Positions Held
- PhD Student in Accountancy, Accountancy, UIUC, 2020 to present
Recent Publications
- Wang, L., Williamson, M., & Yang, L. Forthcoming. The Effect of Total Work-Time Information on a Performance Evaluation Bias against Telecommuting Mothers. The Accounting Review.
Honors and Awards
- Joseph E. Zwisler and Ouida Wald Zwisler Summer Doctoral Fellowship, UIUC, 2024-2024
- List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students (Outstanding), UIUC, 2022-2024
- Fred H. Figge Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award, UIUC, 2023-2023
- Marvin and Nancy Dennis Doctoral Fellowship, UIUC, 2022-2022
- P. Christopher Lu Doctoral Excellence Award, UIUC, 2021-2022
Current Courses
Accounting Control Systems (ACCY 304) Explores an important framework that highlights the vital roles accounting control systems play in shaping and implementing organizational strategy. Components of this framework include internal controls, organizational missions and values, codes of ethics, performance measurement, evaluation, and reward systems. Case studies, class discussions, group exercises, and field research projects emphasize critical reasoning, data analytics, teamwork, and written and oral communication.