E. Geoffrey Love

E. Geoffrey Love

Associate Professor of Business Administration and Academic Co-Director of Hoeft T&M

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Geoff Love is associate professor of business administration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include social evaluations (e.g., reputation and status), organizational and institutional change, downsizing, and more recently, organizational innovation, drawing on his experience as an entrepreneur. He has taught courses on organizational design, managing innovation, strategic innovation, organizational behavior and management, organizational change, and entrepreneurial management. Love joined the University of Illinois in 2002, becoming an assistant professor in 2009 and an associate professor in 2016. He serves as academic director for management majors and academic director of the Carle Executive Education Program at the University of Illinois. Love earned two degrees from Harvard University, an AB in applied mathematics in 1982 and a PhD in organizational behavior in 1997.


308 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820



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Educational Background

  • Ph.D., Organizational Behavior, Dissertation: The Diffusion of Downsizing Among Large U.S. firms, 1977-1995: The Role of Firm Status, Harvard Graduate School of Business, 1997
  • A.B., Applied Mathematics, Harvard University, 1982

Positions Held

  • Academic Co-Director of Hoeft T&M, The Hoeft Technology and Management Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024 to present
  • Academic Director of Professional Education Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020-2021
  • Academic Director of the Carle Executive Education Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018-2020
  • Associate Professor of Business Administration, Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016 to present
  • Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009-2016
  • Lecturer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2009
  • Visiting Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois, 2002-2006
  • Assistant Professor of Management, Rice University, 1996-2001

Recent Publications

  • Love, E. (2024). Attentional Control Systems for Emergent Strategic Issues in the post-Chandlerian World. Strategic Organization, 22 (1), 146-164.
  • Cheng, J., & Love, E. (2022). Designing Chief Innovation Officer Postions: A Strategic Contingency Framework. Journal of Organization Design, Springer International Publishing, 11 115-128.

Other Publications


  • Cheng, J., Love, E., & Chhillar, D. (2020). National Innovation Ecosystems in the G-20 Countries: Institutions, Knowledge Infrastructure, and Firm Capabilities. Knowledge Infrastructure, and Firm Capabilities (August 26, 2020).
  • Love, E., Lim, J., & Bednar, M. (2017). The face of the firm: The influence of CEOs on corporate reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 60 (4), 1462-1481.
  • Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2017). Failed Stakeholder Exchanges and Corporate Reputation: The Case of Earnings Misses. Academy of Management Journal, 60 880-903.
  • Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2015). Paying the price? The impact of controversial governance practices on managerial reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 58 (6), 1740-1760.
  • Love, E., Love, D., & Northcraft, G. (2010). Is the End in Sght? Student Regulation of In-Class and Extra-Credit Effort in Response to Performance Feedback. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 9 (1), 81-97.
  • Love, E., Love, D., & Northcraft, G. (2010). Is the end in sight? Student regulation of in-class and extra-credit effort in response to performance feedback. Academy of Management Learning & Education, Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY, 9 (1), 81--97.
  • Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2009). Character, Conformity, or the Bottom Line: How and Why Downsizing Affected Corporate Reputation. Academy of Management Journal, 52 (2), 314-335.
  • Love, E., & Cebon, P. (2008). Meanings on Multiple Levels: Organizational Culture and Diffusion in Institutionalized Environments. Journal of Management Studies, 45 (2), 239-267.
  • Love, E., & Cebon, P. (2008). Meanings on multiple levels: The influence of field-level and organizational-level meaning systems on diffusion. Journal of Management Studies, Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK, 45 (2), 239--267.
  • Love, E., & Nohria, N. (2005). Reducing Slack: The Performance Consequences of Downsizing by Large Industrial Firms, 1977-1993. Strategic Management Journal, 26 (12), 1087-1108.
  • Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2005). How do firms’ actions influence corporate reputation. The case of downsizing at large US firms. Academy of Management Proceedings, P1-P6. doi: http://dx. doi. org/10.5465/AMBPP.
  • Love, E., & Nohria, N. (2005). Reducing slack: The performance consequences of downsizing by large industrial firms, 1977--93. Strategic Management Journal, John Wiley \& Sons, Ltd. Chichester, UK, 26 (12), 1087--1108.
  • Cebon, P., & Love, E. (2003). Two Lenses on a Process: Categorization and Conformity During Institutionalization'. Melbourne Business School.
  • Nohria, N., & Love, E. (1996). Adaptive or Disruptive: When Does Downsizing Pay in Large Industrial Corporations.

Book Chapters

  • Kraatz, M., & Love, E., D. Ketchen & D. Bergh (Ed.) (2006). Studying the Dynamics of Reputation: A Framework for Research on the Reputational Consequences of Corporate Actions Research Methodology in Strategy and Management ( pp. 343-383). London: Elsevier.

Books and Monographs

  • Cebon, P., & Love, E. (2003). Meanings on multiple levels: Organizational culture and diffusion in institutionalized environments.

Case Studies

  • Love, E. (1994). Wyatt Co. Compensation Consulting Practice (A) and (B). Harvard Business School Case #9-495-026 & 027 Mass: Harvard Business School.
  • Love, E., & Eccles, R. (1991). Compaq Computer Corporation. Harvard Business School Case #9-491-011 Mass: Harvard Business School.

Conference Proceedings

  • Lim, J., & Love, E. (2017). Changing of the Guards: The Impact of CEO Succession on Corporate Reputation. Academy of Management Proceedings ( 1 ed vol. 2017, pp. 14866).
  • Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The Reputational Impact of Corporate Governance: The Case of Poison Pills. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Cebon, P., & Love, E. (2006). Location within The Field and the Institutional Construction of Managers' Cognition. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2005). How do firms' actions influence corporate reputation? The case of downsizing at large U.S. firms. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Love, E., & Cebon, P. (2002). Why do late adopters perform poorly: Symbolic adoption, or cultural incongruity. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Love, E. (2000). Changing Technical and Institutional Influences on Adoption of an Administrative Practice: Downsizing at Large U.S. Firms, 1977-1995. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.
  • Love, E. (1996). The Diffusion of Downsizing Among Large U.S. Firms, 1977-1995: The Role of Firm Status. Academy of Management Expanded Best Paper Proceedings.

Other Publications

  • Love, E. (1997). The Diffusion of Downsizing among Large US Firms, 1977-95: The Role of Firm Status. Harvard University.


  • Love, E., & Ocasio, W. (2024). Research Frontiers on the Attention-Based View of the Firm. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Academy of Management.
  • Love, E., Ryu, J., Ocasio, W., Adler, P., Chhillar, D., & Jancsary, D. (2024). The Material and Symbolic Aspects of Management Concepts. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Academy of Management.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. (2020). Ambiguity, Diagnosticity, and Reputation (In)consistent Actions The Case of Patent Litigation in the U.S., 1988-2012. 36th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Ramaswamy Vijayasankaran, A., & Love, E. (2020). How do I get on that List? Theory and Evidence on Relationship Quality’s Influence on CEO Rankings. 36th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Lim, J., Love, E., & Bednar, M. (2019). Changing of the guard: The impact of CEO succession on corporate reputation. 35th EGOS Colloquium.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. (2019). How do I get on that List? Theory and evidence on working relationships’ influence on CEO rankings. Seminar, Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. (2018). When do Firms Act (In)consistently with their Reputations? The Influence of Social Role Occupancy Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Social Evaluation PDW.
  • Lee, S., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2018). Organizational consequences of institutional compliance. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Lee, S., & Love, E. (2016). Adaptation and Multiple Institutional Pressures: Korean Manufacturing Firms' Response to Post-Crisis Reform. Strategic Management Society Special Conference.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. (2015). Reputation for Toughness and Patent Litigation Outcomes: Effects of Differential Roles and Embeddedness. Strategic Maqnagement Society Conference.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. (2014). Asymmetric Effects of Reputation in Contentious Relationships: Plaintiff’s and Defendant’s Reputations for Toughness in Patent Litigation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Love, E. (2013). A Social Judgment Perspective on how Performance Outcomes Shape Reputational Ascriptions: The Role of Path Dependence and Relative Comparison. Oxford Reputation Centre Annual Conference.
  • Love, E., Lim, J., & Bednar, M. (2013). The face of the firm: How CEOs affect corporate reputation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2013). The reputational impact of corporate governance: The case of poison pills. BYU-Utah Strategy Conference.
  • Kraatz, M., & Love, E. (2012). Stakeholder Expectation Violations and Corporate Reputation: Theory and Evidence. Oxford Univ. Reputation Centre Annual Conference.
  • Lim, J., Love, E., & Bednar, M. (2012). The face of the firm: How CEOs affect corporate reputations. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting.
  • Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The Reputational Impact of Corporate Governance: The Case of Poison Pills. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Bednar, M., Love, E., & Kraatz, M. (2011). The reputational impact of corporate governance: The case of poison pills. Midwest Strategy Meetings (Purdue University.
  • Jeong, Y., & Love, E. (2010). How Institutional Logics Influence Cognitive Orientation: The Case of Focused Firms, 1984-1997.”. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Love, E. (2009). Do Performance Declines Matter More than Increases? Re-Examining how Financial Performance Affects Corporate Reputation. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Working Papers

  • Lee, S., & Love, E. Organizational Consequences of Institutional Compliance: HR Practices and Innovation in Korean Firms.
  • Ramaswamy Vijayasankaran, A., & Love, E. Judging a noisy signal: How corporate audiences assess firm performance in evaluations of high CEO regard.
  • Love, E., Somaya, D., & Ocasio, W. Strategic Leadership in Dynamic Environments: An Attention-Based Perspective.
  • Ocasio, W., & Love, E. Business Model Innovation & Organizational Design: An Attention-Based Perspective.
  • Wei, Y., & Love, E. Educational Attainment and Entrepreneurial Career Choice in China: The Moderating Influences of Social Context and Types of Entrepreneurship.
  • Kim-Hahm, H., & Love, E. When Do Firms Act (In)consistently With Their Reputations? The Influence of Social Role Occupancy.
  • Lee, S., & Love, E. Adaptation and Multiple Institutional Pressures: Korean Manufacturing Firms' Response to Post-Crisis Reform.
  • Love, E. Corporate Reputation as a Situated Judgment: The Role of Historical and Relative Comparison in Reputational Ascription.
  • Cebon, P., & Love, E. Institutions Shaping Valuation: Institutional Pressures, Intermediaries, and Variation in Management Best Practices Programs.
  • Jeong, Y., & Love, E. How Institutional Logics Influence Cognitive Orientation: The Case of Focused Firms, 1984-1997.
  • Love, E., & Cebon, P. Theorization, Adaptive Emulation, and Similarity in Forms of Manufacturing Best Practice Programs.
  • Cebon, P., & Love, E. Mimicry or Meaning Making: Variations in Manufacturing Best Practices Programs in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Love, E. Changing Patterns of Imitation and Expectations During Diffusion of an Administrative Practice: Downsizing at Large U.S. Firms, 1977-1995.
  • Love, E. The Role of Firm Status in Adoption of Administrative Practices: The Case of Downsizing Among Large U.S. Firms, 1983-95.

Honors and Awards

  • List of teachers ranked as excellent by their students, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2020-2024
  • Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022
  • Dean's Impact Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2022


  • Attentional Control and Organizational Intelligence, Gies College of Business, 2024-2026

Teaching Interests

Teaches or has taught courses on strategic innovation, organization design and management, innovation management, organizational behavior, organizational change, leadership, and entrepreneurial management.

Research Interests

Research interests: Organizational Innovation, Design and Attention. Social Evaluations (Reputation and Status).

Current Courses

  • Designing and Managing Orgs (BADM 312) Understanding of complex organizations; particular attention to ways of dividing work, achieving coordination, and issues connected with change and adaptation.

  • Scholarship in Bus Admin (BADM 503) Graduate seminar. Presents foundational literature to introduce the theoretical origins of the different areas of Business Administration and explores the linkages among these areas. Outlines the impact of the foundational works on subsequent research.

  • Strategic Innovation (MBA 551) This course will cover the strategic perspective on innovation and the management side of innovation efforts – leadership and design of innovation initiatives such that employees are able to effectively execute them. It also covers how to successfully implement innovation efforts while working alongside established businesses at the same firm, the challenges of leading product development teams, the analysis of planning and evaluation systems for innovation initiatives, and how to manage innovation when the initiative spans organizational boundaries.


308 Wohlers Hall

1206 S Sixth St

Champaign, IL 61820



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