Carlos Torelli is a Professor of Marketing, Head of the Department of Business Administration, and Anthony J. Petullo Professor of Business Administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His areas of expertise include global branding, cross-cultural consumer behavior, self-regulation, and persuasion. He looks to identify the key cultural factors that drive consumer behavior in a globalized economy and to uncover the underlying socio-cognitive processes for such culturally-driven behaviors. From 2016-2019, Torelli was a Center for Professional Responsibility faculty fellow, and from 2017-2020 he was executive director of Executive Education. He joined the University of Illinois in 2016, and earned a BE in civil engineering from Andres Bello Catholic University in 1986, an MBE from Simon Bolivar University in 1993, and an MBA from Marquette University in 1997. In 2007, he received his PhD in business administration from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
474 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
- M.B.A., Marquette University, 1997
- M.B.E., Simon Bolivar University, 1993
- B.E., Civil Engineering, Andres Bello Catholic University, 1986
Positions Held
- Executive Director of Executive Education, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017 to present
- Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016 to present
- Consultant, ExxonMobil, 2015-2017
- Consultant, Workshop for ExxonMobil, 2014-2017
- Associate Professor of Marketing, University of Minnesota, 2013-2016
- Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Minnesota, 2007-2013
- Marketing Vice President, Citibank N.A., 1998,2002,2002-2003
- General Manager, Redimix C.A., 1993,1995
- Technical Manager, Edivial C.A., 1986,1993
Recent Publications
- Liu, Y., Mehta, R., Rindfleisch, A., Torelli, C., & White, T. (2024). Marketing at Illinois. Customer Needs and Solutions, 11 (1), 1-9.
- Torelli, C., & Rodas, M., Gelfand, M. & Erz, M. (Ed.) (2024). Culture and Consumer Behavior: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. The Oxford Handbook of Cross-Cultural Organizational Behavior Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
- Torelli, C., & Rodas, M. (2024). Globally-Minded Marketing- A Cultural Approach to Building Iconic Brands. New York, USA: Springer Nature. link >
- Torelli, C., Cho, H., & Guo, Y. (2022). Women’s Attitudes Toward Sexual Objectification in Brands: A Political Ideology Perspective. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7 (3). link >
- Michel, G., Torelli, C., Fleck, N., & Hubert, B. (2022). Self-Brand Values Congruity and Incongruity: Their Impacts on Self-Expansion and Consumers’ Responses to Brands. Journal of Business Research.
Other Publications
- Rodas, M., John, D., & Torelli, C. (2021). Building brands for the emerging bicultural market: The appeal of paradox brands. Journal of Consumer Research.
- Torelli, C. (2021). Dissemination and Consensual Perceptions of Nation Brands: A Framework for Future Research. International Marketing Review, International Marketing Review, 38 (1), 36-45. link >
- Cho, H., Guo, Y., & Torelli, C. (2021). Collectivism Fosters Preventive Behaviors to Contain the Spread of COVID-19: Implications for Social Marketing in Public Health. Psychology & Marketing. link >
- Torelli, C., Oh, H., & Stoner, J. (2021). Cultural Equity: Knowledge and Outcomes Aspects. International Marketing Review, International Marketing Review, 38 (1), 99-123. link >
- Xu, A., Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2020). Generosity without Borders: The Interactive Effect of Spatial Distance and Donation Goals on Charitable Giving. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 161 65-78. link >
- Torelli, C., Leslie, L., To, C., & Kim, S. (2020). Power and Status across Cultures. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33 12-17. link >
- To, C., Leslie, L., Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. (2020). Culture and Social Hierarchy: Collectivism as a Driver of the Relationship between Power and Status. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 157 159-176. link >
- Wang, J., Torelli, C., & Lalwani, A. (2020). The Interactive Effect of Power Distance Belief and Consumers’ Status on Preference for national (vs. private-label) Brands. Journal of Business Research, 107 1-12. link >
- Park, J., Torelli, C., Basu Monga, A., & Roedder John, D. (2019). Value Instantiation: How to Overcome the Inherent Conflict in Promoting Luxury Brands with CSR Initiatives. Marketing Letters, 30 (3-4), 307-319. link >
- Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. (2019). Global Consumer Culture: Consequences for Consumer Research. International Marketing Review.
- MacInnis, D., Torelli, C., & Park, C. (2019). Creating Cultural Meaning in Products and Brands: A Psychological Perspective. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 29 (3), 555-562. link >
- Kaikati, A., Torelli, C., Page Winterich, K., & Rodas, M. (2017). Conforming Conservatives: How Salient Social Identities Can Increase Donations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 4 422-434.
- Kaikati, A., Torelli, C., Winterich, K., & Rodas, M. (2017). Conforming Conservatives: How Salient Social Identities Can Increase Donations. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., & Rodas, M. (2017). Tightness-Looseness: Implications for Consumer and Branding Research. Journal of Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., & Rodas, M. (2017). Tightness–Looseness: Implications for Consumer and Branding Research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 398-404. link >
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., Cheng, Y., Olson, N., & Stoner, J. (2017). Redefining Home: How Cultural Distinctiveness Affects the Malleability of In-Group Boundaries and Brand Preferences. Journal of Consumer Research.
- Stoner, J., Torelli, C., & Basu-Monga, S. (2017). The Asymmetric Effect of Portfolio and Image Abstractness. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 26 (5), 503-515. link >
- Hao, J., Li, D., Peng, L., Peng, S., & Torelli, C. (2016). Advancing our Understanding of Culture Mixing. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (10), 1257-1267. link >
- Keh, H., Torelli, C., Chiu, C., & Hao, J. (2016). Integrative Responses to Cultural Mixing In Brand Name Translations: The Roles Of Product Self-Expressiveness And Self-Relevance Of Values On Brand Evaluations Among Bicultural Chinese Consumers. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 47 (10), 1345-1360. link >
- Gomez, P., & Torelli, C. (2015). It's not just numbers: Cultural identities influence how nutrition information influences the valuation of foods. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25 (3), 404-415.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., & Weiner, S. (2015). Justice or compassion? Cultural differences in power norms affect consumer satisfaction with power-holders. International Marketing Review, 32 (3/4), 279-306. link >
- Torelli, C., Leslie, L., Stoner, J., & Puente, R. (2014). Cultural Determinants of Status: Implications for Workplace Evaluations and Behaviors. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 123 34-48.
- Torelli, C., & Ahluwalia, R. (2012). Extending Culturally Symbolic Brands: A Blessing or a Curse? Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (5), 933-947.
- Torelli, C., Basu-Monga, S., & Kaikati, A. (2012). Doing Poorly by Doing Good: Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Concepts. Journal of Consumer Research, 38 (5), 948-963.
- Torelli, C., Carvalho, S., Ozsomer, A., Keh, H., & Maehle, N. (2012). Brand Concepts as Representations of Human Values: Do Cultural Congruity and Compatibility between Values Matter? Journal of Marketing, 76 92-108.
- Chiu, C., Gries, P., Torelli, C., & Cheng, Y. (2011). Toward a Social Psychology of Globalization. Journal of Social Issues, 67 (4), 663-676.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2011). The impact of power on information processing depends on cultural orientation. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47 (5), 959-967.
- Torelli, C., Chiu, C., Tam, K., Au, A., & Keh, H. (2011). Exclusionary Reactions to Foreign Cultures: Effects of Simultaneous Exposure to Cultures in Globalized Space. Journal of Social Issues, 67 (4), 716-742.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2010). Culture and concepts of power. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 99 (4), 703-723.
- Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C., Yoon, S., & Riemer, H. (2010). An Exploration of Decision Making and Coping Strategies of English As Second Language Consumers. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 27 (6), 524 - 533.
- Wan, C., Torelli, C., & Chiu, C. (2010). Intersubjective Consensus and the Maintenance of Normative Shared Reality. Social Cognition, 28 (3), 422-446.
- Shavitt, S., Torelli, C., & Wong, J. (2009). Identity-Based Motivation: Constraints and Opportunities in Consumer Research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3), 261-266.
- Torelli, C., & Kaikati, A. (2009). Values as Predictors of Judgments and Behaviors: The Role of Abstract and Concrete Mindsets. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96 (1), 231-247.
- Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C., Gau, R., & Xia, L. (2009). Understanding the Influence of Literacy on Consumer Memory: The Role of Pictorial Elements. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19 (3), 389-402.
- Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Zhang, J., & Torelli, C. (2006). The horizontal/vertical distinction in cross-cultural consumer research. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 325-356.
- Torelli, C. (2006). Individuality or Conformity? The Effect of Independent and Interdependent Self-Concepts on Public Judgments. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (3), 240-248.
- Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., Torelli, C., & Lalwani, A. (2006). Reflections on the meaning and structure of the horizontal/vertical distinction. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 357-362.
Book Chapters
- Torelli, C., & Oh, H. (2020). Cultural Identities in the Era of Globalization: Implications for Consumer Behavior. Handbook of Research on Identity Theory in Marketing ( pp. 332-345).
- Torelli, C., Stoner, J., & Rodas, M. (2017). The Cultural Meanings of Brands. Foundations and Trends in Marketing ( pp. 153-214). link >
- Torelli, ., Rodas, M., & Lahoud, P., H. van Herk and C. Torelli (Ed.) (2017). Culture and Consumer Behavior. Cross Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology: Current Perspectives and Future Directions ( pp. 46-68). Cham: Springer.
- Torelli, C., Hester van Herk and Carlos J. Torelli (Ed.) (2017). Advancing our Understanding of Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology. Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology: Current Directions and Future Perspectives ( pp. 1-6). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Torelli, C., Hester van Herk and Carlos J. Torelli (Ed.) (2017). Culture and Consumer Behavior. Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology: Current Directions and Future Perspectives ( pp. 49-68). Dordrecht: Springer.
- Torelli, C., & Rodas, M., C. V. Jansson-Boyd and M. J. Zawisza (Ed.) (2016). Globalization, Branding, and Multicultural Consumer Behavior. Routledge International Handbook of Consumer Psychology ( pp. 41-58). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.
- Torelli, C., & Cheng, Y., Michael Norton, Derek Rucker, and Cait Lamberton (Ed.) (2015). Globalization, Culture and Consumer Behavior. The Cambridge Handbook of Consumer Psychology Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
- Torelli, C., & Cheng, Y., Sharon Ng and Angela Lee (Ed.) (2015). Culture and Brand Iconicity. Handbook of Culture and Consumer Behavior ( pp. 274-296). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. (2015). Managing Cultural Equity: A Theoretical Framework for Building Iconic Brands in Globalized Markets. Review of Marketing Research ( pp. 83-120). link >
- Shavitt, S., Torelli, C., & Riemer, H., M. Gelfand, C-y Chiu, and Y-y Hong (Ed.) (2011). Horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism: Implications for understanding psychological processes. Advances in Culture and Psychology ( pp. 309-350). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Torelli, C., Keh, H., & Chiu, C., Loken, Barbara, Ahluwalia, Rohini, and Houston, Michael J. (Ed.) (2010). Cultural Symbolism of Brands. Brands and Brand Management: Contemporary Research Perspectives ( pp. 113-132). New York: Routledge.
- Shavitt, S., Lee, A., & Torelli, C., Michaela Wanke (Ed.) (2009). Social Psychology of Consumer Behavior. Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Behavior ( pp. 227-250). Philadelphia: Psychology Press.
Books and Monographs
- Torelli, C., Deborah Roedder John and Carlos J. Torelli (Ed.) (2017). Strategic Brand Management: Lessons for Winning Brands in Globalized Markets. ( pp. 242). Oxford: Oxford University Press. link >
- Torelli, C., Hester van Herk and Carlos J. Torelli (Ed.) (2017). Cross-Cultural Issues in Consumer Science and Consumer Psychology: Current Directions and Future Perspectives. ( pp. 218). Dordrecht: Springer. link >
- Torelli, C., Rodas, M., & Stoner, J. (2017). The Cultural Meaning of Brands. Foundations and Trends in Marketing ( pp. 153-214).
- Torelli, C. (2013). Globalization, Culture, and Branding: How to Leverage Cultural Equity for Building Iconic Brands in the Era of Globalization. ( pp. 176). Hampshire, U.K: Palgrave Macmillan.
Conference Proceedings
- Torelli, C., & Lalwani, A. Forthcoming. Relationship between Literacy and Cognitive Characteristics Relating to Categorization. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. Forthcoming. Culture and mental representations of power goals: Consequences for information processing ( vol. 35, pp. 194-197). Advances in Consumer Research.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2017). Brand Complexity's Impact on Product Liking and Consumer's Sense of Self. ( vol. 45,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2017). Salient Cultural Identities and Consumer Relationships with Culturally Symbolic Brands. Summer Educators' Conference: American Marketing Association.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2017). The Rise of the Complex Brand: Brand Complexity's Impact on Product Liking and Consumers' Sense of Self. American Marketing Association Winter Conference.
- Rodas, M., Barone, M., & Torelli, C. (2017). Thicker than Water: The Influence of Familism on Consumer Response to Brand Extensions. ( vol. 45,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Stoner, J., & Torelli, C. (2017). Too Nice to Be Dominant: How Warmth Impacts an Embodiment of Power in Brands. ( vol. 45,). Advances in Consumer Research.
- To, C., Leslie, L., Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. (2017). Culture and Social Hierarchy: Cultural Differences in the Power-Status Distinction. ( 1 ed vol. 2017, pp. 14224). Academy of Management Proceedings.
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., Cheng, Y., Stoner, J., & Olson, N. (2017). Redefining Home: How Thoughts About Cultural Distinctiveness Affects the Malleability of In-Group Boundaries and Brand Preferences. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA: Academy of Management.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2015). The Self-Expanding Process of Falling in Love with a Brand. ( vol. 43, pp. 181-185). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Rodas, M., Torelli, C., & ren, Y. (2015). Global versus Local: Understanding Cultural Differences on Facebook Business Pages. American Marketing Association Winter Conference: American Marketing Association.
- Stoner, J., & Torelli, C. (2015). A Typology of Brand Power. American Marketing Association: American Marketing Association.
- Stoner, J., Torelli, C., & Basu-Monga, S. (2015). Portfolio-and Image-Based Abstractness: Consequences for Building and Protecting Brand Equity. American Marketing Association Winter Conference: American Marketing Association.
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., & Rodas, M. (2015). Salient Cultural Identities and Consumer Relationships with Culturally Symbolic Brands. ( pp. 181-185). Association for Consumer Research Conference, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- J. K., P., & Torelli, C. (2014). Self-Expansion as a Way of Overcoming the Harmful Effects of Luxury-CSR Incongruity. ( pp. 196-197). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Kaikati, A., Torelli, C., & Page Winterich, K. (2014). Conforming Conservatives: How Norms of Salient Social Identities Overcome 'Heartless Conservative' Tendencies. ( vol. 42, pp. 59-64). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Weiner, S., & Chavez, N. (2014). Fairness or compassion? Cultural differences in power norms affect judgments of power-holders. ( vol. 41,). Advances in Consumer Research, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
- Torelli, C., Stoner, J., Ahluwalia, R., & Cheng, Y. (2014). Superordinate Regional Identities and the Salience of Intergroup Rivalry: Effects of Spontaneous Recategorization on Brand Attitudes. ( vol. 42, pp. 709-710). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Mittal, C., & Vohs, K. (2013). Sex as Power: Attractive Women Link Sexuality and Power for Personal Gain. ( vol. 41, pp. 85-86). Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C. (2006). Abstract and Concrete Mindsets and the Activation of Self-Relevant Goals. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C. (2006). Reasons to "Me" or reasons to "Us:" The Interaction between Self-Construal and a Search for Reasons and its Impact on Consumer's Judgments. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C. (2005). Self-Construal Priming And Perceived Risk: The Moderating Role Of Motivation. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Rodas, M., Koo, M., & Torelli, C. (2023). It’s All About Perspective: The Self-Efficacious Effect of Perspective-Changing Brands. European Association for Consumer Research.
- Euh, H., Rodas, M., Shavitt, S., & Torelli, C. (2023). Starbuck’s America vs. McDonald’s America: Political Ideology and Brand Iconicity. Society for Consumer Psychology, Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Euh, H., Rodas, M., Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2022). We Live in Different Americas: Political Ideology Shapes Perceptions of American Culture and Iconic Brands. Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research.
- Torelli, C., Amaral, N., Keh, H., & Chiu, C. (2019). Gender Stereotypes and the Significance of Brands in American Culture: The Masculine-American Stereotype Explains Gender Asymmetry in Response to Brand Gender Bending. The Future of Brands Conference, Journal of Consumer Research.
- Torelli, C., Amaral, N., Keh, H., & Chiu, C. (2019). Harley Blow Dryers and Dove Men Body Wash: The Masculine-American Stereotype and Its Effects on Gendered Marketing. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference, Association for Consumer Research.
- Barnes, A., Shen, J., Jennifer, S., & Torelli, C. (2019). ’Wanting a Good Cry’: Cultural Differences in Expected Emotion Consumption from Movie Genres. AMA Consumer Behavior SIG Conference, American Marketing Association.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2017). Salient Cultural Identities and Consumer Relationships with Culturally Symbolic Brands. American Marketing Association Summer Marketing Educators' Conference, American Marketing Association.
- Barnes, A., Torelli, C., & Lahoud, P. (2017). Wanting a Good Cry: Cultural Differences in Desirable Emotion Consumption at the Movies. SCP Boutique on Motivation, Emotion, and Product Value.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2016). The Self-Expanding Process of Falling in Love with a Brand. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., Cheng, Y., Stoner, J., & Olson, N. (2016). Redefining Home: How Thoughts About Cultural Distinctiveness Affects the Malleability of In-Group Boundaries and Brand Preferences. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting.
- Torelli, C., Keh, H., Chiu, C., & Hao, J. (2016). Integrative Responses to Culture Mixing in Brand Name Translations: The Roles of Product Self-Expressiveness and Self-Relevance of Values among Chinese Consumers. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology-23rd Congress.
- Torelli, C., Leslie, L., To, C., & Stoner, J. (2016). Cultural Determinants of Social Hierarchies. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology-23rd Congress.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. (2015). A Holistic View of Consumer-Brand Connections. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., & Rodas, M. (2015). Salient Cultural Identities and Consumer Relationships with Culturally Symbolic Brands. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. (2014). The Complex Role of Brand Meanings in Shaping Consumers’ Responses to Brands. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Ahluwalia, R., Cheng, Y., & Stoner, J. (2014). Superordinate Regional Identities and the Salience of Intergroup Rivalry: Effects of Spontaneous Recategorization on Brand Attitudes. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Mittal, C., & Vohs, K. (2013). Sex as Power: Attractive Women Link Sexuality and Power for Personal Gain. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Chavez, N., Cho, Y., & Holbrook, A. (2013). Fairness or Compassion? Cultural Differences in Power Norms Affect Judgments of Power-Holders. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., & Weiner, S. (2013). Fairness or compassion? Cultural differences in power norms affect judgments of power-holders. Association for Consumer Research Conference.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., & Chavez, N. (2012). Culture, Concepts of Power and Attitudes toward Powerholders: Consequences for Consumer Satisfaction in Ongoing Service Interactions. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., Lalwani, A., wang, j., & wang, y. (2012). The Interplay between Power Distance, Position in the Social Hierarchy, and Product Type: Consequences for Consumers’ Preferences for Premium over Generic Brands. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., Weiner, S., & Beebe, T. (2011). Culture, Concepts of Power and Attitudes toward Powerholders: Consequences for Consumer Satisfaction in Ongoing Service Interactions. Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2010). Personalized and socialized power goals: Implications for information processing. 2010 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference.
- Torelli, C., & Shavitt, S. (2007). Culture and mental representations of power goals: Consequences for information processing. In D. Rucker (Chair), The Role of Power In Consumer Behavior: New Perspectives and Insights. Association for Consumer Research Annual Conference.
- Torelli, C., Viswanathan, M., & Lalwani, A. (2006). Relationship between Literacy and Cognitive Characteristics Relating to Categorization. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Torelli, C., Viswanathan, M., & Xia, L. (2006). Literacy and Consumer Memory. Society for Consumer Psychology.
- Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C., Lalwani, A., & Xia, L. (2006). Understanding Cognitive Predilections, Memory, and Decision-Making of Low-Literate Consumers, Paper presented at the Marketing Seminar Series. University of Illinois.
- Viswanathan, M., Torelli, C., Yoon, K., Riemer, H., & Qiu, T. (2005). An Exploration of Decision Making and Coping Strategies of English As Second Language Consumers, La Londe Conference on Communications and Consumer Behavior. Advertising and Consumer Psychology.
Working Papers
- Ng, A., Torelli, C., & Oishi, S. The effect of residential mobility on the choice of unique products.
- Rodas, M., & Torelli, C. It's not gravity, It's self-expansion: The process of falling in love with a brand.
- Rodas, M., Barone, M., & Torelli, C. Thicker than Water: The Influence of Familism on Consumer Response to Brand Extensions.
- Stoner, J., & Torelli, C. Too Nice to Be Dominant: How Warmth Impacts an Embodiment of Power in Brands.
- To, C., Leslie, L., Torelli, C., & Stoner, J. Culture and Social Hierarchy: Cultural Differences in the Power-Status Distinction.
Honors and Awards
- Anthony J. Petullo Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022 to present
- Member of the Business Studies Panel, The Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, 2021 to present
- Zimmerman Faculty Fellowship, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2021-2022
- James F. Towey Faculty Fellow, University of Illinois, Gies College of Business, 2019-2021
- Longitudinal Insights into Cultural Dynamics and Global Political Polarization in the Digital Era, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champ, 2024-2027
- Political Polarization and Cultural Orientation Across the Globe, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2023-2026
- Multicultural Insights Lab, Gies College of Business, 2021-2022
- Latino Healthy Community Environments in Chicago: The Case for Business Investment in Effective Communications (denied), Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2016
- Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Research, 2021 to present
- Senior Editor, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2017 to present
Teaching Interests
Global Marketing, Brand Management Marketing Management
Research Interests
My areas of expertise include global branding, cross-cultural consumer behavior, self-regulation, and persuasion. My research is primarily aimed at identifying the key cultural factors that drive consumer behavior in globalized economy, as well as on uncovering the underlying socio-cognitive processes for such culturally-driven behaviors.
Current Courses
Res Sem in Consumer Behavior (BADM 538) Advanced doctoral level seminar which critically examines the relevance of behavioral and social constructs for generating consumer behavior theories. It specifically discusses the need for, and procedures with which to modify behavioral/social processes.
Brand Management (BADM 590) Special topics in the general area of business. Topics are selected by the instructor at the beginning of each term.
Global Marketing (MBA 547) Enables students to understand how globalization changes consumers and employees at a psychological level, and provides tools for infusing brands with cultural meanings—creating iconic brands—that can resonate with global consumers. The focus is on understanding that culture exists in the mind (e.g., values and beliefs) as well as in the environment (e.g., objects, brands, and institutions), and that globalization creates multi-cultural spaces in contemporary societies. The course provides cultural frameworks for better understanding cross-cultural consumer behavior and for more effectively managing organizations across cultural boundaries. In addition, the course introduces the key functions of a global marketer attempting an entry in a new market: sizing the market, understanding the cultural background of consumers in the new market (and how they differ from those of the home market), anticipating cultural differences in consumer behavior, evaluating whether to standardize or adapt the marketing mix, and developing a marketing plan that can resonate at the cultural level. 4 graduate hours. No professional credit. Credit is not given towards graduation for both MBA 547 and BADM 590, Global Impact: Cultural Psychology & Business Ethics.
474 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth St
Champaign, IL 61820