying the Price: Executive Demotion after Stock Option Exercises in Chinese State-owned Enterprises. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2014). Decomposing Environmental Effects: A Study of Japanese Multinational Enterprises’ Executive Staffing Strategies in China. Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business.
  • Yao, F. (2013). To Cash in or Not: Executive Stock Option Exercises in Chinese State-Owned Firms. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2013). When and How People Make the Place: Understanding the Micro-Foundation of Firm Absorptive Capacity. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2012). The Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Illegal Behavior in China. 4th World Business Ethics Forum.
  • Yao, F. (2011). The Diffusion of an Invisible Practice: Evidence from Stock Backdating. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2009). Sub-national policy uncertainty and foreign investment location strategies in an emerging economy. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2008). Emerging economy multinationals as reference groups: Institutional environments and investing in China. Presented at Copenhagen Business School.
  • Yao, F. (2007). Preventing a Crime? Exploring the Impact of Corporate Governance on Corporate Illegal Behavior in China. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2007). The Geography of stock backdating. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2006). A Network Perspective on Geographic Competition: Market Entry Decisions of American Subsidiaries in China. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2005). Population Exploitation, Organizational Exploration: Intra-and Inter-Organizational Effects on FDI Location Decisions in China. Annual Academy of Management Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2005). Competing in Multiple Geographic Markets: Multi-market Contact and Foreign Entry Location Decisions in China. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.
  • Yao, F. (2005). Population Exploitation, Organizational Exploration: Intra-and Inter-Organizational Effects on FDI Location Decisions in China. Academy of International Business Annual Meetings.

Honors and Awards

  • Best Paper, Academy of Management Meeting, IM division, 2024
  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2014-2020, 2022-2023
  • Best Paper, Academy of Management Meeting, OMT division, 2022
  • Second Runner-up of the Michael Poole Best Paper award for 2022, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2022
  • Best Paper Award, Illinois Strategic Organizations Initiative, Gies College of Business, 2022


  • Editorial Review Board, Strategic Management Journal, 2017 to present
  • Editorial Review Board, Journal of International Business Studies, 2020-2022

Teaching Interests

Multinational Management, International Business

Research Interests

Global Strategy, Emerging Economies, Corporate Governance

Current Courses

  • Multinational Management (BADM 381) Examines critical issues facing managers who work in multinational firms. Designed to develop students' skills for working in a global business environment. Topics include foreign market entry strategies, global management of the functional areas of business, and management and control of multinational firms in the global marketplace.

  • Multinational Management (BADM 582) Examines critical issues facing managers who work in multinational firms. Designed to develop students' skills for working in a global business environment. Topics include foreign market entry strategies, global management of the functional areas of business, and management and control of multinational firms in the global marketplace.

  • Orgs & Int'l Business (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.


185 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820


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