Dan Zhou

Dan Zhou

Assistant Professor of Accountancy and Co-Coordinator of the Gies Business Research Lab

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4074 Business Instructional Facility

515 Gregory Dr

Champaign, IL 61820



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Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Accounting, Emory University, 2018
  • MAcc, Florida State University, 2009

Positions Held

  • Interim Co-Coordinator of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023-2023
  • Co-Coordinator of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023 to present
  • Assistant Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 to present
  • Lecturer of Accountancy, University of Illinois, 2017-2018
  • Audit Senior, Ernst and Young LLP, 2009-2012

Recent Publications

  • Maksymov, E., Peecher, M., Pickerd, J., & Zhou, D. Forthcoming. How Trial Preparation Factors Influence Audit Litigation Outcomes: Insights from Audit Litigators. The Accounting Review.  link >
  • Proell, C., Ricci, M., Trotman, K., & Zhou, D. Forthcoming. How Workplace Identities and Team Management Practices Affect Distributed Team Auditors' Willingness to Speak Up. Contemporary Accounting Research.  link >
  • Peecher, M., Ricci, M., & Zhou, D. (2024). Promoting Proactive Auditing Behaviors. Contemporary Accounting Research, 41 (1), 620-644.  link >
  • Kadous, K., Mercer, M., & Zhou, D. (2024). Why do investors rely on low quality investment advice? Experimental evidence from social media platforms. Behavioral Research in Accounting.
  • Nelson, M., Proell, C., & Zhou, D. (2022). It's Not Only What You Say... How Communication Style and Team Culture Affect Audit Issue Follow-Up and Auditor Performance Evaluations. The Accounting Review, 97 (1), 373-395.  link >

Other Publications


  • Mocadlo, R., Rich, J., Trimble, M., & Zhou, D. (2020). Fostering intrinsic motivational orientation: A cost-effective method for encouraging audit staff to speak up. Current Issues in Auditing, 14 (2), 9-18.  link >
  • Kadous, K., Proell, C., Rich, J., & Zhou, D. (2019). It Goes Without Saying: The Effects of Intrinsic Motivational Orientation, Leadership Emphasis of Intrinsic Goals, and Audit Issue Ambiguity on Speaking Up. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36 (4), 2113-2141.  link >
  • Kadous, K., & Zhou, D. (2019). How Does Intrinsic Motivation Improve Auditor Judgment in Complex Audit Tasks? Contemporary Accounting Research, 36 (1), 108-131.

Book Chapters

  • Kadous, K., & Zhou, D., T. Libby and L. Thorne (Ed.) (2017). Maximizing the contribution of JDM style experiments The Routledge Companion to Behavioral Research in Accounting.


  • Zhou, D. (2018). Undue Influence? The effect of social media advice on investment decisions. AAA FARS Section Midyear Meeting.
  • Zhou, D. (2018). Counteracting the directional influence of incentives on auditor judgment. AAA Auditing Section Midyear Meeting.
  • Zhou, D. (2016). How does intrinsic motivation improve auditor judgment in complex audit tasks? 31st Annual Contemporary Accounting Research Conference.

Working Papers

  • Zhou, D. Counteracting the directional influence of incentives on auditor judgment.  link >
  • Kadous, K., Mercer, M., & Zhou, D. Why do investors rely on low quality investment advice? Experimental evidence from social media platforms.  link >

Honors and Awards

  • List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

Research Interests

Judgment and decision making in auditing and financial accounting; Effects of motivation on decision making; Information processing; Audit litigation

Current Courses

  • Auditing & Assurance Standards (ACCY 515) Role of professional and ethical standards in the conduct of auditing and assurance services and the role of auditing and assurance services in corporate governance and capital markets. This course selectively surveys both academic and professional literature to focus on the conduct of auditing and assurance services. Cases, class discussion, group projects, and data analytics using Tableau emphasize the importance of critical thinking, group processes, and communication for professional accounting practice. Real-world scenarios assist in implementing auditing standards.


4074 Business Instructional Facility

515 Gregory Dr

Champaign, IL 61820



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