Educational Background
- MS Business Administration, Business Administration, Seoul National University, 2018
- BA, Business Administration, Sogang University, 2016
Recent Publications
Other Publications
- Ryu, J., & Katz, J. (2023). Observing Unscrupulous Unicorns: Founder Prototype Effects on Internal Stakeholders’ Evaluations within Entrepreneurial Ventures. Academy of Management.
- Ryu, J. (2023). Exploring the development of a management concept through vocabulary: Firm adaptation and commitment in the case of the agility concept. Artificial Intelligence in Management Conference, USC Marshall.
- Ryu, J. (2022). Exploring the development of a management concept through vocabulary: Firm adaptation and commitment in the case of the agility concept. Wharton Corporate Strategy and Innovation Conference.
- Ryu, J. (2021). Unicorn Leaders as Legitimate Troublemakers: Evaluations of the Founders’ Ambiguous Wrongdoings in Entrepreneurship Ventures. European Group for Organization Studies Colloquium.
Research Interests
Emerging Technology and Management Concepts (e.g., Agility)
Social Evaluations
Natural Langauge Processing methods
Current Courses
Designing and Managing Orgs (BADM 312) Understanding of complex organizations; particular attention to ways of dividing work, achieving coordination, and issues connected with change and adaptation.