Dan Bernhardt

Dan Bernhardt

IBE Distinguished Professor

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410 David Kinley Hall

1407 Gregory Dr

Urbana, IL 61801



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Recent Publications

  • Bernhardt, D., Xiao, Z., & Wan, C. (2016). The Reluctant Analyst. Journal of Accounting Research, 54 (4), 987-1040.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Boulatov, A. (2015). Robustness of Equilibrium in the Kyle Model of Informed Speculation. Annals of Finance, 11 (3-4), 297-318.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Graham, B. (2015). Flexibility vs Protection from an Unrepresentative Legislative Majority. Games and Economics Behavior, 93 59-88.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Shadmehr, M. (2015). State Censorship. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 280-307.

Other Publications


  • Bernhardt, D., & Camara, O. (2015). Learning about Challenges. Games and Economics Behavior, 90 181-206.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Lee, F. (2015). Trial Incentives in Sequential Litigation. American Law & Economic Review, 17 (1), 214-244.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Taub, B. (2015). Learning about Common and Private Values in Oligopoly. RAND Journal of Economics, 45 (1), 66-85.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Bengtsson, L. (2014). Different Problem, Same Solution: Contract-Specialization in Venture Capital. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 23 (2), 396-426.
  • Bernhardt, D., & Bengtsson, L. (2014). The Role of Lawyers in Venture Capital Contracting: Theory and Evidence. Economic Inquiry, 1080-1102.

Working Papers

  • Bernhardt, D., & Graham, B. Multiproduct Bertrand Oligopoly with Exogenous and Endogenous Consumer Heterogeneity.  link >


410 David Kinley Hall

1407 Gregory Dr

Urbana, IL 61801



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