Cele Otnes is the Anthony J. Petullo Professor of Business Administration and head of the Department of Business Administration. She joined the University of Illinois faculty in 1990 and became department head in 2018. Otnes holds a bachelor’s in English literature from Louisiana State University. She earned her MA in advertising from the University of Texas at Austin and PhD in communications from the University of Tennessee. Her research explores how consumers participate in rituals such as gift-giving, holidays, and cultural celebrations at the micro, macro, and marketplace levels.
474 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Communications, University of Tennessee, 1990
- M.A., Advertising, University of Texas at Austin, 1985
- B.A., English Literature, Louisiana State University, 1981
Positions Held
- Department Head, Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2021
- Interim Department Head, Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2017-2018
- Anthony J Petullo Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017 to present
- Consultant, Flamingo Research, Ltd., 2016
- Professor of Recreation, Sport, and Tourism, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016
- Director of Undergraduate Studies, Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2015-2017
- Adjunct Professor, Norwegian School of Business and Economics, 2015 to present
- Consultant, Hallmark, Inc., 2014
- Interim Director, Undergraduate Studies, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2014
- Consultant, Research Department, Hallmark Cards, 2012
- Investors in Business Education Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2007-2017
- Professor, Campus Honors Program, University of Illinois, 2005-2014
- Professor of Advertising, University of Illinois, 2005-2014
- Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2005 to present
- Associate Professor of Marketing, Department of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2000-2005
- Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Rutgers University, 1999-2000
- Appointed Associate Professor, Campus Honors Faculty, University of Illinois, 1997
- Associate Professor, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois, 1996-1999
- Assistant Professor Department of Advertising, Department of Advertising, University of Illinois, 1990-1996
Recent Publications
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. Forthcoming. Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture. ( pp. 400). University of California Press.
- Lowrey, T., Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. Forthcoming. Shopping with Consumers: Reflections and Innovations. Qualitative Marketing Research.
- Otnes, C., Helaine Silverman and Mike Robinson (Ed.) Forthcoming. The Poppies: Producing and Consuming Commemoration of the First World War in Britain. Heritage of Death: Producing and Consuming Landscapes of Memory, Sentiment, and Performance London: Routledge.
- Tuncay, L., & Otnes, C. Forthcoming. The Use of Persuasion-Management Strategies by Identity-Vulnerable Consumers: The Case of Heterosexual Male Shoppers. Journal of Retailing, 487-499.
Other Publications
- Otnes, C. (2022). From plate to place: the role of restaurant servicescapes in the development of tourists' place meanings in Brittany, France. TOURISM RECREATION RESEARCH, 47 (3), 316-331.
- Otnes, C. (2021). High-Quality Qualitative Research: Getting Into Gear. Journal of Service Research, 24 (2), 163-167.
- Otnes, C., Tuncay Zayer, L., Arias, R., & Sreekumar, A. (2018). The Roles of Extraordinary Beliefs in Consumer Rituals. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 3 (4), 566-581.
- Otnes, C. (2018). Royalty: marketplace icons. Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 21 (1), 65-75.
- Mirabito, A., Otnes, C., Crosby, E., Wooten, D., & fifteen-coauthors, a. (2016). The Stigma Turbine: A Theoretical Framework for Conceptualizing and Contextualizing Marketplace Stigma. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 35 (2), 170-84.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2016). Royalty (invited article; Marketplace Icons series), Consumption, Markets & Culture. Consumption, Markets, and Culture, 1-11.
- Zayer, L., Otnes, C., & Fischer, E. (2015). The Nature and Implications of Consumers' Experiential Framings of Failure in High-Risk Service Contexts. Journal of Service Research, 18 (3), 303-317.
- Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & Crosby, E. (2014). Product-Agency Benefits: Consumer Perspectives and Strategic Implications. European Journal of Marketing, 48 (5/6), 878-897.
- Otnes, C., Ilhan, B., & Kulkarni, A. (2012). The Language of Marketplace Rituals: Implications for Customer Experience Management. Journal of Retailing, 88 (3), 367-385.
- Maehle, N., Otnes, C., & Supphellen, M. (2011). Consumers' Perceptions of the Dimensions of Brand Personality. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10 290-303.
- Otnes, C., Tuncay, L., & Fischer, E. (2007). Pursuing Parenthood: Integrating Cultural and Cognitive Perspectives on Persistent Goal Striving. Journal of Consumer Research, 34 (4), 425-440.
- Nelson, M., & Otnes, C. (2005). Exploring cross-cultural ambivalence: A netnography of intercultural wedding message boards. Journal of Business Research, 58 (1), 89-95.
- Lowrey, T., Otnes, C., & Ruth, J. (2004). Social Influences on Dyadic Giving over Time: A Taxomony from the Giver's Perspective. Journal of Consumer Research, 31 547-558.
- Ruth, J., Brunel, F., & Otnes, C. (2004). An Investigation of the Power of Emotions in Relationship Realignment: The Gift Recipient's Perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 21 29-52.
- Ruth, J., Brunel, F., & Otnes, C. (2002). Linking Thoughts to Feelings: Investigating Cognitive Appraisals and Consumption Emotions in a Mixed-Emotions Context. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 44-58.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (2001). Perceptions and Realities of the Male Shopper. Journal of Retailing, 77 111-137.
- Treise, D., Wolburg, J., & Otnes, C. (1999). Understanding College Drinking as Ritual Behavior: An Alternative Framework for PSA Developers. Journal of Advertising, 28 117-131.
- Treise, D., Otnes, C., & Oviatt, A. (1999). An Examination of Leadership Behavior among Agency Creatives. Journal of Advertising Education, 3 25-34.
- Ruth, J., Otnes, C., & Brunel, F. (1999). Gift Receipt and the Reformulation of Interpersonal Relationships. Journal of Consumer Research, 26 385-402.
- Arnould, E., Price, L., & Otnes, C. (1999). Making Consumption Magic: A Study of White-Water River Rafting. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 28 33-67.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (1999). New Research on Consumption Rituals. Journal of Ritual Studies, 12 35-46.
- Otnes, C., Lowrey, T., & Shrum, L. (1997). Toward an Understanding of Consumer Ambivalence. Journal of Consumer Research, 24 80-93.
- Otnes, C. (1996). A Critique of 'Daytime Gameshows and the Celebration of Merchandise: The Price is Right'. Journal of American Statistical Association, 19 51-54.
- Otnes, C., & Scott, L. (1996). Somthing Old, Something New: Exploring the Interaction Between Ritual and Advertising. Journal of Advertising, 25 33-50.
- Otnes, C., McGrath, M., & Lowrey, T. (1995). Shopping with Consumers: Past, Present, and Future Research Technique. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2 97-110.
- McGrath, M., & Otnes, C. (1995). Unacquainted Influencers: When Strangers Interact in the Retail Setting. Journal of Business Research, 32 261-272.
- Otnes, C., Oviatt, A., & Treise, D. (1995). Views of Advertising Curricula from Experienced 'Creatives'. Journalism Educator, 49 21-30.
- Otnes, C., Kim, K., & Kim, Y. (1994). Yes, Virginia, There is a Gender Difference: Analyzing Children's Requests to Santa Claus. Journal of Popular Culture, 28 17-30.
- Otnes, C., Kim, Y., & Kim, K. (1994). All I Want for Christmas: An Analysis of Children's Brand Requests to Santa Claus. Journal of Popular Culture, 27 183-194.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (1994). Ritual Socialization and the Children's Birthday Party: A Study of Gender Differences. Journal of Ritual Studies, 8 73-93.
- Otnes, C., Lowrey, T., & Kim, Y. (1993). Gift Selection for 'Easy' and 'Difficult' Recipients: A Social Roles Interpretation. Journal of Consumer Research, 20 229-244.
- Otnes, C., Spooner, E., & Treise, D. (1993). Reflections on Advertising Education: 'New Creatives' Speak Out. Journalism Educator, 47 9-17.
Book Chapters
- Otnes, C., & Arias, R. (2019). Reflections on Romantic Gift Exchange an Intersectional Conversation. ( pp. 237-251).
- Otnes, C., Olga Kravetz, Pauline Maclaran, Alladi Venkatesh, Steve Miles (Ed.) (2018). Re-presenting, Reinvigorating and Reconciling Gift-Giving Research within and beyond the CCT Paradigm. Sage Handbook of Consumer Culture ( pp. 214-234). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Otnes, C. (2017). Mind, self and consumption: George Herbert Mead. Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory ( pp. 113-119).
- Maclaran, P., & Otnes, C. (2017). Reinvigorating the Sherlock Myth Elementary Gender Bending. Contemporary Consumer Culture Theory ( pp. 152-172).
- Maclaran, P., & Otnes, C., John F. Sherry, Jr., Eileen M. Fischer (Ed.) (2017). Regendering Sherlock: Applying a Butlerian Lens". Contemporary Consumer Culture Theory London: Routledge.
- Otnes, C., Michael Solomon and Tina M. Lowrey (Ed.) (2017). The Case for Exploring Cultural Rituals as Consumption Contexts. Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior London: Routledge.
- Maclaran, P., Otnes, C., & Tuncay Zayer, L., Margit Keller, Bente Halkier, Terhi-Anna Wilska, Monica Truninger (Ed.) (2016). Gender Research in Consumer Behavior: Evolution and Expansion of a Construct". Routledge Handbook on Consumption London: Routledge.
- Hartman, J., Carson, C., Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P., Michael Robinson and Helaine Silverman (Ed.) (2015). Contemporizing Kensington Palace: Popular Culture and the "Enchanted Palace" Exhibit. Encounters with Popular Pasts: Cultural Heritage and Popular Culture ( pp. 165-184). New York: Springer Publications.
- Otnes, C., Cele C. Otnes (Ed.) (2014). Santa Claus as Scholar, Consumption Research as Passion: The Impact of Russell W. Belk's Research on Gift-Giving, Sharing and Consumption Holidays. Gift-Giving, Sharing and Consumption Holidays Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Tuncay Zayer, L., & Otnes, C., Cele C. Otnes and Linda Tuncay-Zayer (Ed.) (2012). Climbing a Ladder or Chasing a Dream?" Men's Responses to Idealized Portrayals of Masculinity in Advertising. Gender, Culture and Consumer Behavior ( pp. 87-110). Psychology Press, N.Y.
- Otnes, C., & Fischer, E., John F. Sherry, Jr., Eileen M. Fischer (Ed.) (2009). Are We There Yet? Co-Producing Success and Failure in Personal Training. Consumer Culture Theory ( pp. 101-113). London: Routledge.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., Kreuzbauer, R., & Ho, J., John F. Sherry, Jr., Eileen M. Fischer (Ed.) (2009). Tinsel, Trimmings and Tensions: Consumer Negotiations of a Focal Christmas Artifact. Consumer Culture Theory ( pp. 171-189). London: Routledge.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P., Robert Kozinets, Bernard Cova, and Avi Shankar (Ed.) (2007). The Consumption of Cultural Heritage among a British Royal Family Brand Tribe. Consumer Tribes: Theory, Practice, and Prospects ( pp. 51-66). Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Otnes, C., & Shapiro, E., Russell W. Belk, John F. Sherry, Jr. (Ed.) (2007). How Brand Collecting Shapes Consumers' Brand Meanings. Consumer Culture Theory: Research in Consumer Behavior ( pp. 401-419).
- Otnes, C., & Tuncay, L., Tina M. Lowrey (Ed.) (2007). Exploring the Link between Masculinity and Consumption. Brick and Mortar Shopping in the 21st Century ( pp. 153-169). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates.
- Otnes, C., & Fischer, E., Russell W. Belk (Ed.) (2006). Breaking New Ground: Developing Grounded Theories in Marketing and Consumer Behavior. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing ( pp. 19-30). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & Lowrey, T., Russell W. Belk (Ed.) (2006). Capturing Time. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing ( pp. 387-399). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Otnes, C., & Ruth, J., Russell W. Belk (Ed.) (2005). The Etiquette of Qualitative Research. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing ( pp. 560-572). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
- Lowrey, T., & Otnes, C., J. Costa (Ed.) (2003). If Only in My Dreams: Consumer Fairy Tales and the Perfect Christmas. Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Anthology ( pp. 99-122). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Arnould, E., Price, L., & Otnes, C. (1998). Magical Romance: Commerical Rafting Adventures. Romancing the Market ( pp. 233-254). London: Routledge.
- Otnes, C. (1998). Friend of the Bride, and then some: The Role of the Bridal Salon in Wedding Planning. ServiceScapes ( pp. 229-258). Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Press.
- Lowrey, T., Otnes, C., & Shrum, L. (1997). Consumer Ambivalence: Perspectives Gained from Shopping with Consumers. New Developments and Approaches in Consumer Behavior Research ( pp. 307-320). Berlin: Macmillan.
- Lowrey, T., Otnes, C., & Robbins, K. (1996). The Role of Values in Christmas Gift Selection. Gift Giving: An Interdisciplinary Anthology ( pp. 37-56). Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press.
- Otnes, C., & Beltramini, R. (1996). Gift Giving: An Overview. Gift Giving: An Interdisciplinary Anthology ( pp. 3-15). Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press.
- Lowrey, T., & Otnes, C., J. Costa (Ed.) (1994). Construction of a Meaningful Wedding: Differences between the Priorities of Brides and Grooms. Gender and Consumer Behavior ( pp. 164-183). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.
Books and Monographs
- Otnes, C. (2014). Gift-Giving, Sharing, and Consumption Holidays. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Gurhan-Canli, Z., Otnes, C., & Zhu , R. (2013). Advances in Consumer Research. ( pp. 1100). Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Tuncay Zayer, L. (2012). Gender, Culture and Consumer Behavior. ( pp. 400). Psychology Press, N.Y.
- Otnes, C., & Qualls, W. (2009). 17th Paul C. Converse Symposium. American Marketing Association.
- Griffin, A., & Otnes, C. (2005). 16th Paul C. Converse Symposium. Chicago, IL: American Marketing Association Publications.
- Otnes, C., & Lowrey, T. (2003). Contemporary Consumption Rituals: A Research Anthology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
- Otnes, C., & Pleck, E. (2003). Cinderella Dreams: The Allure of the Lavish Wedding. University of California Press.
- Otnes, C., & Beltramini, R. (1996). Gift Giving: An Interdisciplinary Research Anthology. Bowling Green, OH: Popular Press.
Conference Proceedings
- Crosby, E., & Otnes, C. Forthcoming. Consumption as a Strategy for Stigma Management". ( vol. 37,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C. Forthcoming. Advertising Standardization: A Review and Normative Model. ( pp. 214). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C., & Faber, R. Forthcoming. Defining a Hierarchy of Media Acceptability for Professional Advertising. ( pp. R24). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., & Maclaran, P. Forthcoming. Above Celebrity: Maintaining Consumers' Experience of Heritage-Based Fame,". ( vol. 38,). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Ruth, J., Tuncay, L., Kulkarni, A., & Otnes, C. Forthcoming. The Influence of Change-focused Advertising Appeals and Self-Referencing on Consumer Persuasion. American Marketing Association: American Marketing Association.
- Oh, H., Otnes, C., & Mehta, R. (2019). Understanding Marketplace Tranquility. NA - Advances in Consumer Research.
- Oh, H., Otnes, C., & Mehta, R. (2017). Domains of Consumer Tranquility and the Tranquility Gap. NA - Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Oh, H., & Mehta, R. (2016). Defining and differentiating marketplace tranquility. ( vol. 44, pp. 572-575). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Klein, J., Lowrey, T., & Otnes, C. (2015). "Humanity Assertion and Anticipated Reckoning: Insights from Gift Exchange in a Crisis Context," Advances in Consumer Research. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Crosby, E., & Otnes, C. (2010). Roles of Food Consumption in the Experience of Homesickness among College Students". ( vol. 37,). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C. (2010). The Consumption of Reading. ( vol. 36, pp. 188). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Ilhan, B. (2010). Curling Up and Reaching Out: Meanings and Motivations for Passionate Readers. ( vol. 36, pp. 188). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Yang, J., Ilhan, B., & Tami, N. (2010). Consumer Mourning and Coping with the Loss of Strategic Rituals: The Case of Marshall Field & Co ( vol. 36, pp. 688). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Kulkarni, A., Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & White, T. (2008). The Role of Congruence Theory in Consumer Response to Business-to-Consumer Gift Giving. ( vol. 35, pp. 901-2). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2008). Living History: Biographical Objects and the Powerful Presence of the Past. ( vol. 8, pp. 112). European Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Maehle, N. (2008). Enhancement of Breand Personality: The Use of Different Information Sources for Different Dimensions. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., Kreuzbauer, R., & Ho, J. (2008). Consumers' Negotiation of the Aesthetic Components of Christmas. ( vol. 35, pp. 773). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Ilhan, B., & Kulkarni, A. (2008). The Structure and Function of Language in the Strategic Rituals of Service Providers. Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2007). Maintaining the Myth of the Monarchy: How Producers Shape Consumers' Experiences of the British Royal Family Brand. ( vol. 35, pp. 68). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Tuncay, L. (2007). The Use of Seeker and Sentry Persuasion Management Strategies by Heterosexual Male Shoppers. ( vol. 34, pp. 565). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Ruth, J., Otnes, C., Tuncay, L., & Kulkarni, A. (2007). The Influence of Self-Referencing and Change-Focused Advertising Appeals. ( pp. 2). Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Maclaran, P. (2005). Brands in Transit: The Dynamics of Cross Cultural Brand Meaning and the British Royal Family Brand. ( pp. 83). Proceedings of the European Association for Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Tuncay, L. (2005). Persisting and Failing in the Marketplace: A Cultural-Discourse Interpretation. ( pp. 251). Proceedings of the International World Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Tuncay, L. (2005). Persisting and Failing in the Marketplace: A Cultural-Discourse Interpretation. ( pp. 251). Proceedings of the World Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., Tuncay, L., & Rodriquez, A. (2005). A Grounded Typology of Consumer Conceptualizations of Failure. ( vol. 32, pp. 460). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Niesen, M., Nelson, M., & Tuncay, L. (2005). From the Poconos to Puerto Vallarta: The Evolutions of Honeymoon Advertising from 1959-2004. ( pp. 353-354). Proceedings of CHARM Marketing History Conference.
- Tuncay, L., Fischer, E., & Otnes, C. (2005). Gender Identity: Women's Experience with Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Proceedings of the Gender, Marketing, and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Lowrey, T., Otnes, C., & Ruth, J. (2004). An Exploration of Social Influence on Dyadic Giving. ( vol. 31, pp. 112). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Tuncay, L. (2004). A Grounded Typology of Consumer Coping Strategies within the Context of Infertility Treatment. ( vol. 31, pp. 579). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Ruth, J. (2003). The Roles of "Everyday" Transformational Products and Services in Consumers' Lives. ( pp. 216). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Brunel, F., Ruth, J., & Otnes, C. (2001). The Impact of Mixed Consumption Emotions on Relationship Quality. ( vol. 28, pp. 370). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (2000). Beyong the Stereotypes of Male Shopping Behavior. ( pp. 101). Proceedings of the Gender, Marketing, and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Ruth, J., & Otnes, C. (2000). Attention to Self, Attention to Others: How Giver Self-Consciousness Influences Gift Giving. ( pp. 62-69). Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Otnes, C. (1999). Session Summary: When Marketing is 'Like Magic'. ( pp. 264-266). Proceedings of the Association for Consumer Research European Conference.
- Otnes, C., Lowrey, P., & Runser-Spanjol, J. (1999). Transformational Claims in Women's Advertisements. ( pp. 265). European Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C. (1998). Special Session Summary: The Longitudinal Turn in Interpretive Consumer Research. ( vol. 25, pp. 176-177). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (1998). Getting Even Stranger: Further Explorations of How Unacquainted Infuencers Interact in Retail Settings. ( vol. 25, pp. 417). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Lowrey, T., & Nelson, M. (1998). Long-Term Lessons Learned from Shopping with Consumers. ( vol. 25, pp. 176). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Arnould, E., Otnes, C., & Price, L. (1997). Magic in the Marketing Age. ( pp. 167-178). Illuminations Conference.
- Otnes, C. (1997). Developing and Executing Consumer-Based Creative Strategy. ( pp. 284). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C., Lowrey, T., & McGrath, M. (1997). Women as Generation-Spanners: A Longitudinal Study of Giving to Parents and Grandparents, and Giving As Parents. ( vol. 24, pp. 20). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Oviatt, A., & Treise, D. (1997). An Examination of Leadership Behavior Among Agency Creatives. ( pp. 123). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C. (1996). Matrimonial Metaphors: Women's Wedding Planning Experiences in the Bridal Salon. ( pp. 171). Proceedings of the Gender and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Ruth, J. (1996). New Insights into the Role of Gender During Christmas Shopping. ( pp. 111). Proceedings of the Gender and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C., Nelson, M., McGrath, M., & Lowrey, T. (1996). Shopping with Consumers: Retrospective and Prospective Methodological Applications. ( vol. 23, pp. 160). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Lowrey, T. (1995). Brides and Their Weddings: What's Advertising Got to Do with It? ( pp. 230). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C., Nelson, M., & McGrath, M. (1995). The Children's Birthday Party: A Study of Mothers as Socialization Agents. ( vol. 22, pp. 622-627). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Oviatt, A., & Treise, D. (1995). Personality and Background Characteristics of Advertising Creatives: What Educators Can Tell Students. ( pp. 181). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C. (1994). Session Summary: The 'Masculine Mystique:' Men's Involvement in Gift Giving, Gift Receipt and Gift Occasions. ( vol. 21, pp. 158). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Oviatt, A. (1994). What Advertising Educators Can Learn From Experienced 'Creatives'. ( pp. 63). Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & Milbourne, C. (1994). The Pleasure of Pain of Being Close: Men's Mixed Feelings About Valentine's Day Gift Exchange Activities. ( vol. 21, pp. 159-164). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., Zolner, K., & Lowrey, T. (1994). In-Laws and Outlaws: The Influence of Divorce and Remarriage upon Christmas Gift Exchange. ( vol. 21, pp. 25-29). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C. (1993). How Consumers Use Information Sources During the Christmas Shopping Season: An Exploratory Study. ( pp. 126-132). American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Lowrey, T. (1993). 'Til Debt Do Us Part: The Selection and Meaning of Artifacts in the American Wedding. ( vol. 20, pp. 325-329). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Lowrey, T. (1993). Construction of a Meaningful Wedding: Differences between the Priorities of Brides and Grooms. ( pp. 150). Proceedings of the Gender and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C., & McGrath, M. (1993). Children's Understanding of Birthday Parties: A Study of Gender Differences. ( pp. 151). Proceedings of the Gender and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C., Milbourne, C., & Ruth, J. (1993). The Influence of Gender and Self Acceptance on Valentine's Day Gift Exchange. ( pp. 54). Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C., Kim, Y., & Lowrey, T. (1992). Ho, Ho, Woe: Christmas Shopping for Difficult People. ( vol. 19, pp. 482-487). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C. (1991). The Early Assimilation of Bauhaus Principles in American Graphic Design. ( pp. 218). Proceedings of the Popular Culture Association Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Woodruff, R. (1991). An Integrative Model for Consumer Search Strategies Used During Christmas Gift Buying. ( pp. 165-175). American Marketing Association Winter Conference.
- Otnes, C. (1990). Variables Influencing Christmas Gift Giving and Gift Buying: A Review and Integrative Model. ( pp. 197-224). College of Communication Research Symposium, University of Tennessee.
- Otnes, C. (1989). The Early Assimilation of Bauhaus Principles into American Graphic Design. ( pp. 191-228). College of Communication Research Symposium, University of Tennessee.
- Otnes, C., & Faber, R. (1989). An Examination of Variables Influencing Loacal Advertiser Media Selection. ( pp. RC57-RC62). American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Faber, R. (1988). The Value of Advance Telephone Notification in Mail Surveys. ( pp. RC144-RC150). American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Faber, R. (1986). The Impact of Professional Society Affiliation on Attitudes Toward Professional Advertising. ( pp. R31-R35). American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2016). Understanding Marketplace Tranquility. Cass Business School Seminar.
- Otnes, C. (2016). What is Going on Here? Designing Impactful CCT Research. University of Sydney Qualitative Workshop.
- Otnes, C. (2014). Richard III is alive and well...and dead: Competition and Controversy for the Reburial of an English King. The Controversial Dead: A Colloquium.
- Otnes, C. (2014). Understanding the British Royal Family Brand Complex. Department of Business Administration Proseminar, University of Illinois.
- Ilhan, B., Kozinets, R., & Otnes, C. (2013). Transmedia Consumption Experiences (TCE): Patching as a Media Consumption Practice. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2013). Consuming the Crown: Key Facets of the British Royal Family Experience. OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
- Maclaran, P., Tissier-Debordes, E., & Otnes, C. (2013). Transformation and Embodied Ritual in A Themed Servicescape Setting. European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2013). Invited Roundtable Participant, Eco-Food Consumption: The Roles of Ethics, Healthstyles, and Environment. European Advances in Consumer Research.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2013). Consuming the Crown: Key Facets of the British Royal Family Experience. European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2013). Consumer Culture Theory. American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Carson, C. (2012). Authenticity in Action: The Rebranding of Kensington Palace, 2011-2012. Contemporary Authenticity Conference.
- Crosby, E., & Otnes, C. (2010). "Roles of Food Consumption in the Experience of Homesickness among College Students". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., & Maclaran, P. (2010). "Above Celebrity: Maintaining Consumers' Experiences of Heritage-Based Fame,". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Maehle, N., Supphellen, M., & Otnes, C. (2010). "Consumers' Perceptions of Brand Personality: An Exploratory Study,". European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., Kwon, M., Chinchanachokchai, B., & Ilhan, B. (2010). "The Impact of Aesthetics in Embedded Service Rituals,". Association for Consumer Research European Conference.
- Crosby, E., & Otnes, C. (2009). "Consumption as a Strategy for Stigma Management". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2008). Providers' Perception of the Structure and Function of Ritual Language. American Marketing Association.
- Otnes, C., & Ilhan, B. (2008). "Curling Up and Reaching Out: Meanings and Motivations for Passionate Readers". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Yang, J., Ilhan, B., & Tami, N. (2008). "Consumer Mourning and Coping with the Loss of Strategic Rituals: The Case of Marshall Field & Co.". Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Tuncay, L. (2008). Oh Baby! Reconciling "Artificial" Means and Authentic Parenthood. Consumer Culture Theory Conference.
- Otnes, C., Ilhan, B., & Kulkarni, A. (2008). The Structure and Function of Language in the Strategic Rituals of Service Providers. American Marketing Association.
- Otnes, C. (2007). Before 'Forever': De Beers Advertising and the Diamond Engagement Ring Tradition. College of Business Women in Business Chicago Alumni Chapter.
- Otnes, C. (2007). Tinsel, Trimmings and Tensions: Consumer Negotiations of a Focal Christmas Artifact. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2007). Maintaining the Myth of the Monarchy: How Producers Shape Consumers' Experiences of the British Royal Family Brand. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Crosby, E., Kreuzbauer, R., & Ho, J. (2007). Consumers' Negotiation of the Aesthetic Components of Christmas. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Ilhan, B., & Kulkarni, A. (2007). Use of Customer Rituals by Service Firms with High versus Low Entrepreneurial Orientations. 16th Frontiers in Services Marketing Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2007). From Sandwiches and Ice Cream to Swans and Ice Sculptures: Father of the Bride (1950) vs. Father of the Bride (1991). Champaign-Urbana Social Science Club.
- Otnes, C., DeBerry Spence, B., & Coulter, R. (2007). Shopping with Consumers in Subsistence Marketplaces. Subsistence Marketing Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2007). Marketing Communications and Branding. University of Illinois.
- Ruth, J., Otnes, C., Tuncay, L., & Kulkarni, A. (2007). “The Influence of Self-Referencing and Change-Focused Advertising Appeals. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Kulkarni, A., Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & White, T. (2007). The Role of Congruence Theory in Consumer Response to Business-to-Consumer Gift Giving. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Maclaran, P. (2007). Living History: Biographical Objects and the Powerful Presence of the Past. European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2006). 'Try, Try Again?': The Influence of Cultural Discourses on Consumer Persistence. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., & Tuncay, L. (2006). The Use of Seeker and Sentry Persuasion Management Strategies by Heterosexual Male Shoppers. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2006). Marketing Fundamentals. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., Maclaran, P., & Fischer, E. (2006). Performing Gender in the Context of Collecting British Royal Family Memorabilia: A Class Act? Gender, Marketing, and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Tuncay, L. (2006). Exploring the Link between the 'New Masculinity' and Consumption: Underlying Tensions and Shopping Behavior. Advertising and Consumer Psychology.
- Otnes, C. (2006). The Media and Marketing Communications. Home Hi Middle School for Girls.
- Otnes, C. (2005). Shopping Happily Ever After? Consumer Fairy Tales and the Perfect Christmas. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., Niesen, M., Nelson, M., & Tuncay, L. (2005). From Poconos to Puerto Vallarta: The Evolution of Honeymoon Advertising from 1959-2004. Conference of the Historical Association of Research in Marketing.
- Otnes, C., Tuncay, L., & Fischer, E. (2005). Persisting and Failing in the Marketplace: A Cultural-Discourse Interpretation. World Congress of Qualitative Inquiry.
- Otnes, C., Fischer, E., & Maclaran, P. (2005). Brands in Transit: The Dynamics of Cross Cultural Brand Meanings and the British Royal Family Brand. European Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2004). Retailing. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., & Ruth, J. (2002). The Roles of 'Everyday' Transformational Products and Services in Consumers' Lives. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2002). From Sandwiches and Ice Cream to Swans and Sculptures: Father of the Bride 1950 versus 1991. Marketing and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Ruth, J., Brunel, F., & Otnes, C. (2002). 'I love You ... I love You Not': Linking cognitive Appraisals, Consumption Emotions, and Relationship Quality. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Xia, L., & Otnes, C. (2002). An Examination of Consumer Browsing Behaviors. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Otnes, C., Kacen, J., & Lowrey, T. (2001). Consumer Innovativeness and Christmas Gift Giving. Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C. (2000). Gifts and Relationships. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C. (2000). The Perceptions and Realities of Male Shopping Behavior. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C. (2000). In Memory of Ann: An Estate Sale Remembered. Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C., Ruth, J., & Brunel, F. (1999). Tell Me about the Occasion, I'll Tell You How You Felt: The Relationship between Situational Appraisals and Consumer Emotions. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C., Spanjol, J., & Lowrey, P. (1999). Transformational Claims in Women's Magazine Advertisements. Midwest Marketing Camp.
- Otnes, C. (1999). Gift Receipt and the Reformulation of Relationships. Rutgers University.
- Otnes, C. (1999). What is it that Counts, Exactly? Or, What We Know about Gift Giving. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., McGrath, M., & Clow, K. (1999). Store Atmosphere and Merchandise Type: How They Mediate Shopping Behavior. Winter Educators' Conference.
- Otnes, C. (1998). Invited Presenter. Heretical Consumer Research Group.
- Otnes, C. (1998). The Influence of Gifts on Relationships. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C., & Szycmziak, J. (1998). Playing Barbies: What Young Women Think About Barbie. Gender and Consumer Behavior Conference.
- Otnes, C. (1998). Meet the Reviewers of the Journal of Advertising. American Academy of Advertising.
- Otnes, C. (1998). The Advertising and Marketing of Barbie. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C. (1998). Marketing Magic. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C. (1998). When Customers Collide: Consumer-Consumer Relationships in Commercial Environments. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Treise, D., Otnes, C., & Oviatt, A. (1997). An Examination of Leadership Behavior Among Agency Creatives. American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Love, L. (1997). The Advertising and Marketing of Barbie. American Culture Association/Popular Culture Association Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Kempton, J. (1995). A Comparison of Award-Winning British and American Advertising. American Culture Association/Popular Culture Association Conference.
- Otnes, C., & Treise, D. (1995). Studying Agency Creative in the Trenches. American Academy of Advertising Conference.
- Lowrey, T., & Otnes, C. (1994). A Theorectical and Interpretive Exploration of Ambivalence within the Context of the Wedding. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Ruth, J., Otnes, C., & Brunel, F. (1994). When Receiving A Gift is Associated with Negative Emotions: Violations of Scripts, Audience, and Artifacts. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Otnes, C. (1992). Research Seminar. University of Illinois.
- Otnes, C. (1990). Research Seminar. University of Illinois.
Honors and Awards
- 2021 Medallion of Honor, The Moms Association at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2021
- "Consumer Tranquility", Marketing Science Institute, 2016-2017
- "Understanding Consumer Tranquility", Association for Consumer Research, 2016-2017
- Belonging and Consumption, Department of Business Administration, College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2015
- “50 Shades of Engagement: Transmedial Brand Engagement as Narrative Consumption Practices”, Marketing Science Institute, 2014-2015
- College of Business Summer Research Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001,2002,2003
- Research Board Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994
- Research Grant, National Association of Broadcasters, 1987
- Professional Development Grant, University of Texas/Shell Oil Company, 1986-1987
Teaching Interests
Teaches courses in consumer behavior and promotions.
Research Interests
Primary area of interest is in the study of ritual-based consumer behavior (e.g., gift giving, weddings, Christmas planning), and how advertising and marketing both shape these rituals.
474 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820