Blockchain is playing an increasingly prominent role in many aspects of our lives. Some we see, and others we don’t. While blockchain is still in its infancy, much like the internet of the 1990s, its applications are expected to change everything from buying a house to registering a business to presenting yourself in the Metaverse.
At Gies College of Business, we’re embracing the disruptive power of blockchain by incorporating it into our curriculum in a meaningful and impactful way. We’re preparing our students and corporate partners to be the disruptors instead of the disrupted. We’re committed to being the most innovative business school on the planet, so we can change the way business is taught and change the way business is done.
Blockchain Summit 2023
The Blockchain Summit is designed to accelerate collaboration between the blockchain industry & Gies College of Business. The summit will bring together industry experts, academic researchers and, top students for exchange of ideas, presentation of state-of-the-art research, and demonstration of applications utilizing Blockchain technology that span verticals from finance, audit & tax, law, supply chains, to other domains.
Making blockchain accessible for teaching and research
Gies Business has created its own blockchain – called iBlock – which provides hands-on opportunities for faculty and students. The vision for iBlock is to allow Gies to easily embed blockchain/Web3 technology and applications into the classroom.
Right now, faculty and students can sign up for their own account on the blockchain and view transactions through the iBlock website. Professors will be able to "check out" their own blockchains and use the Disruption Lab's library of decentralized apps or smart contracts so students can interact with it. Students can also contribute to the blockchain by writing their own smart contracts and user interfaces.

Blockchain and Its Application in Business
Blockchain networks allow anything to be traded and tracked, increasing transparency, cutting costs, and reducing risk. Do you know how it will impact your industry? Robert Brunner, Chief Disruption Officer at Gies College of Business, welcomed RSM's National Leader for Blockchain and Digital Assets Jay Schulman to discuss blockchain basics and how varying business areas utilize these applications.
Blockchain and Accounting: Big Deal or Big Dud
Because it enables data sharing in a transparent yet secure way, Blockchain has become a valuable tool for streamlining processes. But how does blockchain work, and what impact will it have on the work of auditors and accountants? Gies faculty members Robert Brunner and Josh Herbold discussed what blockchain means for business and career opportunities in accounting, finance, and information technology.

Gies builds iBlock, leading blockchain revolution in higher education
Gies College of Business is solidifying its place at the forefront of the blockchain revolution with the creation of its own blockchain, to be used for both teaching and research.

How blockchain is disrupting business applications, personal identity
Those exploring the impact of blockchain on their business and personal lives should proceed with caution, according to a pioneer in enterprise blockchain technology and the adoption of digital assets such as bitcoin.

Choi’s $100K Bitcoin gift to fund blockchain education at Gies
Gies College of Business alumnus – and successful professional poker player – Stanley Choi has made a living being comfortable with ambiguity. So it should come as no surprise that he has wholeheartedly embraced what some believe is the next great frontier: cryptocurrency and blockchain.

iMBA student leads platform design of first business school blockchain
Saroja Hanasoge has found herself at the center of the blockchain revolution in higher education. She is leading the design of iBlock, the first layer 2 blockchain platform built by a top business school. Its purpose is to meet the growing demand for deep understanding of blockchain applications.

The University of Illinois named a top innovator building the Chicago Crypto Ecosystem by Forbes
Ranked in the top five nationally in overall blockchain by Coindesk, the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign is a top university for blockchain education, offering a variety of courses around blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Robert Brunner, Chief Disruption Officer, ensures Gies College of Business remains abreast of current trends in technology and also identifies and embraces future opportunities with a preemptive approach.

“We teach our students to develop fresh ideas to solve important societal problems. The wealth of data available today has fundamentally changed our world. It impacts businesses everywhere, and it also dictates the way we deliver business education to prepare the leaders of tomorrow.”
- Robert Brunner
Engaging with blockchain through the Disruption Lab
To prepare our students and support industry, we created the Disruption Lab, a cross-campus initiative built around student projects where interdisciplinary teams of students collaborate on a project focused a variety of emerging technologies including blockchain. Students are able to explore innovations of interest to them, while also delivering a viable solution to help businesses successfully navigate disruption.